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Continuation of May 15, 2021: Hair Trigger Cream Pt. 3 

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 

Note: This is the last chapter of hair trigger cream. Poor guy has to pay for his misdeeds. No need to worry, though, he'll be back to normal... eventually. CW: Gender  TF


"Delightful!" said the assistant as they watched the merchandise pile up. I was far from delighted. "Ooh, we also sell extra absorbent diapers here. Looks like your boy could use a change."

I looked down and sure enough my pants were sagging to my knees. Kyle pulled me over to the 'rough housing' area the assistant had pointed out before and laid me down. That's when I noticed there were changing supplies tucked off to the side.

"I guess the padded mats are as good as any place to change him, huh?"

"Definitely! What kind of diapers would you like?"

"Anything thick and soft," he said.

"Well, you can't go softer than cloth!"

I got to watch myself from three angles as Kyle untaped my soggy cum-filled diaper to reveal that my penis had shrunk even more than before. It was not just a tiny little nub, and it looked as if my testicles had literally retreated into my body. The smell that his me was intense, since I had literally been wearing a bucket of cum around my waist.

"Looks like you're gonna have to change your name from Ricky to Rita," said Kyle, laughing.

"Oh, is that the sensitivity cream you're using on them?" asked the assistant. "Oh, we have some much stronger stuff behind the counter. It's not... technically... legal..."

"We'll take it!" said Kyle with an evil grin. "Enough to cover Rita's entire body."

"Right away!" said the assistant, clearly seeing dollar signs in their eyes.

They came back with a tub of pink cream. When they opened it, the smell of baby powder was so strong it nearly singed off my eyebrows.

"No, guys! Come on! Unhhhhh..." I spasmed again as Kyle rubbed every inch of my body down with the sweet-smelling cream. I watched in horror as all my body hair fell off and my skin turned pink like it was freshly healed. Every pore was extremely sensitive to the point where the air in the room felt like it could set me off as it caressed my naked body, and in fact it did. It was like when you have a tickle in your nose that makes you keep sneezing and can't stop, the tickle was coming from my entire body and the sneeze coming out of my nub of a dicklet.

"Time for your diaper, squirt," said Kyle with a laugh and I was too weak and stimulated to resist. I was cumming nonstop, and making a hell of a mess, so to be honest, I was grateful to be put in a diaper. The fleece diaper cover and fleece rainbow caring bear pajamas, however, sickeningly cute they were, at least protected my skin from any more overstimulation.

"One more thing," said the assistant, seeming to enjoy this transformation as much as Kyle was. They produced a pair of fleece booties that went over my feet. "You'll need these. Socks and shoes will definitely set you off now."

I was left there and told to stay while Kyle purchased these items for me.

"It's the least I could do," he said, as if he were doing me a favor. As soon as he got past the nearest racks of clothes he disappeared from my view, so I had to just lay there and wait as he went and purchased whatever he needed to. When he came back for me, his hands were empty.

"It's all in the car," he said, cryptically, and I wondered what else he could have bought for me. Then again, maybe I didn't want to know.

The smell of baby powder clung to me as I was carried back to the car by my best friend and strapped into the seat.

"This should speed things along," said Kyle, chuckling. I whimpered as I lay back exhausted in the seat. He was right about the fleece, however. It seemed to insulate me from sensations enough that I was finally able to rest a bit.

I guess I dozed off because before I knew it, we were pulling up to Kyle's house and he was carrying me inside to deposit me firmly on his bed. He unzipped the pink rainbow bear sleeper to check my diaper and I gasped at the sensation of the air hitting my skin, feeling precum start to pool in the front of my diaper again..

"Hmm, looks pretty dry. Guess that fleece did the trick, huh, buddy?"

"Y-yeah," I said, squirming a bit both from the embarrassment of being in a cute sleeper with a diaper showing and the exciting sensations that seemed to flow right down to between my legs.

"Oh, look at you. You're horny already aren't you?" he asked. Since my skin was already bright pink, he couldn't have seen my blush, but I certainly felt it. "Well, I think for tonight I'll just let you rest up. You've had a rough day."

He patted the top of my head, which was the one area the cream didn't touch and left me to fall into a fitful slumber once more.

Later that evening, Kyle woke me up and carried me out to have dinner. He said we were now even and that he wouldn't make me put on any more cream, which made me happy. I did wonder how I was going to use the restroom and things like that, but he assured me the diaper would take care of everything. I didn't like that news and fought him on it, but all he had to do was unzip my sleeper and play with my nipples and I did whatever he wanted.

"Please Dude! I'll do anything! Just stop- Unhhgghghhhhh" I said, as I came for the fourth time in a row.

"Then agree to wear diapers full time until the cream wears off."

"Okay, okay, whatever you say, Kyle."

"Good girl, Rita."

I tried to protest that I wasn't a girl, but he just ignored that. The fact that being called that gave me funny horny feelings in my stomach didn't make me feel better. Was there something about myself that I didn't know?

Knowing there was no hope of me getting back to work in the next three days, I called out sick. Work was very understanding and gave me leave. I was relieved I didn't have to get carried to work in some ridiculous fleece outfit. Kyle also took the time off to care for me and I felt grateful, though the diaper changes were extremely embarrassing, and I would complain every time that I could do it myself. Kyle wouldn't hear of it though and insisted not only on changing me, but blindfolding me when he did so so I couldn't see my little bitty clitty, as he called it.

On Day three, Kyle took me out of my fleece locking pajama pants and top. He had even set up a wide and tall full length mirror for the big reveal.

"Ready, dude?"

I was. As he peeled away the fleece, I was excited to see that my skin had returned to normal color - though the hair was still gone.

"I hope it grows back soon, Dude," I said. "I don't want people seeing this and making fun of me."

"Oh, they won't," he said with a grin. "Trust me."

That sounded odd, but I shrugged it off. "Whatever, man. Does this mean I don't have to wear diapers anymore?" I asked, reaching for the tapes.

He nodded, "Sure, you only had to wear them as long as the effects of the cream lasted, and I'm a man of my word."

"Sweet," I said, unpinning my yellowed diaper and quickly removing the soggy padding. When I did so, however, I was horrified to see that my downstairs had not returned to normal. Rather, my boy bits had disappeared altogether to be replaced by a mound with a slit in the middle, and a little pinky sized nub of flesh at the top.

"Uh oh, guess I spoke too soon," said Kyle, laughing.

"What did you do, Kyle!" I yelled angrily. "What did you do?!"   I could smell my arousal even stronger than I did before and it dazed me slightly. This was very bad.

"Calm down there, princess," he said, tweaking my nipple. I immediately came, squirting pee into the open padding of my diaper. "Uh oh, guess she's a squirter," he laughed.

I was too busy shaking and moaning to respond. The orgasm was more powerful and much longer lasting than I was used to, and went through my whole body leaving me a horny moaning mess. The most amazing thing about it, though, was it didn't leave me sore down there. I was just as horny and excited as before the orgasm. Moreso, if anything.

"Oh, does the little princess like that?" he asked. I bit my lip. I didn't want to admit that it actually felt good. The truth was I'd had a crush on Kyle for quite some time and we'd been playing these escalating sexual games for almost as long. This was just the latest round, and from what I could tell he was winning. Or maybe we both were.

Then he reached lower with his hands and said, "How about this?" as he brushed my ass lips with his finger. I gasped as he produced a small jar of the cream from the shop and began to finger my two holes, first the back hole, and then the front, paying special attention to my puffy anal lips and the area around the slit. I felt entirely new sensations as he fingered my holes and thumbed my clit, and everything down there heated up and swelled. I could feel all the blood going down there, but there was no erection like I was used to. He could feel it too because he remarked at how hot and tight I was getting. I could see him practically salivating as he tented in his pants and I finally said it.

"OH, just fuck me already, Kyle!"

He just chuckled and shook his head. "Not yet, princess. I want to take this slow and easy. It's nice to hear you beg though."

I was completely embarrassed that I ever opened my mouth about it. I had lost the game of seduction and he knew it. All I could do was lie back as he continued to massage me into one low rolling moan and I came again.

Then he brought out the vibrator and shoved it in me. I moaned and shuddered telling him it was too much as I felt my bladder wall begin to contract and force more piss out of me. He just laughed and pinned me back up, then flipped me on my stomach and pulled down the back of my diaper to finger me from behind and tease me with his tongue.

"Ahhh, fuck, K-K-K-Kyle!" was all I could say as I was driven up the wall by all the stimulation. "How long is this shit going to last?"

"Long enough for what I have planned," he said, laughing. "Looks like you'll need to double diaper from now on."

I covered my face in humiliation as I felt more warmth squirt into the front of my diaper. My eyes flew wide open when I felt something pressing into the back of my hole and he was pushing a fat vibrating rubber dildo into that as well. There was some resistance at first, but the cream seemed to make things go easier and before I knew it, I had it lodged inside me up to the hilt.

"You just relax sweetie. Trust me, I'm doing you a favor. You'll want to be nice and loose, and we should have you there just in time for the next Frat party. Now you'll know what it felt like. I even got you a new inflatable rubber bitch suit with open nipples for the occasion."

I whined. So this was his end game. If only I hadn't tricked my best friend into that suit I might not be in this whole mess. But as it was, I was stuck. And I couldn't tell how much of those horny feelings I was feeling came from the vibrators stuck inside me, and how much came from the idea of being a bitch for an entire house of hot guys. But at that point I was so lost in the sensations of cumming and filling my diaper that I didn't even care.


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