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Colt soon returned looking happy and refreshed. Then he cuddled up with Robbie in the living room again and they counted their blessings.

"I'm thankful that I have the cutest little boy in the world under my roof," said Colt, smiling and booping Robbie's nose.

Robbie stuck his tongue out at Colt and said, "Well, I'm lucky I have the nicest Daddy, even if he is a goof sometimes..."

"Goof? I'll show you who's the goof... I'm going to tickle you until you take that back and admit that you're the goof!"

"No, Daddy! Heeheehee! You can't make me!"

After a bit of silly fun, they eventually ran out of all the tongue in cheek ideas and started listing off the things they were well and truly grateful for. Good health. Good friends. Awesome cartoons to watch. Each other.

"I'll make you a bet, Robbie," said Colt.

"What's that?" ask Robbie.

"If you can get all the way through Thanksgiving without telling one lie, I'll give you something very special afterwards."

"Oh really?" asked Robbie, looking Daddy up and down and going red imagining just what that could be.

"Really," said Colt in a low voice as he gave Robbie a coy grin. Robbie still found Colt heart-stoppingly attractive, even if he did see the guy every day. "It'll be like a game!"

Robbie got excited and cuddled up tight against Daddy. He liked games. "What kinda game?" asked Robbie?

"A truth teller game."

"That doesn't sound like a fun game," said Robbie.

"Oh, sure it is. Why don't we practice, huh?"

Robbie nodded. "Okay. Fine. I'll take your challenge, mister!"

"Okay buddy. First question... When was the last time you peed your diaper?"

Robbie's eyes went wide. "Coming out with the hard ones right out of the gate, Daddy! Geez!"

"Is that one too hard for my baby boy's baby brain?" asked Colt, talking to Robbie in condescending baby talk. He knew that it made Robbie's pee-pee happy to be talked down to.

"No," said Robbie. But he still didn't answer.


"I don't know," said Robbie, finally. "I... I dont' know when I peed last... I wasn't paying attention..."

"Ding ding ding! We have a winner! Way to answer honestly, baby boy!"

"But I didn't know the answer," said Robbie, confused.

"Exactly. Because you don't know when you are peeing your pampers. That's why you need them, little dude."

"Aw, geez!" said Robbie, blushing and covering his face.

"Okay, this is only the first question, buddy. Let's keep going..."


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