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Author's Note: I made a boo boo on part two! I misread what I had written to think that the roommate with the bedwetting problem had a diaper fetish, when in fact it was his roommate who had one. He just asks the guy for help. Here's the revised version going through how that night goes, and a bit of the next morning. I like the change in direction this story takes, as I haven't really seen this particular situation pop up in diaper fiction. What do you think?

I looked through my chats, and all I saw was diaper pics and stickers. I looked through my social media feeds and all I saw was diapers. I looked at my internet sites and search history... diapers. And in my closet? Diapers. That's when it hit me. I was a total diaperslut. I looked down and saw what I was wearing, a onesie with a super thick diaper. I could feel it pressing into my crotch, pushing my legs apart. When had this happened? How?

"Heyyyy there, buddy boy!" my roommate said with a grin as we walked in and casually put his hand on the front of my diaper. "Is my little guy wet?"

"You!!!" I shouted. "You're responsible for all this!"

He just chuckled. "Of course! But there's nothing you can do about it now, diaper boy! Nobody would believe you were serious if you tried to quit. Not at this rate. You've proven to everyone you know what a diaperslut you are, and you're gonna stay in diapers, and everyone you know is going to make sure of it."

"Noooooo!!" I cried, as he pushed me back and unbuttoned my onesie.

I sat up in a cold sweat. What a weird dream! And why about my roommate? I whipped off the covers as I was struck by a sudden bout of paranoia. I sighed with relief to see that I was wearing my boxers, as usual. I checked my closet - just my regular clothes. And my chats and feeds - not a diaper in sight. It really was just a weird dream. I sighed and crawled under the covers once more, and fell fast asleep.

"Hey- hey, Ben! Wake up! Hey!"

"W-wha? What's going on?"

"I heard you yelling. I just thought I-"

My roommate stopped and looked down. He had placed his knee on the bed.

"O-oh. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to... uh..."

"I-it's fine," I said, blushing. "I don't even remember what-" then I felt it.

"No..." I said, whipping off my covers. "No, no no!"

My bed was totally wet.

"Hey, man. Calm down. These things happen..." he said, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Not to me!" I said.

"Listen, uh, why don't I make us some coffee. I don't think either of us is going to get any sleep any time soon."

I sat in the kitchen in my bathrobe, sipping on coffee. My roommate leaned against the counter. Awkward silence. The sound of the washer running in the background.

"So..." he began. But he didn't have anything to finish it with.

"Yeah..." I said. I looked down into my coffee.

"Listen, maybe it was just a one time thing." he said, with an encouraging half-smile.

"It's not," I sighed. "To be honest, it's been happening more and more. And..."


"Oh geez, I can't believe I'm admitting this, but those bad dreams? I've been dreaming that I was back in diapers. All the time. And... and you made me wear them! Isn't that weird? Like, it makes no sense!"

"Yeah, ha-ha," he gave an unconvincing laugh and scratched the back of his head. He wasn't making eye contact.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have shared all that. I've made you uncomfortable. I know that it's your thing, but I'm cool with it!"

"Are you? Because it seems like you were pretty freaked out before I woke you."

"I'm sorry, I- I'm just scared that this is going to get worse. And I don't know what to do. Um. Jake? C-can I ask you something?"

He sighed in annoyance. "What?"

"C-could you help me put on a diaper?"

"Ben, that's..."

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I shouldn't have asked!"

"...really hot!" he finished.

"What?" I wasn't sure I had heard him correctly.

"Yeah," he said, smiling and scratching the back of his head without making eye contact. "I-I mean. Uh, I'd like to help... If I can..."

Was he blushing?

I couldn't help it. I jumped up out of the chair and hugged him around the neck.

"Oof! H-heyyy, buddy!" He was taken aback, but after a few seconds of stunned silence, he returned the hug.

"Thank you," I said, pressing my head into his shoulder and trying not to cry. No one had ever helped me with this problem. No one.

"Come on," he said finally. "Finish your drink and let's get you padded."

"Can't wait huh?" I asked, and he smiled sheepishly. I chuckled a bit. Diapers weren't my thing, but it was kind of fun to tease him a bit about it. The way he blushed was just too adorable. My confidence dried up as soon as we entered his room.

The room was covered in wrestling posters, some band posters, a light smell of used jockstraps hung in the air from the load he had in the hamper. Not unpleasant by any means, but definitely there. And somewhere in there was one more thing - diapers.

"Bed," he said, pointing, and I sat down, waiting. The suspense was killing me. As I watched him gather up his supplies from the closet. "Let's see... We've got some Moon Waddlers, some Soggy Froggies.... Ah, here we go. Cuddly Critters."

Seeing how enthused he was about all the types of padding was  pretty cute, but my jaw dropped when he held up the biggest, thickest baby diaper I had ever seen. It looked just like something you'd see in the diaper aisle - Thick white with some circus animals, and bright primary colored designs of lines and triangles.

"Y-you're gonna put me in that?" I asked, incredulous. "It's so big!"

"Well, I'm not taking any chances since you're going to be sleeping in my bed." He stared at me, letting that sink in.

"What do you mean?"

"You can't sleep in a wet bed," he said, simply. He didn't say it with any intonation per se - just matter of factly. "Besides, you did just drink coffee. Chances are it'll happen again and this is the best diaper for side sleepers."

I sighed. "Alright."

He raised an eyebrow. "And?" I blushed, scratching the back of my head.

"Um... thank you for helping."

"You're welcome. Now, upsie daisy!"

"Whoa!" I said as he lifted my legs up. Then came the baby powder. I don't know why but I always found the smell so relaxing. It definitely helped when he shook some on me and the smell reached my nose instantly. I began to relax a bit and let him diaper me. He seemed to know what he was doing too.

"I've diapered cousins, nephews, nieces. It's the same principle."

"Y-yeah," I said, blushing that he put me in the same category as actual babies who still needed diapers. Then, I blurted out, "You know, I could sleep on the couch if it's too-"

"No." he said, firmly but without raising his voice. "You're sleeping in a real bed tonight. My bed. Get over it."

I was sure I was blushing as he pulled the diaper up, snug and secure. When he finished, he surprised me by patting the front and giving me a belly raspberry. I giggled, but then looked at him with surprise.

"Sorry, force of habit," he said, smiling, blushing, and rubbing the back of his head again. Why was my roommate so darn cute? That only made this whole situation more embarrassing for me. It felt a little bit like I was using him, asking for his help like this when I really wasn't into diapers, but at this point I just didn't trust myself to get through the night dry. "So? What do you think?"

I shifted on the bed experimentally. Crinkle. Crinkle. Crinkle.

"These feel kinda like underwear," I said, trying to convince myself more than him. "But... different. It's weird. I don't know if I can sleep in these..."

"Well, like I said, I don't know how much sleep we're going to get tonight. Especially with all that coffee but..." He paused to give an exaggerated yawn, stretching out his arms as he did so. "I reckon it's about time we hit the hay. Come on, then."

He guided me under the covers and climbed in after me, spooning me.

It was weird feeling his legs pressing up against my diaper. Knowing that he could feel the plastic on his skin. It was embarrassing.

He was definitely curious, asking me a few questions about what it felt like, how long I'd been wetting the bed, etcetera.

"D-do I like them?" I asked, taken aback by the question. The thought didn't occur to me, and I really had to think about my answer. "Yes," I said, finally, "Though I don't like the fact that I need them right now."

Jake just nodded, as if that was completely normal. I lay there being spooned by my roommate in just a diaper. Nothing about this situation was normal.

The lights went out and there was no more talking, but I lay awake for a good while after that, hyper aware of the strange feeling of the diapers around my waist. The sound they made every time I shifted. My heart was beating fast, and I didn't think it was because of the coffee. I wondered how long I would have to stay in diapers. I wondered if my roommate was awake. At some point I drifted off to sleep, and I'll give you three guesses what I dreamed about.


I stirred awake with the lightening of the sky. I was sleepy, so it took me a second to register why I was in a different room, and why iI had that funny feeling around my waist. I sat up quickly, nearly knocking Jake out of bed as I whipped off my covers to see that the diapers were completely swollen and yellowed.

"No way!" I said, completely mortified.

"Whoa! Hey, buddy. You okay? I nearly had a heart attack!"

"Sorry, Jake, but no. I'm not okay. I just wet the bed. Again." I hung my head in my hands, "There goes my chance of ever getting a girlfriend - or boyfriend. Who would want to date a bedwetter? Travel? Forget about it."

"Hey, now. It's not that bad," he said, rubbing my back. "At least it stayed in the diaper, right? The bed is completely dry."

"Yeah, I guess so," I sighed. It was still upsetting to know that I had done that completely out of my own control. "At least we know they work."

"Well, I don't know about you, but there's no way I'd be able to get back to sleep after this wake-up call. I'm going to get up and make some breakfast."

"And I'm gonna take a shower," I said, Standing up and stretching. He looked at me, and I felt a tad bit self conscious standing there in just a shirt and a soaked diaper.

"If you want, you can just leave your diaper on the floor there. I'll take care of it for ya."

"What? Really?" I asked. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah, no problem," he said, flashing me a thumbs up." He didn't have to ask me twice.

"Thanks, Jake. You're the best!"

I couldn't wait to get rid of it. The second I opened the tapes, I let the diaper fall to the floor with a thud and hustled my butt out of there. By the time I reached the bathroom door, I could hear the loud sounds of sniffing coming from his room, and I wondered if he was doing what I thought he was doing.

"Pervert," I said to myself with a grin. It was only fair, given how he helped me out last night. It wasn't my thing, not really. But he was kind of right too. It was kinda hot...


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