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Continuation of August 19, 2020 "The Diagnosis

My husband drove in silence the rest of the way home. I knew he was trying to catch my eye in the rearview mirror, but I just crossed my arms as well as the car seat would allow me and looked out the window as I sucked my binky. How could he do this to me? How could he abandon me for another man the moment things got tough? Yeah, I was regressed. I was the size of a toddler now complete with toddler-level bathroom control, but I wasn't planning on staying this way no matter what the doctor said. Did he really have to give up so easy?

He parked in the driveway and came around to let me out of my seat. He lifted me up - I put up no resistance, but I wouldn't look him in the eye either. 

"Be nice," he whispered in my ear as the front door opened and a tall dark man walked out. 

"Hey honey," he said giving my husband a kiss on the cheek. "Hello baby boy It's so nice to finally meet you."

"We got good news at the doctor's, love," said Adam, bouncing me gently. "Jacob is stable now, so we're out of the danger zone. He should stay stable at this age from now on."

Good news? How the fuck was this good news? I was just sentenced to a lifetime of diapers and baby bottles. 

"Oh that's wonderful news, hon. I've got good news as well. I'm all moved in. Finished the last of it just before you got here! Looks like this lucky little guy is gonna have two Daddies loving on him from now on." 

He moved in to ruffle my hair and I pulled away.

"The fuck do you think you're doing?" I spat finally managing to spit out my binky. "You steal my husband and now you think you can just move into my house? Ha! Don't make me laugh."

Both their eyes went wide. When I got angry, my adult speech tended to return and it was having quite the effect.

"Jacob!" my  husband said. "That's no way to talk to..."

"No way to talk to who, Adam?" I asked, my anger gaining momentum. "The man who's fucking my husband?"

"No way to talk to your new dad," said the man, his eyes ablaze. 

"My what?!" I cried. "I'm a grown ass man! No way in hell I'm calling you Dad, dude." 

Adam looked from Jerry to me as we stared each other down.

"I haven't told him yet, Honey," he said, as he attempted to shush me. "I thought it would be better if you explained things to him." 

"You were right, sweetie. It will be. You let Daddy handle things now." He held out his arms for Adam to pass me to him.

"Don't even think about it! Hey! Let got of me, bastard!!" 

He held me out at arm's length as I tried and failed to do any damage to him. My pudgy baby body didn't allow me the strength to hit him hard or the reach to bite him. 

"So, little Jakey, this is how you want to play it, huh? I heard you were the big man around here before you got regressed. Let's get this straight. I'm the man of the house now. You're just a little baby." 

I was shocked. I looked over to my husband for help. 

"Don't look at him, look at me! He is no longer your husband. You can't be that to him anymore. He needs a real man to take care of him, to provide, and yes, even to fuck him. From now on you are our son. You will refer to him and myself as Daddy. Your house will be mine. You will take my name. You will follow my rules. Am I understood?"

"Fuck off!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, hoping I could at least burst his eardrums.

Before I knew it, I was over his lap with my diaper pulled down screaming as blows were raining down on my behind. At first I yelled obscenities, then I yelled for help, then I just cried. The whole neighborhood could see my sore bottom glowing bright red from the thrashing he gave me on the front step of the house. It was utterly humiliating. When he finished I was a sniveling mess, crying and choking on my own tears. Jerry pulled my diaper back up and carried me inside.  I no longer protested being carried by the man who made me a cuckold.

"It's better that this happened now so we could get it out of the way," Jerry told Adam as he carried me to my nursery. "Once we establish his place in this household, things will go much more smoothly. Isn't that right, baby boy?" Jerry gave me a warning glare and I shrank back as he placed me on the changing table. I didn't like the idea of letting this interloper change my diapers, but I didn't dare try and stop him. I just shot him the meanest glare I could muster through my tears as he lowered me into my crib. 

"You can keep pouting all you want, little boy, it's not going to change anything. I'll give you some time alone to think about your behavior." 

They left me in my nursery to sulk and sulk I did. I threw my plushie Mr. Teddy as hard as I could across the mattress, and quickly crawled after him to pick him up and kiss him better. 

"I'm sorry, Mr. Teddy. I'm just so angry. It's not fair, I didn't do anything to deserve this. How come I hafta be a baby? Why couldn't this happen to Adam?" 

It was awful to admit but I couldn't help but think that it should have been him. He was the submissive partner after all. He would have taken this much more easily. And as angry as I was I knew that I wouldn't have stayed faithful either. I would have had to sate my libido with some boy toy babysitter, or one of my many fuck buddies that I still visited from time to time. Now, though, my libido had completely disappeared along with my testicles, which had migrated up into my body. I really was just a baby after all. 

"Hey sweetie." Adam's head poked in the door. I hid the teddy behind me and crossed my arms. "Are you still giving me the silent treatment? That's okay. I just wanted to tell you that dinner was ready and you can come out if you want. If you don't I'll just bring you your night time bottle. It's up to you, baby." 

Oh boy, I had a choice now. Why couldn't one of the options be to put Jerry in a diaper? I smiled at the thought of Jerry's face as he found himself on the changing table instead of me. 

"Maybe you're not as upset as I thought you were. I caught you smiling... and playing with Mr. Teddy..." 

"I'm not feeling better," I said, quickly making a grinch face at him, to show that I was really upset. "I'll never feel better again!"

"Aww, come on now sweetie," he said picking me up and kissing my nose. He nuzzled my cheek and blew a raspberry on my belly, and it felt good, despite everything. 

"I know how to make my little guy smile, yes I do. And I know you'll be smiling again all the time, because you're my little sunny bunny. Always have been, sweetheart." 

He patted my butt and then gave me a sniff. 

"Okay, poopie pants. Let's get you changed, then you're coming out for din dins. No more pouting, you and big Daddy are going to learn to get along, come hell or high water." 

I looked away as he pulled my diaper down, not wanting to see the evidence of my complete loss of control. I honestly didn't even know I was poopy until he checked me. That last bit of control had left was leaving me. I let him lift my body as he wished, feeling the wipes pass over my hairless skin as he got all the yuckies off me. Then it was right back into another diaper. That's how it would be from now on, I told myself. 

I blushed and looked down as I was sat in the high chair. It was positioned at the corner of the kitchen table  between the two men, putting me - and my diaper - at face level with both of them. 

"Do I hafta eat inna high chair?" I whined, as I squirmed in the confinement of the crotch harness. 

"Yes you do, kiddo," said Adam. "It's the only chair that fits little guys like you. And you know your coordination isn't what it used to be." 

I thought about it for a moment and just accepted it. 

"Am I gonna get to eat big boy food?" I asked, already knowing the answer. 

"No, we've been over this, little one. You can't eat big boy food anymore. It's no good for your tum tums. You gotta eat baby food." 

I crossed my arms, and furrowed my brow before finally accepting this as true. This was our regular dance. Every meal we would have this discussion and every time I would begrudgingly allow Adam to feed my mushed baby food. But tonight would be different.

"Your Big daddy is going to feed you tonight, kiddo. Are you gonna be good and let him do that?" 

I looked warily at the man, then back to Adam. I thought for a while and finally nodded my assent. I'd give it a chance. Some invisible tension seemed to go out of the room as I did this, and Adam smiled, his eyes looking a little wetter than they were a moment ago.

"Thank you baby boy," he said, a little hoarsely and kissed me on the cheek. 

Jerry, who hadn't said a word, let out his breath and his face softened into a smile of relief. Had he been holding it that whole time? 

I realized that I really didn't know this man at all yet. All my opinions were based more on my own misfortunes than what he had done. He was simply a result of my regression, not the cause. He was human after all, and someone whom Adam clearly dearly. Translation: He couldn't be a complete asshole. I decided I would give this man a chance. 


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