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The queen of the elves lowered the diadem on the hero's head. 

"I wish you success in your noble quest to rid the land of this terrible pest." 

The man bowed his head and accepted the silver circlet, that transformed and shifted into a knit cap with little bear ears. 

"Oh, this is... soft!" he said, enjoying the feeling.

"Wait til he sees himself in the mirror," said one dwarf to his companions. The group of dwarves chuckled. 

Next, she turned her attention to a young halfling, who stared up at her with his wide eyes and a smile. It was clear he could hardly believe he was here on this adventure. 

"For the little man, I give more than luck. When danger comes you need only suck." 

She handed him a silver whistle. 

"To call for assistance!" he said to himself in amazement. The moment he put his lips to the silver instrument it transformed - a silver mouth guard. A soft bulbous head. 

"Is this a... uh... dummy?" he asked, blushing slightly. He was used to big folk seeing him as a child, and he wondered if he was being teased. 

"A sucker is an easy sell, but give a suck and all will be well."

He shrugged and popped the sucker in his mouth. More laughter from the dwarves. But strangely, it didn't bother Lambert. Yes, this would give him the stout heart he needed to take on any situation, no matter how fraught. He smiled around the sacred sucker as he continued to suck. 

She turned her attention to the elf, her own kin.

"Brave elf I give you ample supplies. Opening this bag is always wise."

She handed him a shoulder bag woven from the finest elven mythril. He slung it over his shoulder and it again transformed. It took several colors - pastel pink, blue, and yellow. Baby Oliphaunts danced across the front carrying little figures with toy bows and arrows. He opened it and peeked inside, but quickly closed it before anyone else could see. A barely detectable blush shaded his cheeks. 

"A bag of necessity. I know this will come in handy."

The queen nodded and winked.

"As the eldest of the group you may find your hands full of .... supplies for your  troops. When the men begin to sag, all you need is in this bag."

"Finally something useful!" called out the brazen dwarf. "I hope you have a bottle of ale in there for me!" The dwarves laughed again and bumped chests.

"Oh, I have a bottle for you alright," said the elf under his breath. 

"What was that?" asked the dwarf.

"Oh nothing, I was just sayind that you're be next, right?" 

The queen turned to the dwarf next.

"Friend dwarf you have my deepest affection, when you wear this cape you'll find protection!" 

She handed the dwarf a soft white cape. He held it up and cold almost see through it. 

"How could this possibly protect.... ohh." 

His expression of consternation softened as the cape condensed into a thick fleecy square. It was a soft blanket. Memories of his childhood blankie flooded back to him and he found himself holding it tight with his right arm. his right thumb found its way into his mouth as he sucked contentedly, but this time none of the dwarves laughted. In fact, they looked a little envious.

"Wish *I* had my blankie," mumbled one of them. Another began to cry a bit because he missed his own blankie and was consoled with a pat on the back. 

The ceremony complete, everyone cheered and the heroes were on their way. 

"What an adventure we shall have!" cried Lambert around his pacifier. And with that, Lambert Little the halfling, Snuglint Buglint the dwarf, Kerr TaKir the elf, and Todd Larr the man set forth on the first leg of their long journey. 

Meanwhile, the queen retired to the inner chambers of her home, the glorious castle in the mist. There she stood in a nursery. She smiled and cooed at the adorable infants in their cribs. They wore clothing that was strangely reminiscent of adventurer's gear, only in a much softer and cuter form. 

"Such good babies you are for your queen. It looks like you will have some new playmates soon enough."

The next morning the adventurers all woke to a surprise. Their bedrolls were all soaked. All except Karr Takir's that is. Each of them held their enchanted items close for comfort. The elf just shook his head and unzipped his bag with a smirk.

"Worry not, my friends. I have just a thing." 


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