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Continuation of August 27, 2021 "Diapercuck's Life Pt. 23"

Baby-proofed is an understatement. They had padded every corner, locked every drawer and cupboard, added baby furniture to every room. From the baby walker to the high chair to the big playpen in the living room, there was not a single room in the house that wasn't made safe for baby. Frank's mouth fell open and the pacifier fell to the floor.

"That's a punishment," said Gerard, looking over from his conversation with the movers before turning his attention back to them. Leandra picked up the pacifier, sucked it to clean off any germs, and stuck it right back in Frank's mouth. What could he do but stand there in his Blarney diapers in shock until he was led over to the living room playpen and helped in. This was certainly big enough to hold him, especially since he was padded and not the most athletic even when he didn't have a giant piece of puff an fluff forcing his legs apart into a waddle.

"In you go," said Leandra," opening a side gate to the large playpen and latching it securely. Frank looked around. All he had for company was some baby toys and stuffed animals. He looked back up at Leandra, a question mark on his face.

"Well, pick up a stuffie, little boy." Frank hesitated. "I want you cuddling a plushie in ten seconds and acting cute or you're going to wish you were only getting the paci punishment."

Frank knew better than to push his luck, but he was getting close to his limit. He picked up a plushie and glared at her as she looked down at him, arms crossed. He squeezed it in a big hug, his eyes never leaving hers, and his defiant expression remaining.

"Better," she said. "We'll have to work on cute."

She put some cartoons on and left him there to join Gerard and the movers as they talked in the front room.

"...and so that's kind of it. I know it seems harsh but Leandra really loves him and if she does, so do I. We're helping him turn his life around." As Gerard completed his little explanation, the movers nodded, seeming satisfied with the answer. Leandra spoke up as he finished.

"Thank you so much, you all. You don't know how much this means."

"Heh, it's no problem, ma'am," said the head mover, with an amused smile. "It's unusual, but just between you and me, you ain't the first family I seen with a bigger than average baby."

"Oh really?" asked Leandra, looking to Gerard and back to the guys.

"Really. I mean, there are all sorts - there are those that never grew up, you know, up here," he said, tapping his head. "Then, there are those that messed their minds up with that weird drug the kids are using these days. And then there are people who do it for... well, a lifestyle. Greenie here just got his first dose of reality today," he said, jerking his thumb over toward Jake.

"S-sorry," said Jake, blushing and twisting the bottom of his shirt.

"Don't worry kid, everyone does that the first time." said the more experienced man. "This bigger furniture is your first tip-off," he added, turning back to the happy couple.

"Well, like I said, I can't thank you enough. Here's a tip for all of you, and if anyone wants to see what we get up to with Frankie here, I can send you the link."

"R-really?" asked Jake.

Frank held up his phone with a special QR code to scan. Jake and another one of the movers scanned it, and Jake even went so far as to ask if he could send a message to them on the site.

"Can you? Why, I expect it!" exclaimed Gerard, patting the man on the shoulder.

The movers left and Gerard dusted his hands and looked to Leandra. "Well, that was a success. I thought your idea was crazy at first, but this is shaping up to be a lot of fun, mon chérie!"

The two of them were very happy and tired after the long day, and they were almost ready to take a nap themselves, but of course the baby was the first thing they checked.

"Frank! No. No trying to get out of your playpen!"

Frank was caught. It was the play space all over again. Unable to undo the latch, he had been trying to climb the side of the playpen, and when Leandra raised her voice, he was startled. Frank lost his grip and fell down squarely on his bum, the pacifier ejecting out of his mouth and hitting the mesh wall of the playpen.

"He's learning," said Gerard, not looking too concerned. "Isn't that right, my little cocu?"

"What the heck does that mean?" asked Frank, in a surly tone.

"It's French for what you are dear," said Leandra. "A cuckold."

"Alright," said Frank, a blush rising toward his cheeks. "That's it. I'm done. I'm done playing house with you too, and this home makeover was the last straw. I can't even get into the bathroom anymore."

"It's locked for your security - and ours," said Leandra, crossing her arms. She wasn't about to clean up after Frank in the bathroom again.

"Well, that's just dandy," said Frank. "You won't have to worry about me anymore, because I'm going out on my own. Of course standing there in nothing but his big baby diaper made this statement seem rather ridiculous, but Leandra and Frank looked at each other and nodded.

"Alright, dear. If that's what you want..." said Leandra. "Go ahead, Gerard."

"Hey! What are you doing?" squeaked Frank as he was lifted up under the armpits and carried toward the front door. "Put me down!"

"With pleasure," said Gerard, who then deposited him on the front door step. "Have a nice life, little man."

And with that, the door was shut in Frank's face.