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Dexter lay in his crib in his purple pajama sweater and purple bunny diapers and sighed. He couldn't get to sleep tonight. He pushed his thick-rimmed glasses up on his nose and looked down at the thick diapers spreading his legs apart. They matched his pajamas really well. They were.... cute...

A reminder of what he now was. What Daddy - his former bully in high school - had made him into. He reached his hand and rubbed it over the thick plastic padding. It felt nice - for his hand at least. He felt nothing much between his legs as the whole bulk shifted between his legs as one unit. Like a tortoise carapace. 

He sighed. He was horny, but there wasn't much he could do about that, unless he was willing to take a spanking on Christmas. He tossed and turned a few more minutes until he finally sat up and and decided enough was enough. 

He pulled him self up and gingerly worked his way over the rail and down the other side. 

"Gotta be quiet," he whispered to himself as he padded toward the carpet and the  door.  In the dimly lit light he could see something move in the room. and he jumped. But it was just his reflection in the full length mirror. He stared at it for a moment - seeing a former nerd now in some babyish and slightly girly pajamas, thickly diapered with a thick pastel purple collar around his neck. The only thing that remained of his old life was his thick glasses, which he almost never removed, even in bed. 

He sighed. He used to be the smart kid. Keeping his head down and plodding through his work at school, knowing that after things would be different. He hadn't planned on being adopted by his bully. He hadn't planned on being turned into his baby full time. And now he was... cute. All because he wore diapers to school. 

But that didn't matter now, because right now it was Christmas. He was going to sneak down and eat the milk and cookies and maybe open a present. He didn't care if he got caught this was his first Christmas as a little, and even though he often thought about when he was at least ostensibly growing up, the Christmas excitement of getting up and opening presents was too great to resist. Besides, it would distract him from naughty thoughts that would get him in trouble. 

He slowly crept out into the hallway, taking care not to let the door creak. He looked left, then right. He heard snoring. Nothing else.

"Coast is clear," he whispered to himself. He snuck down the hall to his next obstacle - the stairs. Every creak spelled potential disaster. He had to stop and wait whenever he made a sound, and whenever the snoring stopped. Rex had a sharp sense of hearing and he would love an excuse to redden Dexter's bottom again. From the swollen tube that descended down his pants at every spanking, Dexter knew Rex enjoyed those punishment sessions.  And of course Dexter would then have to please He blushed as his diaper got tighter.

This was no good, He was supposed to be distracting himself. Eventually he got to the bottom of the stairs and saw in the light of the Christmas tree what he was looking for - the milk and cookies!

He toddled up to them and licked his lips. He was so singularly focused on the cookies and milk that he had tunnel vison. By the time he noticed there really was someone else in the room he was already halfway done. It was only the jingling of bells and the clomping of boots behind him that startled him out of his cookie frenzy. He spun around and came face to face with a man in a red suit and leather harness which was adorned with bells.  

"Ho ho ho, what are you doing , little Dexter?"

"I- I- I- ummm...." Dexter was astonished. Everyone knew Santa wasn't real. Was he? He looked down at his hands - he was holding a half eaten cookie in one hand and a half glass of milk. He was totally busted. "S-sorry, Santa." 

"Oh, you'll be sorry, naughty boy. Your Daddy told me all about you! You shouldn't be feeding yourself, and you certainly aren't ready to drink out of a big boy glass. Where's your bottle?" 

"Uh- uh- um...." Dexter could feel his diaper growing warm. Whether it was stress or the milk, standing there in front of Santa holding his treats and wetting himself was perhaps one of the most embarrassing things of his young life. This was Santa after all! 

"Nevermind. Santa knows babies don't know any better. You're lucky you're only a little one. Come on then, if you're that hungry let's feed you a bottle in Santa's lap." 

Dexter shrunk back. He was not ready to be babied by Santa. 

"I'm n-not a baby..." 

"Come on now, no time for that," Santa said, turning his head away and waving Dexter over. Dexter felt the pressure of two hard objects pressing into his back, nudging him toward the man who took a seat on the nearby sofa. 

"Rudolph?!" Dexter asked, in shock as he was forced forward into Santa's arms by the bright-nosed reindeer. Strong arms pulled him up into a warm lap and a very large bottle of milk was pressed to his lips. He looked up at the large bearded man. Santa smiled down at him. 

"Come on, little boy, open up. You want to be a good boy for Santa, don't you?"

Dexter obeyed, not wishing to anger the king of Christmas. 

"There you go, little boy. Good boy. Drink it all up now. Ho ho ho...." 

Santa's deep voice, his soft lap, and the delicious warm milk were having an effect on Dexter. He felt his eyes beginning to droop, and barely registered the feeling of warmth spreading over his crotch. 

"Such a good baby boy. But certainly too mischievous to be left unattended. I have a special present for you, little one." 

Santa nodded to Rudolph, who grabbed a gift out of Santa's bag with his mouth and set it gently under the tree. 

"Dexter?" came Daddy's voice from upstairs. "Little boy, why aren't you in your crib? Dexter, where are-" 

Rex stopped short when he saw the scene in front of him. There was his little boy asleep by his half finished midnight snack, milk and crumbs over the front of his purple sweater and a very soaked diaper. He was sprawled out on the couch fast asleep. 

"Oh, Dexie..." said Rex, shaking his head and smiling at the adorable sight. He really was lucky to have such a cute little boy in his life. "I suppose you can sleep a little longer, but these diapers need a change." 

He picked up the smaller boy in his arms and carried him toward the stairway.

The little tyke must have fallen asleep while sneaking Santa's snacks. Well, Daddy's snacks, really because Daddy had had the same plan but clearly the little boy had beaten him to it. He would enjoy punishing his little guy in the morning - maybe he'd let him out of the spanking if he did an extra good job pleasuring Daddy. He could feel his hardness snaking down his leg at the thought. 

Before he carried his boy up to the nursery, however, his eye caught on a gift box under the tree that hadn't been there the night before. 

"What the..."

He stepped closer and saw that it was labeled 'from Santa to Baby Dexter'

"Now where did that come from?" 

Rex was puzzled, but the dribbling of a diaper leaking on the floor told him he had more urgent matters to attend to. He must've just forgotten about that one. They'd take a look in the morning. 

Dexter would sleep through his entire change. Daddy brought his little nerd to bed and snuggled up with him, the perfect way to start his Christmas morning. Fun surprises under the tree could wait. 

"Merry Christmas baby boy," said Daddy Rex. He kissed his little guy on the cheek and the two of them fell into a contented slumber. As they slept, a faint 'ho ho ho' could be heard in the distance, another delivery successfully completed. . 

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!! 

<3 Champ



Now I need to know what is in that box!