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CW: Dronification

"Why do we have to go on this stupid tour anyway?" asked Rinaldo as the tour guide led his class into the massive building.

"Hush," said the teacher. "This is mandatory education. All citizens should know about the citizen reform system so that we may understand and appreciate the wisdom of Artie and so that we can be better citizens ourselves!

"Whatever," Rinaldo muttered under his breath. He didn't see what was so great about this 'society' that treated him, a 26 year old, like he was 2.6 years old. "I'll be the freelanders don't have any stupid curfews or restrictions in their society."

The tour guide continued on, heedless of Rinaldo's disgruntled mutterings.

"Welcome to the DADD assembly plant. This is the central processing center for all unruly citizens who cannot be regressed or reformed."

The group passed right into the working factory center without any security checkpoint or other form of barrier. What would be the need? Every person in the area was tracked by AI facial recognition systems, and any disruptions were swiftly dealt with when diaper drones were dispatched.

"Here you can see the beginning of the process. The unruly citizens have just come from the Peace and Calmness Initiation center next door, or PACI for short. There are hardly any compared to the old days, but as you can see, our new guests are all happy to be here."

A paltry few people were being wheeled into the massive processing line. It looked like an automotive assembly plant, with massive crane arms on either side of the chair-platforms. Rinaldo squinted hard but could see no sign of struggle or - anything really.

"Are they alive?" he asked, as they watched the unresisting men and women get de-clothed, and de-haired in a matter of moments by a blast of charged particles, leaving them completely smooth.

"Oh, very much so," said the guide, with a proud grin. To Rinaldo, it was almost obscene. "They have simply been de-coupled, so you will see no movement from them until the new systems are in place. The first step, though, is a nice new diaper."

The crane arms then completed an impossibly delicate task for their large size - they diapered the subjects.

"Now watch, this," said the tour guide. "Here is where we at the components, including the Central Unit Control Kernel, or as we call it, the CUCK" Several pieces were mounted to the heads of the subjects. What looked like ski-goggles. Two small flat black things on either temple. What looked like a rebreather mask placed to cover the mouth and nose. Something unseen being set behind the neck. Suddenly the figures jolted for half a second, but then became absolutely still.

"They are now operational, but the protective coating and serial number must be added."

This statement was punctuated by a spray that coated each of the CUCKed citizens in inky blackness. It quickly hardened to something smooth and shiny, and a small number was stamped on each of them, leaving a small serial number, matte black on glossy black along several key splaces on the DADD bodies.

"And that's all there is to it. A final inspection, and a little programming is added..." Here, technicians appeared to check each of the drones, followed by programmers who uploaded additional specializations beyond what was installed already. The DADDs all stood up then, and walked over to the front of the tour group to stand at attention, the thick shiny bulges between their legs crinkling and squeaking with each step. Rinaldo was hit by the smell of latex as they stood nearby, a smell that tickled the back of his nose and awakened faint stirrings in his underpants.

"Here they are. Go ahead. Touch them. Experiment. Explore. They won't mind."

Rinaldo stepped forward, along with several other students - out of morbid curiosity more than anything else. He reached out a hand and gently brushed the arm of the nearest drone.

"Oh!" he exclaimed. "It's warm!"

"Of course," said the tour guide. Their protective layer is an excellent conductor of heat. And, as I said, they're still very much alive. Just decoupled."

"What does decoupled mean?" asked another student.

"Decoupled Automated Diaper Drone - these are, as I've said,  unruly citizens that can't be otherwise trained. So the brain is decoupled from the nerve bundles that command movement in the somatic nervous system."

"You mean they can't move at all? But they're still conscious? Isn't that torture?"

A red warning flashed in Rinaldo's vision and an audio warning. "Question allotment for the day is reached. You are in danger of violation."

"Oh no, no. They're perfectly content. You see, our PACI process permanently activates the parasympathetic nervous system so these citizens are calm and content to sit back and let the A.I. make all the decisions for them. And I'm sure they're happy to do a service to society.

Rinaldo blushed as his hand hig the crinkly padding covered by smooth, shiny black latex. He had been so distracted by his thoughts that he hadn't even realized his hand was going lower and lower. He realized he was as hard as a rock somehow. Why was this turning him on?

"I-I think I need some air," he said, turning to leave.

"Leaving so soon?" asked the guide. Rinaldo felt himself stopped by the hand of the drone in front of him. Its hand had shot out to grab him by the wrist, and when he tried to wrench his hand free the arm of the drone as unmoving as cold steel.

"Hey, let me go!"

"Sorry, but we can't do that. You see, we've got too many well-behaved citizens now, and we just aren't getting enough of them in anymore. So we like to bring in a fresh group every once in a while."

"Who? Me?!" asked Rinaldo, looking around at the other students who seemed to be panicking as they found they too were being apprehended by diaper drones fromt the DADD center.

"Yes, you. All of you. Don't worry, you'll find it quite enjoyable. At least that's what we suspect happens for our drones. You'll see, I suppose..."

"W-why are you showing us this?" asked Rinaldo. "Why is the purpose if we're all going to end up like.. Like that?"

"Violation. You have asked too many questions. You will be processed for re-education. Override. You have been assigned to the PACI center Please proceed calmly."

The whole class was then marched off toward the neighboring facility. The last thing anyone ever said to Rinaldo was uttered by the teacher.

"I told you it would be important for your education. Enjoy your new life of service, diaper drone!"

Shortly thereafter, Rinaldo found himself back in the center, standing at attention. The thick bulge of padding between his legs held tight by the black latex surrounding him, hugging his butt and crotch in comfort. He could feel every bit of it - and in more detail than ever before, as if all his senses had been turned on to maximum.

He felt the curious students running their hands over his body. Felt the warmth of their touch. He felt it but he didn't care. He was completely calm. A passive observer. Everything was fine. His body knew what to do. Automaticallly, his hand shot out and grabbed a shocked student by the wrist. This was nice. He was helping. He liked his job. And soon they would too.



interesting idea but too creepy for me...kind of boring experience but the story is original so I like it but not enought to press the heart :)


I liked it enough to press the heart. For me it was a good introduction into the world. It setup a lot more.

Champ Otter

Yeah, a little creepy for sure! This was just an idea I got from the patreon telegram chat and I picked it because I'd never tried a drone story before. To be honest, since it's outside of my personal fetish area, I need more input to know what makes it hot to people. If you have any suggestions, I'd love to hear them!

Champ Otter

Thanks! So it's actually the same world from The Baby Patrol! I'll have to update the baby patrol soon so we can see more of the story of the two brothers - one who is getting more priveleges as a member of the baby patrol trainees, and one who is being turned into a regressed citizen!


Well, I don't know this fetish too well but what is missing for me is the fact, that everything happened in last seconds super fast. But as a sample it's pretty good. Just kind of can't see the place for continuation of that kind of story. You become a drone and that's it. But I'm really happy to see new fetish. That's really interesting point of view. :)

Champ Otter

Yes, good point. It is just a free-write but we have the ending crammed in - a lot of movies do this too. It would have to happen much slower in a full story. Hmm, if you and others like to see new fetishes popping up, maybe I need to put out a call for more fetish ideas to explore.