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Continuation of December 4, 2020 "Doctor’s Orders"

Steven sulked for the whole car ride to the medical supply store, and that did not escape Ben's notice.

"Hey, grumpster. As cute as you luck back there sucking your paci and pouting, I want you to be on your best behavior when we go into the store. Do you hear me? No sulking in the store, or you won't be getting any ice cream after, young man."

"Wike I fupping cawe about ice cweam," muttered Steven around his pacifier.

"Excuse me? What did you say?" asked Ben, raising his voice and slamming on the breaks.

Steven was shocked and didn't know what to say.

"Ooh, that's it. As soon as we get to the store you're in BIG trouble, mister."

Steven was now very angry. Who was Ben to talk to him like that? "You can't talk to me wike dat!" he said, his face getting red.

Ben was taking deep breaths as he drove, his face as red as Steven's. "We're going to have to have a conversation about what we can talk like, Stevie. You seem to have the wrong idea about our relationship."

Steven couldn't agree more. He cringed as his boyfriend called him 'Stevie' and he planned to sort his boyfriend out as soon as they were stopped. In the meantime, he sat there sulking even harder in the back seat until they got to their destination. From out of the car, Steven could see a big brightly colored sign that said The Big Little Diaper Store. However judging by the size of the building and the oversized baby nursery on display in the window, they sold a lot more than just diapers. He didn't have time to wonder just what kind of store this was and who would shop there because his immediate attention was taken up by Ben storming around to the back seat and opening the door.

Steven couldn't take off the belt himself as Ben had started using some sort of child safety setting that prevented him from doing so. Between that and the doors and windows which he also couldn't open or unlock, Steven was left to feel very small as he waited for Ben to open the door and start the lecture.

"Listen, little man," began Ben. "I know you're going through a lot of changes right now, but that does not give you permission to talk back. From now on, you are following the doctors' orders without complaint. And I honestly don't know why you're being so immature about this. I thought that if you wouldn't listen to me, you'd listen when the doctors told you exactly what I've been saying for weeks, but you still seem to insist on acting like a child."

Steven glared back at Ben, defiant, but feeling tears began to well up in his eyes from the dressing down he was getting. He had nowhere to go stuck in his seat like that and he hated how he was being talked to, but the worst was yet to come.

"If that's how you're going to be, Stevie, then that's how I'm going to treat you."

Steven couldn't hold his tongue anymore. This was not acceptable. "NO!"

Ben glared at him. "You don't get a choice in this, mister. This is about your health now and I will not have my boyfriend make himself sick because he's being stubborn. You will be taking your meds, following your doctor's orders, then there are going to be some changes around here, starting with a little attitude adjustment.

"But, I-" began Steven, before he was immediately cut off by his boyfriend.

"You are going to be punished, but since I know you've had a long day and you're probably cranky, I'm going to give you a choice of which punishment."

Steven opened his mouth to respond but Ben cut him off again. "And if you talk back, you're going to get both punishments. So what'll it be?"

Steven paused for a second, and then finally mumbled, "I'll choose," looking down at his bare feet.

"Okay, kiddo. I'm glad you're finally seeing reason. Now listen carefully, because I don't want to repeat myself. Option one, you get a spanking here in the car, and option two, you spend the rest of the day without pants - and that includes going into the store. Which will it be?"

These both sounded horrible to Steven, but he knew he could never go into the store without pants, so he picked the spanking, as much as he dreaded it.

"Spanking?" asked Ben. "Okay, stand up," He said, unbuckling the seatbelt and helping Steven to his feet in the parking lot. He then proceeded to take Steven's pants off for what Steven thought was a spanking but when Ben threw the pants into the front seat and locked the car, Steven knew something was wrong.

"W-what awe you doing? What's going on? I said spanking!" Steven said, as he was pulled toward the store by his much stronger boyfriend.

"I know you did, Stevie. That's why I'm not doing it. You just showed me which was the worse punishment for you and I picked it because I don't want you to forget this lesson. But I can do both if you want to keep fighting me. So what'll it be, little man? You want to test me some more or are we going to have a cooperative little boy who earns his ice cream cone after this trip?"

Steven was near tears as he was dragged ever closer to the store, but he knew when he was beat. "I'll be good, I'll be good," he said, and allowed himself to be led the rest of the way.


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