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Continuation of October 3, 2020: "Were-Baby  Pt. 3"

Part 1 & 2  Part 3 

Note: This little tale is almost over. I'll be moving on to another spooky story next, and perhaps you can help me choose! I'll put the full story out as a PDF too once it's done!

"Mooooom! Stop! I can do it myself," whined Bryce as his mother woke him once again with a diaper check.

"Hush, now," she said as she untaped the diaper, and hefted it up with one hand. This was Bryce's morning routine. Wake up to his mom checking his diaper and finding it soaked - again. Getting it taken off. Getting a little smack on the butt and Mom pointing toward the bathroom.

"Up and at 'em, mister. Get in the shower now or you'll be late for the bus!"

"Ugh, fine," said Bryce. As an eighteen year-old, and a high school senior, he sure felt too old for this sort of treatment, but ever since his bedwetting problem started, his parents had gotten a bit more... parent-y. It was embarrassing.

But as he stood under the shower, felt the soap wash away any remaining residue of last night, and thought about his awesome new powers, he couldn't help but smile. And he couldn't wait to see his friends at school, and coach too. It was like they were in a secret club, and that was even more exciting.

"At least I don't have to wear diapers during the day," Bryce muttered, as he eyed the stack of diapers in his closet. He failed to notice a few drops of wetness appear on the front of his boxer-briefs as he got dressed that morning.

At school, the three were-boys met up and talked in hushed voices about what an awesome night they had, and what powers they might gain next. They had to be careful not to speak too loud if anyone was nearby, but their enhanced hearing made that easy to do.

"I hope she goes away already," came Ollie's voice as one of the girls from the soccer team came up to chat. "I wanna talk about more were-stuff."

The other two shot him a look, and as soon as she was gone, they berated their smaller teammate.

"Dude, what the heck. You want to blow our cover?" asked Jace.

"Yeah man, not cool," said Bryce.

"What? I didn't say anything."

"Didn't say anything?" asked Jace. "What part of were-stuff sounds subtle to you?"

"W-wait, I didn't say... how did you know what I was thinking?"


"Hold on hold on..." said Ollie. He screwed up his face and concentrated. Jace is a total hot head and Bryce needs to learn not to sprinkle when he tinkles.

Jace and Bryce looked at each other, and then down at Bryce's pants. Jace put his fist up to his mouth to calm his excitement.

"Yo, what the heck?! This is awesome! No, wait wait," He concentrated for a second. Can you hear me, guys?

Yeah, came Ollie's response, we can hear you. The trio was practically jumping for joy. Now they wouldn't have to worry about anyone listening in on them ever again.

Hey, quit goofing off, you three. This is an open channel, and you're gonna be late for practice if you don't get a move on.

Coach?! came the surprised voices of the three boys.

The one and only. Not move your keisters. The trio hurried off to practice, knowing now that coach could keep tabs on them and keep them on the straight and narrow. Bryce gave a concerned glance to his pants as they went to the locker rooms and changed. The wet spot was even worse on his underwear.

"Aw geez," he said, looking down at them. "I hope this doesn't happen at practice... I'll only have a jockstrap."

"Not to worry," came coach's voice, as he walked up and clapped Bryce on the shoulder. I have spare pads and diapers in my office, so if you ever need a change, you just go in there.

"Thanks, coach," muttered Bryce, looking down at his pants.

"Hey, it's not so bad, Bryce. You'll see. It's easier to deal with than you think and it's a fair trade. More than fair. We're gonna have a great season. Just you wait."

The coach was, of course, right. The three boys soon became a clique, always chatting amongst themselves whenever they could, and the team as a whole began performing better and better. Nobody questioned the trio's insular behavior. Everyone just assumed it was a 'star player' thing, since the three were far and away the best on the team. They could have been even better, and coach had to remind them to take it down a notch at times so as not to draw suspicion. Best of all, their powers of smell always told them when one of their teammates was horny, and they made it a competition amongst themselves to bag the most guys that season - double points for the 'straight' ones.

But as fast as their stars were rising, Bryce and the others' bladder control went downhill as well, and soon the three were all wearing pads in their jockstraps and pull-ups to class to stay dry. Every moon they seemed to step back to thicker protection. How soon would it be until they were thickly diapered all day?

-Written by ChampTehOtter


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