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Okay, let's go to the living room and you can sit in Daddy's lap."

Robbie was soon sitting comfortably, held securely by Colt as they talked about Thanksgiving plans.

"Wait, you mean I'm gonna be little around my family?"

"Robbie, you are little around your family. You're just going to own it now."

"Daddy, I can't do it. It's too hard!"

"But you'll have me with you. Didn't you say you could be brave as long as we're together, and I'll be with you the whole time. I won't let you out of my sight until we both feel safe with me doing so."

Robbie looked a Colt a good few seconds before responding.

"Well, I can't go wearing baby clothes," he said finally.

"And what other clothes do you have? Are you just gonna walk your little tushie to the front door in your cute diapers?" Robbie blushed at the thought and shook his head.

"But... what if they don't like my new... clothing?" he asked, looking down at the diaper peeking out from under his oversized battlemon shirt.

"Well, I can have a chat with them ahead of time and make sure they do like it."

"No, Daddy, you can't!"

"Sweetie, this has to happen." Colt gave Robbie a reassuring squeeze. "They're gonna find out one way or another, so do you wanna talk to them, or do you want Daddy to handle it?" He looked down at Robbie who had the biggest pair of puppy dog eyes going. "Those puppy dog eyes aren't going to work on me," said Daddy. "What's it going to be?

"D-daddy," Robbie said, finally. Part of him was relieved that Daddy would handle all of it. The other part of him was terrified. What would Daddy say? He didn't want to know. But curiosity would drive him crazy!

"Okay, baby boy. You can rely on me. Next time she calls you just hand me the phone and I'll talk with her."

"Okay, Daddy," said Robbie. "Um... can I have my phone back now?"

Colt smiled. "Yes, you can. But only for a few minutes. It's just about nap time and we still haven't watched our afternoon cartoons!"

"Yay! Phone time!"

Robbie opened up the phone and swiped the colorful icons until he found one of his favorite games, Dino-Mania. He played it right there in Colt's lap while Colt kept up a steady stream of commentary and encouragement.

Ever since he'd gotten Robbie his new phone, Colt had kept it in kid mode and limited his hours, apps, and content on the phone. Nothing naughty was allowed - only age appropriate apps and sites were within Robbie's reach. Beyond that, he could track Robbie by his phone if anything ever happened like when they almost got separated at the mall. Still, he didn't want Robbie to get addicted to staring at his phone screen. At the fifteen minute mark, Colt called an end to it.

"Okay, kiddo. That's enough phone time for you. Let's pick out a cartoon before it gets too late for your nap."

"Okay! Can we watch Greenie again?"

As often happened, the two of them ended up falling asleep on the couch.


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