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"Tag, you're it!"

"No fair, Griffy! I wasn't ready for that!"

Kailey the squirrel scrunched her face up and yelled at her kitty friend Griff, but he was already yards away, and unmoved by her protests.

"You snooze, you lose, binky breath!" He said, Sticking out his tongue as he ran through the grass and toward the treeline.

Kailey looked left and right. No sign of Bentley in the whole park. Where was that silly little raccoon hiding?

"Boo!" came the voice of Bentley, as he popped out of the bush and attacked Kailey's bum with loud crinklepats.

"Eek! H-hey!" she cried, blushing and holding down her skirtall. "No fair, Bentley!!"

"What? I just wanted to give ya a sporting chance. Are ya mad because you got scared and peed your pampers?"

Kailey blushed even harder, and her tufted ears twitched in annoyance. They were all padded. But for some silly reason, teasing was a thing still, and her friends just couldn't get enough of blushy Kailey today.

Kailey sat down on the ground, crossed her arms, and huffed.

"What are you doing?" Called Griffy from a distance.

"I'm not playing!" she called out, scowling and staring back down at the grass.

Griffy gave her a skeptical look. "Hey, Bentley! Do you think this is a trick?"

The raccoon hurried over to him and they got into a huddle, looking over to her and pointing every once in a while. Kailey couldn't hear what they were saying, and she didn't care. This was supposed to be a fun day in the park, not a make fun of Kailey day. She looked up as the two friends began to walk toward her.

"We're sorry, Kailey!" called Griffy, once he was close enough for her to hear him crinkle.

"Yeah, Kailey! I didn't mean to upset you. I was just playin' around," said Bentley, coming up to put his hand on the pouty squirrel's shoulder.

Kailey wasn't satisfied, though. She just turned her nose up and looked away. The two furs looked at each other, and Bentley gave Griffy a wink.

"Aww, come on, don't be like that, Kailey! We're good friends! And good friends always give each other diaper checks!"

"Huh?" asked Kailey, confused.

"Sure they do," said Bentley. See?"

Griffy squatted down and let his overalls drop for a diaper check. He looked so silly squatting there in his squishy pampers while Bentey hefted it with his hand and smiled an exaggerated smile at Kailey, that she just had to laugh.

"Nuh uh! That's silly!"

"Nuh uh! It's practical!" said Griffy, bringing his overalls back up and taking a turn to check Bentley. "Hey! This one's soggy too!"

Kailey was laughing harder at her silly friends now, and pointing at them. "You two got hit by the sog monster!"

The two looked at each other and grinned, then Bentley spoke up. "But you know what I noticed?"

"No, what's that, Bentley?" asked Griffy, in an obviously rehearsed exchange.

Note: A fun little story for a certain little squirrel's Bday. Enjoy! 

"I noticed that a certain little squirrel is dry!"

"Whaaaat?" said Griffy, acting shocked. "That's not cool! Everybody knows you're not cool unless you pee your pants!"

The two of them turned to look at Kailey, who got the sudden feeling this was all a trap. But before she could get up, the two of them had grabbed her.

"H-hey! No!! Leggo!" she said, giggling and squealing. But she was no match for two silly crinklebutts. Before she knew it, Griffy was rubbing her belly to calm her down and Bentley was whispering into her ear.

"Gooooood girl... Goood girl... Just relax... That's the way...."

"Nuh... ngh..." Kailey's protests and struggles died away. Her friends knew her one true weakness. Pets and praise.

"That's it.... Just relax," said Bentley as he held up a screen with swirls. The moment she stared at the screen, her eyes went blank and her face softened as her mouth hung open.

"Oh my gosh... it really works..." Griffy had to fight down excited giggles as Bentley's new Hypno-Teazer app took effect, which earned him a few shushes. But then Bentley had a giggle attack himself, hardly able to believe the squirrel was so susceptible. Luckily Kailey was totally relaxed and oblivious to all of it, at least externally.

"Kailey?" asked Bentley.

"Mmm?" she asked, a faint smile tugging at her lips as she stared at the clouds passing by.

"You're a good friend, Kailey," said Bentley.

"Mmmm thanks..." she murmured.

"And good friends do nice things for their friends, don't they?"

"They... they do..."

"That's right, Kailey... Very good... You're so smart..."

Kailey gave a dumb grin and drooled slightly. She seemed to be drinking in the praise.

"And you wanna be a very very good friend, don't you?"

Kailey nodded, "Yeah.. yeah... I wanna be a good friend...."

Bentley shushed Griffy, who looked like he was ready to explode from holding in his giggles. Then he chuckled a bit himself. "Hehe, well, then you should listen very carefully... good friends wet their pants. That's right. Good friends pee their pants... And you can pee your pants... whenever I say, s- "

"Pee your pants!" called Griffy, breaking into fits of giggles, and earning an annoyed look from Bentley, but then their ears perked up.

"Okay...." said Kailey, staring off into space still.

They then heard a soft hiss could be heard from beneath her skirtall and both boys' eyebrows raised.

"Did that really...?"

"I think so..."

"Hey, Kailey... did you just pee your pants?"

"I did... I'm a good friend," she mumbled.

Bentley and Griffy high fived. They hadn't expected this to work out so well.

"Prove it, Kailey," said Bentley, and Kailey obediently stood up and lifted her skirt to display her mostly white padding. There was a bit of yellow at the front, enough to let them know she had wet, but certainly not enough to be considered 'soaked'.

Griffy and Bentley looked at each other again and grinned mischievous grins.

"That's really good, Kailey. You're a good friend. And every time I say pee your pants and prove it, you'll-"

"SHOW EVERYONE YOUR PEE PEE PANTS!!!" yelled Griffy at the top of his lungs.

"Okay..." said Kailey, who began running off toward the playground, still holding up her skirt.

Griffy and Bentley looked at each other, shocked. Then they ran after her.

"Wait! Kailey!"

"Yeah, slow down! We gotta get this on camera!"

Some time later, Kailey's eyes fluttered open.

"Oh... I must have fallen asleep."

"Hey, Kailey. Did you have a nice nap?" asked Griffy, snickering.

"Yeah, I guess so..." she said as she sat up and felt a squish. "Oh!" She looked down and was surprised to find herself soaking wet. "Uh... I think it's time to go home... I... Uh..."

"What's a matter, Kailey? Did you pee your pampers?" asked Bentley, echoing his earlier teasing remarks.

"N-No!" she said, her face growing hot. "Okay maybe... but shhhh, I don't want anyone to notice..."

"Oh," said Griffy with a laugh. "I think it's a little late for that?"

"Hah, yeah..." said Bentley.

"What are you two talking about?" asked Kailey, standing up and dusting off her skirt. "More of your silly games?"

"Heh, no... see for yourself..."

Bentley held up his phone and Kailey's jaw dropped as she watched herself holding up her skirt and wetting her diaper while a group of furs pointed and laughed, some literally rolling on the floor laughing.

"What?! How..."

"I guess you're just a good friend, aren't you?"

Kailey blushed as a warm sensation washed across her body. "Y-you did something! I know it was you! .... Hey! Get back here! You better delete that video!"

"Only if you can catch me!" yelled Bentley, already well away from Kailey.

"Yeah!" called Griffy. "And don't forget... You're still it!!!"

And the three furs took off running as fast as their legs could carry them.


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