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"A cookie exchange? Well, I dunno." said Juan, crossing his arms. Marissa always had something up her sleeve. 

"Oh, come on. It'll be fun," said Marissa. 

"Who's going to be there? You didn't invite any of my family did you?" Juan squinted at her looking for any hint of deception.

"No, just friends. Come on, your cookies are so good, you have to come!" 

"Okay. But only if you promise me none of my family will be there. Especially Bendito." 

"I promise. No Bendito." 

Marissa smiled her most innocent smile. Juan relented. He didn't see her move her hand behind her back to cross her fingers. 

The day of the cookie exchange, he showed up right on time. He wanted to beat the other guests so he could make an easy escape if he saw his family coming. 

"Oh, hey Juan! You're here pretty early," she ushered him into the house and closed the door. "You're almost the first one here."

"Almost?" He looked back to the door as she took his coat. He already regretted coming. 

"Chill out, bro," said a familiar voice. "You're so uptight!" 

An arm wound around Juan's neck, and closed tight, holding him in place for a noogie. 

"Bendito! Owww! Cut it outttt," whined Juan. He began to sniffle. It wasn't fair. Why was his brother such a bully?

"Now, now, play nice you two," said Marissa. Don't make me put you both in time out." 

She giggled behind her hand. These two were too cute. 

"Alright alright, I'm sorry bro. I was just having a little fun! Whaddya bring?" Bendito's pawed at the tin in his brother's hand. 

"Hands off, little bro," said Juan. Even though he was smaller he was still older. 

"Aww, c'mon. I'll let you have one of mine," said Bendito. "Pleeeease?" 

"Why did you invite him?" asked Juan, holding his brother at arm's length. 

"You guys haven't seen each other in Ages. It's almost Christmas. Come on! I thought it would be a nice reunion." 

"Did you ever think there was a *reason* I didn't wanna be around family?" 

Emily stepped back and made a face. 

"Eww, are you picking your nose Juan? You can't touch any cookies now." 

"See? This is what happens." 

His brother grabbed his cookies and ran to the table where his own cookies were waiting. 

"What are you talking about?" asked Marissa, but Juan was already chasing after his brother, and nearly knocked over the tree in his mad dash to catch up to Bendito. 

The doorbell rang. Marissa opened the door, feeling a little unnerved at the childish behavior of the two brothers. Juan's parents were at the door. 

"Hello. It sounds like my boys are already here." Juan's mother hander her coat to Marissa and walked in. "Don't worry. I'll take it from here."

Her husband just nodded and walked in behind her. Marissa could swear she heard a distinct crinkle coming from his pants, and wasn't that butt a little too flat and wide? On the other hand, why was she looking at his butt? Eww. 

In the kitchen, mother Consuela took charge. 

"Boys! Knock it off!"

"He started it!" whined Juan. 

"Juan won't eat my cookies," cried Bendito. 

"Bendito, stop holding down your brother and giving him a pink belly. Juan. Eat your brother's cookies."

"But mooooom!" whined Juan. He had to suck his thumb to calm down. 

"No buts. And get your thumb out of your mouth. How old are you?" 

Juan pouted. He didn't trust his brother. Knowing Bendito, he cookies were probably some sort of prank. But he knew the consequences of disobeying his mom and he did not want Marissa to be witness to a public spanking. Bendito had already run and grabbed his cookies. He offered a couple to Juan with a big grin.

"I made 'em just for you, bro! Enjoy!" 

"You eat em first," said Juan, squinting. 

"Juan! Don't be rude!" barked Consuela. 

Juan huffed and grabbed the cookies from his brother's hands. He ate them. They tasted fine. 

"Huh. They're actually... pretty good!" 

"I toldja!" said Bendito smiling proudly.

"See, your brother just wants you to like his cookies. You never give him enough credit, Juan." 

Juan just stuck his tongue out at his brother. 

The two boys began to fight again. 

Marissa was appaled. She couldn't seem to get a word in edgewise. Luckily she was saved from having to by another doorbell ringing. Over the next 15 minutes the house filled with guests, all exchanging cookies. It was everything Marissa had hoped it would be. Until...

Juan suddenly felt a lurch in his gut and he doubled over...

"Oh no... the cookies... I'm gonna...!" 

He doubled over and with a big BLORT he filled his pants right there in the living room. He sank to the floor crying out loud while Bendito pointed and laughed. 

"Got you! Got you!" 

"Get the bag," Consuala murmered to her husband. He nodded and waddled off to grab 'the bag'. 

When he came back, Bendito clapped his hands while Juan screamed and tried to run. He didn't get far before he was taken down by his little brother, who was actually significantly larger in size and strength. 

"Isn't this great, big bro? We're going back in diapers!" 

"Nooooo," cried Juan. Soon, he was on his back and naked from the waist down next to his brother. His pants were placed in a grocery bag and his mother was already wiping him clean with wipes from the diaper bag. He sniffled and sucked his thumb as he felt himself regressing. 

"Dis is aww yow fawt Mawissa" he cried. 

"My fault? You're the one RUINING my cookie party!" screamed Marissa. 

"It's his programming," said Bendito with a smile. "Whenever he's around family he falls back into childish behaviors." 

"Wet me go! I wanna go home! I don wan be a baby agin!" cried Juan. His mom just shushed him and stuck a pacifier in his mouth which seemed to calm his cries. The partygoers seemed to find this extremely amusing, and even Marissa was cheered up a bit at seeing his loud mouth plugged up. 

Soon Juan sat in front of the Christmas tree in just his diaper and t-shirt. Arms crossed and face in a pout as he sucked his binky and crinkled with every movement. 

Bendito was smiling as his mom diapered him too for being a prankster.

"You got your brother into this so it's only fair, Bendito." 

He didn't seem bothered by it at all, though, and even opted to leave his pants off after so he could join his brother on the floor in just his Diapers.

"Diaper brothers!" said Bendito, smiling and hugging his older brother.

"You thuck!" said Juan, still grumpy. 

"I think these two need a nap," said Consuela. 

"So what's going to happen to Juan," asked Marissa, glad to show Consuela to a guest room where the problem child would be out of her way.

"I'll take him home. He's been away from us for too long, and I still have his old nursery set up so it won't be a problem. You must promise me not to listen to him if he tries to get off on his own. No matter what he says."

"Oh, don't worry, said Marissa. I promise. After what he did to my cookie party, I think he deserves this." 

Juan whimpered as he and his brother were tucked in. He had been doing so well. It just wasn't fair. His brother cuddled into him, pressing his thick diaper into Juan's leg. 

"Nini, big bro. I'm glad to have you back." 


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