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As we filed into the factory we saw Linda standing by the entrance, greeting us.

"Good morning, hope you have a nappy day! Good morning! Good morning! Good mor-"

"Excuse me, Linda. It's Dale, the guy you hired yesterday? Can you tell me where my car is?"

"Well hello Dale! Good morning everyone," she said, taking a moment to greet more employees filing in before turning her attention back to me. "Well, sweetie, I'm not completely sure. I haven't seen it before. Can you tell me what it looks like?"

"It looks like shit," I said, "It's a beater for sure, but I parked it out front and now it's not there."

She raised her eyebrows. "Language! We do not tolerate curse words in this factory, young man."

I was shocked at her sudden shift in tone and immediately felt guilty, but then she pulled a chair over and patted her lap. My face turned bright red, but I immediately found myself moving to lie face down over her knees. I didn't move a muscle as I felt the click on the back of my neck and the sleeper zipper came down. I felt so babyish with the thick padding wet pressing against my bits as she revealed my puffy padded backside to the whole line of people coming in.

"Normally I'd pull the back of your diaper down, but you look full to bursting in it. I'll just have to smack your thighs this time. If you were trying to impress your new buddies, this is not the way to do it, kiddo."

I dared to look and saw that everyone was watching with great interest at what was happening. I couldn't be more humiliated. Then the spanks came down.

*Smack* *Smack* *Smack*

They weren't especially hard, but I was a snivelling mess almost immediately. It was as if the pain and humiliation and shame were amplified to an unnatural degree.

After, she took off my outfit leaving me in nothing but my yellow nini diaper and factory booties. She summoned someone over, but I didn't dare look up from the floor.

"Come take the little one to breakfast, Gareth, and make sure he gets a proper change after. Extra thick."

"Yes ma'am," he said.

"And you, little man. You had better behave yourself. Happy Nappy Diaper Company is a professional workplace and I expect all my employees to act like it."

"Yes ma'am," I said in hoarse whisper.

"Now think about how to be better and I'll try to find your car. Go on with Garreth and eat now. I don't want you working on an empty tummy."

I hung my head down as Garreth led me away. I didn't care about my car anymore, or about where I was going. I had been a bad boy.

"Cheer up, kiddo," said Daddy Gareth. "It happens to the best of us. Even I've got a spanking from Linda."

"R-really?" I said, still feeling sorry for myself.

"Sure. But nowadays I don't need it. We can all learn from our mistakes."

I nodded, but still hung my head.

"Hey, look, little guy," said Gareth. "It's the puppy kennel. Maybe you need some puppy therapy..."

I glanced up and saw that on the way to the dining areas was a short corridor that opened up onto a huge kennel. At that moment they were lining up all the human pups. All geared with their uniforms, neoprene or latex - stretched tight over their obviously heavy-duty diapers.

I looked back to Gareth in surprise.

"You wanna say hi?" he asked.

"C-can we?" I asked, beginning to feel excited about the prospect of playing with the puppies.

"Oh,I think we have a little time for that," said Gareth, winking at me.

Gareth led me into the room and the puppies immediately broke formation and swarmed me with curious sniffs and nuzzles all over my body. I giggled as the playful pups gave me all the attention.

Many of them seemed especially interested in my soaked diaper and they pushed their muzzles as far as they could into space between my legs and the soggy padding. I blushed at the unfamiliar but delightful feelings.

"Bark! Bark!" Several of the dogs began alerting with their barks, a sure sign of a soggy diaper in need of a change.

"Hey, now! Quiet. Back into line! Hey, you! Back into- Hey!" The man with the clipboard groaned in frustration. "Hey, will you get the grunt out of here? I'm trying to go through my morning checklist."

"Alright, alright. I just wanted to cheer the little guy up. Let's go, Boomer."

I blushed. So my nickname had reached the supervisors too.

"Next stop, breakfast time!"


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