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Hi everyone! Thank you all for being super supporters. Here's the latest news. 

I'm so excited to have finished another fun and exciting hypno. Coming up next are some more projects including:

  • The next PDF chapter of Be Careful What you Wish For
  • Diaper Humper Hypno
  • Another chapter of Babied by Billy
  • Some alternate versions of existing hypnos
  • Continuations of your favorite stories based on the polls, including some you haven't seen in quite some time!  

I'm going to try for one more PDF before the end of the month, and I'll be switching from T.D.C.S. to something else as well, after we find out what happens with Cody's obligatory doctor visit. There are a lot of things people are waiting to see, and I'll do my best to get them out to you. 

One more thing - I've experimented with doing free-writes 6 days a week, and picking one day to focus only on higher tier projects. This seems to be working well for me, so I think from now on that's what I'll do. I have a lot of ideas and only so much time -  I can't wait til I can get all these stories finished for your enjoyment. Until then, happy crinkling!

~<3 Champ



Please say that you gonna write more of Frankie and Gerard (diaper cuck life) since you left us in a mean cliffhanger!!!

Champ Otter

No doubt! I have a tough decision which story to do next - it's between diapercuck's life, the baby factory, and License to pee


I second this one! xD ...with hopefully some more embarrassing diaper messing involved


Please write diapercuck life !!!! You left us in a mean , very mean , cliffhanger ! If you don’t write I gonna tell to your daddy that you are mean rsrsrs