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Note: Revised Part 1 and added Part 2. Stories are attached as a doc as well!

Part 1 (Originally Released October 19, 2020)


"What was that noise?" asked the young man in the letterman jacket.

"Whatsa matter, Bryce? Are you scared of a little puppy dog?"

The boy's friend Jace elbowed him in the ribs and laughed, holding his belly.

"Shut up! I'm serious. That sounded really close."

"It's probably just someone's dog."

"Out here in the forest?"

"We're not that far out..."

They were, in fact, only a few minutes from the backyards of suburbia. Nevertheless, the forests that surrounded the city were extensive.

"Dude, I don't like this. Let’s just say we did it and be done with it."

"No way, man. They put us in pairs for a reason. So wimps like you don't chicken out. Look, we're here already. We just have to nail the jockstrap onto the virgin tree and we'll be done."

"You got that nerd's underwear? You've got a pretty loose definition of virgin, Jace. I'm pretty sure it was supposed to be some sort of challenge."

"Hey, I conquered my virgin. Where's yours?"

Bryce blushed and brought out a jockstrap of his own.

"You didn't!"

"I did."

"Who was it?"

"I'll never tell!"

"Oh, you dog! Come on, man, give it up!" Jace started tickling the blushing Bryce, and they fell to the ground, laughing. And then they froze.

At the edge of their vision, they saw a tall hairy figure silhouetted against the moonlight.

"OH, shit!" yelled Jace.

"A w-w-w-werewolf!!!" yelled Bryce.

The wolf fell upon Jace, and Bryce heard the sickening crunch of bone. He ran as fast as he could, the screams receding behind him. He had to get out of there. He had to...

Only minutes later, he heard growling by his ear. He didn't dare look. He just ran and ran. He could see the streetlights on the other side of the trees and he knew he was so close. But before he could reach the street, he felt a pair of teeth clamp down on his right calf. He screamed and fell. The creature towered above him. Scared out of his mind, he did the only thing he could think to do. Still tightly clutching the jockstrap, he threw it at the creature. It landed squarely on the wolf's nose.

The creature crossed his eyes and yelped at the smell. He looked... embarrassed, if that was the right word. Then he ran off, seemingly disoriented by the pungent odor of the used jockstrap.

Adrenaline pumping through his system, the young man ran back home.

"Are you okay, sweetie?" said his mom, looking in alarm at the out of breath boy coming home at that late hour. Bryce was about to tell her what happened when he stopped himself.

"Y-yeah, Mom. I just... had to use the bathroom really bad, so I ran home." He couldn't tell her he'd seen a monster. She'd think he was crazy. He hardly believed it himself. Bryce ran into the bathroom and stripped off his pants to examine his wound - it was still there and it was a pretty deep bite. He cleaned and dressed the wound, squeamish at the sight of blood. Strangely, though, it didn't hurt. Adrenaline, maybe. He'd have to go to the doctor right away for a rabies shot. But first he had to clear his head... he went into his room and sat on the bed, holding his head in his hands. Jace... could that think have eaten his best friend? Who could he tell? What would he say?

Bryce imagined all the terrible possibilities, and without even realizing it, fingers of sleep crept their way into his mind, running this way and that. As Bryce contemplated his friend's fate, his thoughts descended deeper and deeper into the realm of fantasy. In just a few minutes, he was fast asleep.

The next morning Bryce woke up in a very soaked bed.

"Wha? What the hell?!" Bryce had never been a bedwetter before, so he couldn't understand why he started now. Then again, last night was a pretty traumatic experience. Suddenly, Brice got a sickening feeling in his stomach. Last night!

"Oh my god...Jace!"

Bryce quickly dialed up Jace's house hoping his friend had somehow made it home safely, though he couldn't imagine how.

"Hello? Who is it?" came the voice of Jace's mom.

"Good morning Mrs. Hoffstadter. It's Bryce. I was wondering - Did Jace come home late last night?"

"Yes, in fact, he did. He seemed quite tired, and he went straight to bed. Why? Do you want to talk to him?"

Bryce was both relieved and shocked. How could that be possible?

"Y-yeah. Let me talk to him please."

"One second."

"Hello?" came Jace's familiar voice.

"Jace? Is that really you? What happened? I thought you were a goner. How did you...?"

"Dude. Chill. I'm fine. Not even a scratch on me. In fact, I feel better than ever."

"Well, that makes one of us! My calf..." Bryce, said pulling back the dressing to check his calf. "It's... "

"Fine?" asked Jace.

"Yeah..." said Bryce, staring in disbelief. The bites were gone. Not even a scab showed on his skin. "No way. There was definitely a wound there last night..."

"Like I said, dude. Chill. Listen, I gotta go finish breakfast before I miss the bus. See you at school, okay dude?"

"O-okay..." Bryce said, and hung up. He shook his head. This didn't make any sense at all. Had he dreamt it all up?

That day during soccer practice, Jace and Bryce found that they both had incredible endurance. They were running circles around their team members, and that got the attention of the coach.

"You two are having a really good day today! Guess that extra special training is paying off, huh boys?" He winked and the boys blushed.

The coach had been on the team once himself, so he knew all about the October tradition of the virgin tree. That's as far as he pushed it though. He gave them a pat on the shoulder and went back to coaching. The teammates on the other hand all crowded around them as soon as practice was over and razzed them about their escapades.

"Guess that little frolic put some extra pep in your step, huh guys?" said one of their teammates.

"Yeah, yeah..." said Bryce, waving it off and smirking. Then, he smelled it. He realized he could smell the musk of each of the men on his team, as if he'd had his nose right in their crotches. Not only that, he could identify each and every one as distinctly as you could tell banana from strawberry, and they each smelled just as delicious. His eyes met Jace's and they both blushed, realizing the other was experiencing the same thing. It didn't take long for the other guys to notice and start teased them about springing a boner in the locker room.

"Musta been a hot lay!"

"Watch out, I think he's ready for another round!"

Bryce quickly got dressed and left, thankful for the fresh air as he stepped into the school hallway.

That night, when he got home, Bryce's parents had a sit-down with him.

"Sweetie. You, uh... left your bed in quite a state this morning," his mom began, trying to put it as tactfully as she could.

"You ruined your mattress, son. We set it up by the space heater to dry."

"S-sorry, Mom and Dad. I don't know what happened. But... I mean it's never happened before so I'm sure it will never happen again."

"You're damn right it won’t," said his father. "Because you're going to wear protection until further notice."

"W-what do you mean?"

"What your father is trying to say is... we need you to wear diapers to bed. Just for now!" she added hastily, as Bryce began to stand up. "And you've got to use a plastic mattress protector."

Bryce shook his head in disgust, but he couldn't blame them. He certainly had let loose a flood the night before.

"This is non-negotiable, son," said his Dad, crossing his arms. Bryce looked up at his father for a few seconds, and finally broke his gaze.

"Fine," he said, defeated. "I'll wear the damn diapers."

"Good. They're waiting for you on your bed. Your mother or I will be up to help you in them when it's time for bed."

"Really, Dad? I can put them on myself!"

"I've had a lot more experience with them than you have, bud. I just want to make sure you've got them on correctly. After that, you can try to do it yourself if you want to."

That logic made sense so Bryce acquiesced. This day is getting weirder and weirder, he mused, as he trudged upstairs to his room. There they were, waiting on the bed, and there they would stay, taunting him as he tried to concentrate on doing his homework.

A few weeks passed and the next full moon was fast approaching. The closer they got to the full moon, the more Bryce noticed his strength increasing. He felt like he had a boost of testosterone in his system, and his chest even looked hairier. However, he also began to hear strange voices in his head. Feral and deep almost like a growl, they lingered just beyond his comprehension. And then there were the howls, which seemed to increase in number and urgency every night. He would spend all night with his head wrapped in the pillow trying to drown them out before finally passing out and waking up in a very soaked diaper.

Despite his best efforts, Bryce couldn't seem to stay dry at night. His parents had been proven right and had already invested in more diapers to keep their boy well protected. He now had a closet full of them stacked neatly for easy retrieval at bedtime, when either his mother or father would come in to diaper him. Even after a month it was no less embarrassing.

Then on the night of the full moon, something strange happened. Bryce woke up and let out a wild howl before covering his mouth. He opened the window and looked out. There was the moon. He suppressed another howl. Then he felt it. His body changing. His bones shifting. His hair growing denser. It was happening. Now it all made sense. The strange creature in the woods. The sounds at night. The superhuman endurance. And his incredible sense of smell. The transformation was happening. And he wanted it.

"Yes! Yess!!" he said, as his body shifted into the form of a man-wolf. He smiled at the power coursing through his body, but then he frowned. Why did everything around him seem to be getting... bigger?

No. It wasn't getting bigger. He was shrinking! In minutes, he was nothing more than a cute werepuppy. He yipped and scampered around, scared and confused. The window to his bedroom opened and in slipped a larger wolf figure.

"Come, little one. Come with me. You have a lot to learn, whelp. But first..."

The large werewolf hiked the diaper bag off of his shoulder and opened it, returning to the confused pup with a gentle smile.

"We've got to get you into some better fitting protection."

The poor pup could do nothing but lay there as he was diapered up. Then, he was lifted by the scruff of his neck and carried out into the night.

"Don't worry," said the werewolf. "We'll get you back home and back into your regular padding before dawn."

"But... but… I thought I was going to be a big bad werewolf!"

"You will, young one, you will. In another 20 years or so. Until then, just listen to your elders and everything will be fine."

Part 2:

"Hey, you're the creature that turned me, aren't you?" asked Bryce the werepuppy as his new caretaker carried him off toward the dark forest. "Where are you taking me?"

The tall figure didn't respond. Only loped forward, running full speed into the woods.

"Am I in danger? Awoo!"

"Hey, now," snapped the older wolf in a gruff voice. "None of that, now. You want to get us poached?" Bryce quickly found his mouth silenced with a puppy pacifier. "And if you don't settle down, I've got a muzzle in this diaper bag with your name on it."

Bryce blushed as he looked at the bag slung over the big Were-Daddy's shoulder. Why the hell did it have to be diapers?

Although it was the middle of the night, the forest shone clear as day to Bryce who, aided by the light of the full-moon and his enhanced were-wolf vision could pick out every twig and leaf on the forest floor as they flew by toward parts unknown. He listened with his ears and could hear all the growling voices he'd heard before, but he now heard the words behind them as well.

"Come to the forest."

"Hungry. Horny. Hungry. Horny."

"It's time to grow the pack."

He felt a growing sense of excitement as the wind whipped his furry face and the voices got louder, closer, more unified.

"Just beyond that clearing, young one. All will become clear..."

And then, suddenly, there they were. Among the werewolves. Some had fresh blood on their muzzles. Others were carrying little were-pups like Bryce. A few were wrestling playfully outside a nearby cave before being scolded, folding their ears back, and slinking inside. He then became aware of something strange. A crinkling sound that wasn't coming from him. Why was everyone so white and poofy around their hind legs? Were all those other were-wolves... wearing diapers?

The diapered were-wolves were all filing into the cave, which split off into smaller chambers once they walked inside. Bryce was carried into one of the first chamber, which was filled with other pups, and dropped off along with his diaper bag.

"Hey, wait. Where are you going?"

"Wolf, stuff," grunted his caretaker. "You'll get to see when you're older."

"I am older," yapped Bryce, but all that earned him was a shushing and the pressing of the paci. He felt strong jaws enclose on his neck and lay there softly and he instinctively tucked his tail between his legs and soaked his diaper. His caretaker stalked off, crinkling into the cave.

"That's better," said a deep smooth voice. "Little pups need to learn their place in the pack."

Bryce looked over once he was released to see a brilliant white-coated wolf with gleaming red eyes. It wasn't hard to see in the dim light that trickled in from the main passage, but he didn't need his eyes to know who was around him. His senses told him everything.

Bryce became aware that the whole chamber was filled with a handful of other juvenile were-cubs, and as he looked around, he quickly sniffed out Jace, who looked as confused as he was. Then, the white wolf's voice cut through the confusing chatter.

"Welcome to were-pup preschool, whelps. You've all got a lot to learn, and not long to learn it, so no more wasting time."

"But why am I a puppy?" whined a third cub, who crossed his arms and huffed. That one soon found himself in a muzzle, and held up, tail between his legs, with his belly and yellowed diaper exposed for all to see. The the rest of the pups fell in line after that.

"You've all been getting stronger. Some of you have probably been getting pretty cocky. But this pack hasn't survived into the modern age by being reckless. Your abilities are going to surpass those of normal humans, as are your... appetites. You need to be aware of the responsibilities.

"I don't want to eat my friends," murmured Bryce. He gave a shudder as he imagined a werewolf chowing down on his classmates.

"You're the little rascal who threw the jockstrap on Blacktail's snout, aren't you?"

Bryce's eyes went wide as he remembered the confused were-wolf running off into the night clutching his nose.

"Heh. Well, you won't have to worry about eating anyone, at least not in the way you're thinking. But I'm sure you've noticed certain... smells your friends give off..."

Bryce felt the heat rise in his cheeks as the wolf addressed him.

"All of you... have probably noticed the musk..." The assembled pups looked around, not daring to meet each others' gaze. It was true. They had all smelled the musk of other humans, and their bodies had responded.

"You're going to want to act on those urges, and I'm sure some of you have. My job is to make sure you do so safely and ethically - so our pack is not hunted to extinction like so many of our brethren."

There followed a discussion about hiding their condition of lycanthropy, about when it was safe to have sex and when they must abstain to avoid turning their peers or tipping them off to their true nature. And of course, they had to practice some were-wolf self-control techniques.

"The more time passes, the more your powers will grow," said White Wolf, "so you will have to practice controlling your libidos. Luckily you are just pups now, but when you hit were-puberty, you could become uncontrollably horny, so you need to learn to control yourselves. Tonight's lesson will be all about self control... with crotch sniffing."

Soon, Bryce and Jace had their faces buried in the fronts of each others' diapers, snoofing like there was no tomorrow.

"Get used to the scent. Embrace it. But don't let it control you," said the wolf, as the whelps paired up and got down to business. "And you'd better get used to taking care of your needs in your diapers as well. You pups will be seeing a lot more of them as you mature.

"Huh?" asked a dazed Bryce, lifting his head up from the diaper in front of him. "Come again?"

-Written by ChampTehOtter


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