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"So you'll need to work 80 hours per week, and often stay night and weekends. We're looking for someone who is motivated and willing to step in to fill several roles at our organization so you might be training employees, coordinating distribution, and meeting with international partners on video chat. It's an entry level position, so the compensation will be $11.50 an hour but you could make as much as $13.50 if you have enough experience. So how interested are you in this position. Hello? Hello?" 

Jeffy hung up the phone. Another no. He was having a hard time finding work that didn't make him nervous as heck. Either they wanted 10 years previous experience in the position, and a million certifications, or they wanted to pay a salary that barely competed with the fast food joint up the street. He hadn't had a single job offer that didn't give him anxiety about his future. And the phone interviews. He hated phone interviews. They made him want to crawl out of his skin.

"Forget it, buddy," he said patting his dog, who was in the bed beside him. "Looks like we're gonna have to move in with Mom and Dad again." 

He only hoped he could find something worth while before that happened. 

Jeffy set his laptop down on his bed and went to the kitchen to make himself some toast and coffee. Meanwhile, a notification popped up on his LinkedWork account. 

Jeffy was scrolling through squawker and LookBook, finding nothing in particular when he noticed the little red dot on his homescreen.

"Oh boy, another ad," he said to himself spraying breadcrumbs onto the kitchen floor. 

However, when he opened up the account, he was pleasantly surprised.

"Warehouse job. No experience required. Flexible hours. Benefits and paid housing included."

He decided to send out an email, just to see what this job was about. It was kinda interesting, but it wasn't clear what he was supposed to do. Stocking, he imagined. He got an immediate reply, another pleasant surprise. 

"So glad you are interested, can we set up an interview? Let us know when you're available. Jesse, Intake Manager, InconTrol"

"Good morning, I'm free all day. Tomorrow as well. Call me back at..." 

He had done all this on his phone, but he wanted to do some research on this company. He grabbed his laptop and started typing in the name InControl. Before he had a chance to look at the resuls his phone rang. 


"Hi, Jeffy. This is Jesse from InControl, thanks so much for reaching out!"

"Wow, uh, hi. That was fast! I just sent off that email."

"Yeah, we've been short on people lately so my days have been all inteviews." Jesse sounded a bit tired. At least Jeffy knew he was human. 

"You guys getting a lot of turnover?"

"To be honest yes. It's not that the job is high pressure, or backbreaking work. It's just, well, a little different."

"What's the job? Don't tell me you're looking for a hit man? I've played the video game but I don't have any assassination experience."

Jesse laughed.

"No, no, not at all. It's just a little bit of product testing, trying out a few of our new VR programs we're working on. Honestly, it's mostly just hanging out. We have a fully stocked break room - you can even take a nap in there if you want."

"Okay, I feel like you're not telling me something here, Jesse... I've been in the job market for a minute and there's always a catch. So what's the catch?"

"Okay, okay, you got me. It's about the industry we're in. There's a bit of a stigma attached. Do you know what InControl makes?" 

Jeffy turned his eyes to the screen and scrolled down through the results.

"Uh... InControl.. Incontrol.. best protection... keeping you secure... uh.. is it home security?"

"Haha, perhaps in a way. But no, we sell products and services to manage incontinence." 

"Intonciwhat now?" 

"Adult diapers. We make adult diapers," said Jesse. 

"Ohh... okay," Jeffy shrugged to no one in particular. 

"And the position is for testing and quality control, so..."

"Ohhhh.... okay." he said. "Well, I don't really need diapers, but if all you're asking me to do is hang out in the breakroom and pee my pants while I play games, I'm way ahead of you. Uh, usually it's after a few beers, but yeah I think I got that down."

"You, uh... you really don't care? You're not freaked out about it or anything?"

"Nah," said Jeffy. "Sounds like a dream job to be honest."

"Wow, well okay," said Jesse. "Well if you're not doing anything today, why don't you come by and do some paperwork? Our address is 14000, Industrial Avenue. We can get you started today."

"Oh, can I bring my dog?" asked Jeffy, "I didn't exactly expect to start working right away." 

"Yeah, sure, we love dogs. Bring your dog." 

So Jeffy and Hunter jumped into the car and headed out to Industrial Avenue. It was a little outside of town, and there wasn't anything there but a power plant, a lot of warehouses, and some factories. 

"This place sure is... industrial," said Jeffy to Hunter. 

Hunter didn't reply. 

The building was massive but nondescript, and Jeffy actually drove past the building two or three times before he figured out where he was supposed to go. He parked in the massive and mostly empty lot, and walked up with Hunter to the loading docks where he saw a few employess in overalls loading up boxes maked with warning labels. 

"Hey!" he called out. "Do any of you know where Jesse is? I'm here for a tour and to talk about the testing position?" 

The guys stopped and looked at him. They all smiled, but something about the way they did it made Jeffy uncomfortable.

"You don't look like you're dressed for the job." said one of the guys, pointing at Jesse's waistline. "I don't hear no crinkle!" 

The guys all laughed. 

"Hey, I'll wear anything if the money's right," retorted Jeffy.

"Hehe, suit yourself, boy. I wouldn't be caught dead in one of those diapers myself, but I gotta admit they treat their employees very well here." 

"They really *pamper* their employees," another guy chimed in, setting off another round of laughter. 

"But seriously," said the first guy. "They really do pay here. And once you're an employee, you're an employee for life, so that's job security, right?"

Jeffy eventually got the directions out of the employees and headed into the building via what he now knew was the front entrance. Two offices were right there, and he saw that one was labeled Jesse LeCouche. The door swung open before he had a chance to knock.

"Heyyy, there he is! You're going to love what I have to show you. Come on, in. Can I get you something to drink?" 

Jesse was skinny with short black hair. He wore a pair of overalls like the other guys at the loading dock and a shirt. There was a noticeable bulge in his crotch area and a crinkling noise as he stepped forward to shake Jeffy's hand, but Jeffy said nothing. Jesse took a moment to fawn over the dog, who was wagging his tail like mad, and then he waved them into the office. 

"The lounge is a lot nicer," said Jesse as they stepped inside, "but it's not too shabby." 

Not too shabby was an understatement. The office had its own mini-fridge and TV, with some pretty awesome looking VR headsets lined up on a low table in front of a plastic-covered couch.

"Whoah, what are those?" asked Jeffy.

"Prototypes," said Jesse grabbing a couple sodas out of the fridge, "and some products we already have on the market. 

"Sick, can I take a look?"

Jesse looked down at the paperwork on his desk and then back up to Jeffy and smiled. 

"Hehe, sure, why not. We can get to this intake stuff later. Go ahead and get comfortable on that couch."

Jesse set up one of the VR sets, and then loaded up a program.

"Okay, this is one of our training videos for your position."

"Does this thing have games, man?"

"Yeah, it does," said Jesse, "maybe you can play them once you've changed. Do you see anything on the screen, Jeffy?"

"Yeah. Looks like it's asking me to select my undergarments... Uh... I don't see underwear here." 

"No, you're seeing the various products you'll be testing. These help keep you dry."

"Oh, okay. I guess I'll just pick one then. I piss like a firehose so which would be best for that?"

"Oh, the ones on the right should be the most absorbent."

"I have it selected. Why does it have baby blocks on the front? Whuhhhhhhh...." Jeffy's mouth hung open.

"Isn't it a great design?" Asked Jessy, leaning in close to Jeffy's ear. "You need them because they're the thickest and you're a heavy wetter. They're good for you!" 

"Hehe, yeah...these ones are good for me..." Jeffy broke into a big smile as he flooded his pants. They were completely soaked in a matter of seconds, and a puddle formed on the waterproof plastic of the couch cushion. He didn't seem to mind at all, though.

"The... the screen is.. swirly..." 

Jeffy came to as Jessee snapped his fingers a few times. "Hey buddy, you okay? You kinda passed out for a few seconds..." 

"Whoah... what... happened? Why am I wet?" 

"The program helps you test out the products. Since you said you didn't need diapers, I didn't think it'd be a problem. Oh well, let's get your paperwork done real quick so we can get you out of those pants and into something a little dryer."

"Do you have an extra pair of pants lying around too?" asked Jeffy, looking very uncomfortable in his cold, wet clothing. 

"You won't need em. You can work in just a shirt and diaper because nobody cares around here - we see it all the time!"

"Wow... I've heard of work casual before but this is... a lot," said Jeffy.

"It's fine, Jeffy. You can be comfortable here," said Jesse, placing his hand on Jeffy's shoulder. He placed Jeffy's intake paperwork on the table in front of him. "Imagine yourself comfortable hanging out on the couch and playing video games, your dog by your side. Imagine being paid for that. All you gotta do is wear the products and try our VR programs so we can see how well they work. You're probably just antsy to get started because you're all wet and need a change.

"Yeah, I need to change. Where can I change?"

"You can change as soon as we've signed the paperwork. Just sign this paperwork real quick because you want to get out of those wet pants." 

"Yeah," said Jeffy, taking a pen from Jesse's hand. "I want to get out of these wet pants." 

He looked down at the forms. He couldn't really understand the legalese.

"Uh.. what exactly am I signing?"

"The first one is a background check - really it's just so we know more about you, you'll be hired regardless. The second is a contract that says you can't just up and quit tomorrow. We added that to cut down on turnover, but that's also why you're getting the housing, benefits, and pay."

Jeffy signed each document as Jesse explained them. 

"The last one is an agreement to perform your job as expected. That means you'll show up every day, wear the diapers you need when on the clock. You don't have to wear off the clock but if you need them," Jesse eyed Jeffy's very wet crotch, "we're happy to provide as much product as you need." 

"Okay, sounds good to me," said Jeffy signing the last form. 

Jesse gathered them up and set them on his desk, then he escorted Jeffy out of the office.

Jeffy was embarassed walking through the entire warehouse in wet pants, but in never occured to him to resist as Jesse herded him along. 

They went into the lounge where there were some employees on break hanging out and chatting over coffee. They turned to look at the newcomer as the two men walked in. 

"Hey, guys. This is Jeffy. He's the new Tester. He had a little accident..." 

"I'll say," said one of the guys. "He's sure gonna give those diapers a good testing." 

Jeffy hid his face in his hands.

"It's okay, Jeffy. We'll have you cleaned up in no time. Come on. Hey guys, can you watch Hunter for a sec while I change our new buddy?"

He handed Hunter's leash off and led Jeff to the far wall, where there was a large changing table and a stack of products waiting to be tested.

"Wait... you're going to change me in here?" 

"Yeah. Why not?"

"Don't you have a locker room or something?"

"Yeah, but there isn't a changing table in there." 

Jesse took off Jeffy's shoes and socks, then he began to unbutton Jeff's pants and slid down his underwear.

"Step out." 

Jeffy did so without thinking. Soon he was naked from the waist down.

"I'm not really comfortable with this. I don't want everyone seeing me naked..."

Jeffy continued talking while Jessie helped him up on the table and pulled out some wipes to wipe him down. 

"So this is where you'll be hanging out most of the time. We've got video games, TV, snacks, whatever you want." 

As he spoke, Jessy wiped Jeffy's crotch, grabbed his ankles and pushed his legs up. Wiped behind. Grabbed more wipes to take care of his legs, and finally lowered him down. 

Jesse continued talking as he took another wipe to focus on the cock and balls, pulling back his foreskin to give him a nice thorough cleaning, before oiling it all up.

"We'll also have you do some more active activities like running, climbing, swimming. Basically for each product you'll be doing what the target users do. We'll want to test the one you selected in the program - that was a test to see which you would pick. Looks like you're one of our very special Testers, buddy." 

Jeffy was beginning to get hard as Jesse spoke. It felt good to get changed. But he wasn't sure what he meant by 'special tester'. He opened his mouth to speak but Jesse guided Jeffy's thumb into his mouth. His confused expression immediately relaxed.  

"There you go buddy," said Jesse, "just suck that thumb while Uncle Jesse takes care of the rest." 

Once Jeffy was taped up in the block print diaper, he was helped off the table. 

"You sure picked a cute one," called one of the workers. "He gonna go to the baby room now?" 

"Looks like it," said Jesse. "Go ahead and take the dog. Jeffy's gonna be a busy boy today." 

Jeffy was still sucking his thumb and didn't say anything as he was led away barefoot to the ABDL testing room. 



Good story it’s a shame that stoped there


Yeah i wanna see this one continue for sure