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Continuation of June 9, 2021 "Doctor’s Orders Pt. 11"

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 

Ok, kiddo, time for din dins and medicine.

Light suddenly shone in Steven's face and a wet cloth wiped it clean of drool. He was disoriented momentarily and then he remembered where he was. He spat out his pacifier. "Hey! Lemme out of here. I'm tired of being in this stupid carrier." He was feeling very snappy and he was not going to accept being treated like an infant anymore, so he threw Clara to the ground on the spur of the moment. However, as soon as he did he immediately felt very upset and wanted her back, as well as his paci.

"Shh, shh, calm down cranky boy," said Ben, picking up Clara and returning her to Stevie, then sucking on the pacifier to get the germs off and returning it to its proper place in Stevie's mouth. "I think we'd better take a look at that diaper before we feed you. You've been in it quite some time."

Stevie turned red and looked up to the ceiling as he endured yet another diaper check from his boyfriend, who squished the front, stuck his fingers in the leghole, and even unbuckled him to sniff his butt.

"Peeyoo! You sure do need a change! But I know you tend to go after din dins so let's just hurry up and feed you, kiddo, so we can get you changed."

Ben was completely ignoring his boyfriend's outburst, and it was almost worse than getting admonished and spanked. It made Steven feel like he really was just a little boy. That his opinions and what he wanted made no difference to what the 'grown-ups' decided for him. He realized that this was really happening. This was really becoming his life. He felt trapped, and felt the beginnings of panic setting in. He didn't want to be stuck in the baby carrier any longer. On a sudden impulse, he kicked at Ben before the man could strap him in and connected with his nose, then hopped out and made a run for it, but after only two or three steps he fell over from the dizziness and felt a searing pain in his shoulder as he hit the floor.

"Waaaahhhhhhhh!!!" he cried, loudly, and Ben rushed to him, holding his nose with the washcloth he had brought.

"Oh no! Baby boy, are you hurt?"

"Yeeeheeheeessss... It hurtsssss!" He was crying now from his own injury. "This is all your fault, Ben. Why am I a babyyyyyy?"

Ben quickly gave him a once over before taking off the cloth and kissing his boo-boo. "You'll be okay, sweetie. Nothing's broken. I'll kiss it all better. Muah. "

Stevie could immediately see that Ben's nose was purple and swollen and felt bad, but he felt like it wasn't his fault. He just panicked. If he hadn't been kept in a carrier all day it might not have happened. Still, he knew that he had done something very bad, kicking his boyfriend in the face.

Ben calmly picked him up and strapped him back into the carrier, keeping his face well away from the kicking zone this time. "I'm sorry sweetie, I know it's hard to understand but this is for your own good. You don't have good self-control or judgment. You just proved it again trying to run around when you know you'll fall. I'm sorry but you're gonna have to be kept safe until we can get you under control. I'm gonna call the doctor, sweetie."

As Ben dialed the doc's number, Steven spat out his pacifier again just to show him he wasn't a baby. Then, he commiserated  with Clara."He's a big meanie, isn't he, Clara? He's tellin me what to do and I don't like it. He can't do that. We'll show him.

Ben kept an eye on his boyfriend while speaking to the doctor. "Yeah, he got up and fell again. I don't think the medication is working. He seems very agitated. He almost broke my nose. Yeah. Double the dose and keep him restrained? Yeah, that sounds good, Doc. I'll see you tomorrow. Thanks again." He hung up and looked at the dejected Steven, who had heard everything. "Sorry, kiddo, I know you don't like being cooped up, but it's for your own good. I'm gonna get your din dins and a pack of frozen peas for my nose."

Steven once again felt bad. Both because he was stuck in the carrier again and because he had hurt the man he loved. He tried to tell Ben he was sorry. He tried to bargain with him when he came back with veggies and bottle in hand.

"Please, Ben. I'm sorry! I didn't mean to kick you. If you let me out of the carrier I promise I won't try to walk. No, I don't want a baba. I want big boy food! Ben, nooo-" but his pleas were cut off when his mouth was plugged up by the large nipple of the bottle. Once again, Ben gave the bottle a little squeeze, hitting Stevie's tongue with the rich taste of baby formula. Steven immediately began sucking, unable to stop himself once the instinct to nurse kicked in. It was hard to describe just how good it was. So good, that all his worries seemed to drop away.

"That's a good boy. Just drink up. Drink it all right up," said Ben.

Steven hardly resisted the urge to go this time. A little grunt was the only warning before Steven once again filled his diapers to capacity with mush and kept on sucking. The mixture started getting thicker near the end of the bottle and he realized that the Fibrolax and other medicine must have been mixed in with the formula. He started nodding off before he was even finished and Ben had to keep shaking him awake to get him to finish the bottle. He drifted off as he was being laid down on the blankie for his change, and he drifted in and out, catching Ben's cooing speech as he dozed off.

"Aww.... sleepy already... No need to brush... dentist and I already talked... just bundle you up in your bunting bag... sleep with Dada tonight..."

He was briefly stirred to wakefulness as he realized he was on his stomach in Ben's lap, the back of his diaper pulled down and two fingers up his bum, and he was peeing his diaper uncontrollably. He grunted and cried out into his pacifier as he felt all the muscles between his legs contract, his balls tightening up as he fired several shots of cum into the front of his diaper before drifting right back off to sleep to the soothing encouraging words of Dada.


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