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“What do you want, Buddy, I’m on the phone!”

The big man with puffy shorts and a too-small t-shirt continued to tug on the smaller woman’s sleeve.

“I need a chaaaaange, sis!”

“Ugh, fine. Go get your diaper and wipes and bring them to me. I’m not getting them for you.”

Buddy ran out of his sister’s bedroom, blushing. He hated being in diapers, and hated to have to ask his little sister to change him even more, but those were the new rules, and there wasn’t anything he could do about it. He walked back into her room With the wipes and a fresh diaper, his head hanging down. This was the biggest bedroom. It used to be his room before he was demoted to the nursery.

“Hold on…Buddy? Buddy. Lay down and take off your shorts. Yes, right there. Sorry, it’s my big brother. Yeah, he’s still in them. No, doesn’t look like the little pants pisser is gonna learn to stay dry any time soon. Ugh, I know. Buddy! Would you stop squirming?”

Melissa changed Buddy as quickly as possible, never letting the phone leave her ear as she untaped the tapes, opened up the soggy yellowed diaper, wiped down the much larger man’s hairless area below the belly button, between his legs, and all around the balls. He buried his face in his hands. He wished he could control his pee better but whatever they did to him made sure that wouldn’t happen. Why had his parents taken such extreme measures? He was just having a little fun with the guys. How was he to know the party would get busted up by the Diaper Patrol?

Now he was laying there helpless as his younger sister taped him into a fresh new diaper. Then she returned to her conversation.

“A-aren’t you gonna use powder?” he asked, sitting up.

“No, go use it yourself,” she said.

He held it up and whined.

“Ugh, fffine,” she said, turning the bottle upside down and squeezing it down the back of his diaper. He winced as she did so, leaving a cloud of pouwder emanating from his butt.

“Now get out of here,” she said, shoving the bottle back in his hand and scooting him out the door with his wipes and a dirty diaper in hand. “Now don’t ask for another change today, little booger. You can wait til Mom and Dad get home for that. Go… watch some TV or something.

He huffed. It wasn’t his fault he wasn’t allowed to diaper himself. He looked down at his tracking ankle bracelet and wondered how the other guys were doing. Compared to some of them, he’d gotten off light. At least he could still speak and walk.

He pouted as he waddled back to the bathroom to deposit the evidence of his shame into the diaper pail. Yet another diaper for the pile.

He turned on the T.V. wishing it would play a football game for once but no such luck. All he got was cartoons when he was in the room. That’s all he was allowed to watch was baby shows. Booie and Blarney and Pawsome Squad. Much of it was mind-numbingly boring, but… some of it was good. And the scary thing was, he found more and more of it seemed good to him every day.

His favorite doggy family appeared on the screen and he giggled and clapped before catching himself and covering his mouth. Did he really just do that? This was not good. This was worrisome. This called for his binky. He didn’t know where that was so he stuck his thumb in his mouth and sucked as he watched the cartoons. What was he worried about again? He knew it had to be important, but he just couldn’t quite remember. The silly doggies were dancing on the screen again. He smiled and drooled a bit around his thumb as his diaper grew a wet spot. He only woke up from his daze because the show ended and he snapped out of it for just a second to stare at the yellowed front of his diaper before the next episode came on.

He stared in disbelief, first at his diaper and then his wet thumb. They were really making him into a baby. He scowled.

This sucked. This really sucked.

But then the next episode came on and he forgot just why he was pouting. The funny doggies were back! That was much more important than any big boy stuff he was thinking before. Yeah. He smiled and grunted. He felt a pressure at his back door and then it eased up as the back of his diaper slowly filled with mush. That felt nice. He rocked back and forth squishing it more. Diapees were fun.

And he might have done something about the poopy diapers if the show hadn’t been set to play every episode back to back on repeat forever. He just sat there rocking and filling his diapers more til his parents got home.

“Well hey there, squirt!”

It was Uncle Ted, a family friend who also looked after his own little brother at home. “Uh oh, looks like we get a messy bum bum, don’t we? Good thing I came to check in on you.”

He switched off the TV and Buddy got a bit of his awareness back.

“T-teddy?” he said, still sucking his thumb.

“Hey there, buddy. You’ve been pretty busy there filling your diapers, haven’t you? You having a good meal there? You know, I could get you some formula, I think that’d suit your tummy better.”

It was only now that Buddy had the notion to get embarrassed. He pulled his thumb out of his mouth and wiped it on his Booey shirt, than tucked it behind his back as he blushed and looked up.

“I’m messy.” He said, sadly.

“Yes you are, little guy. Come on, let’s get you all cleaned up then. Up to the nursery.”

By the time they had made it to the changing table, Buddy was full-on whining.

“Please don’t put me in anovver diapow, he said, as Ted shoved an oversized dummy in his mouth.”

“Oh, it I had a nickel for every time I heard that,” said Ted, shaking his head. “I’d better strap you down,” he said, pulling a chest strap over the large, whimpering man.

The funny thing was, Ted was probably not much older than Buddy. He just happened to be on the right side of the law when the Baby Patrol showed up and got the privileges his brother lost. That’s how it was. The appearance of the patrol could either spell fortune or failure and it looked like Buddy was going to fail potty training for the foreseeable future.

“Okay Buddy, let’s see what we’re working with.”

Ted peeled back the front of the diaper and pulled his head back.

“Whoo! That’s a stinky one! What are they feeding you anyway?”

Of course he knew exactly what they were feeding him. Baby mush and formula, what else? It was the only think he had eaten since he’d gotten into this whole mess. Stupid laws. Stupid A.I. He wished he could have gone to the free-zone when he’d had the chance. Now he was stuck as a baby. He hoped that the sentence wouldn’t last long.

But for all he knew it had already ended and his family just decided to keep him that way. Littles like him never got the privilege of knowing just what their position was in the world, aside from that they were big babies now and that’s all that mattered. He began to sniffle as he watched this guy his own age clean him up like he was an infant. It wasn’t fair. He sucked his binky and fumed.

“Uh oh, I think someone needs a nap,” said Ted, once he finished the arduous task of cleaning Buddy’s big butt. He tossed the diaper in the pail below the changing table, then he helped buddy of and walked him to the crib. Buddy had no choice but to waddle right there. It had some hand me downs from when his sister was an actual toddler – so it had a decidedly pastel look to it. Buddy hated it.

“Up you go,” said Ted, leading Buddy up and into the crib before bringing up the rails and locking him in. He turned on the mobile and music began to play. Buddy’s eyes were immediately fixated on the spinning object and they began to get heavy.

“There you go, little one, just relax. Let the changes happen. Yes. You’re so much cuter as a baby boy, I think everyone agrees. And much safer. That’s why I’m recommending they keep you like this… no hard feelings, right?”

But Buddy hardly heard him. He was already drifting off into a nice peaceful sleep.

The last words that ran through his mind before he conked out were, “this isn’t so bad…”


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