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Billy Blast was a music icon. He was also a troublemaker, in the headlines almost every week for all the wrong reasons. 

'Bad Billy Crashes the Party'

'Billy Blast Breaks and Enters'

'Boozy Billy Fails Breathalizer' 

Billy's Dad had had enough. It was the first day of the new world concert, and it was starting off in his band's home turf - Long Beach, California. When Billy and his bandmates, the delinquents got off the stage, who should be there waiting for him but his Dad.

"Dad? What are you doing here?"

"Billy, I'm here to talk. You never answer your phone or email. I'm not going to go through an agent to talk to my own son!"

Billy rolled his eyes. 

"Well, hurry up then. We've got a party to go to." 

"I'm tired of your antics, son. One of these days you're going to get yourself arrested, or worse!"

"What are you going to do about it, Dad? I'm 18 now, so I'm an adult and I can do anything I want!" 

"Actually," said Corbin, the lead guitarist, "you've been going a little bit overboard, bud." 

The other bandmates Darcy and Greg nodded in agreement. 

"You know what? Screw all of you. I'm going to have my own party, and you're not invited! I'll see ya later, bitches!" 

And with that, Billy stalked off.

"We'll see about that," said his Dad to himself more than anyone else. He was distraught. The truth was he loved his son and he was worried about what would happen to his boy if he didn't do something. He had to do something. He felt helpless watching Billy slide into a deep dark hole. But what could he do? 

Just as he was turning to leave, Corbin stopped him.

"Hey, Billy's Dad."


"Right. Sorry, Derek. We're concerned about Billy too. We don't know how to stop it. Honestly, it's kind of turned us off of the whole party scene altogether."

"I haven't had a drink in months," said Greg. 

"Really? I've just been pretending to drink. I thought it was just me," said Darcy. 

"Guys. Focus," said Corbin.

"Sorry!" they said. 

Billy's father finally came to a resolution.

"Well, I think I'm gonna have to do something drastic to turn this around. But I might need your help." 

"What are you gonna do?" asked Corbin. 

"You mean what are we gonna do."

"Right!" said the bandmates, huddling in to hear the man's plan. 

Billy woke up to one of his bandmates shaking him.

"Billy! Billy! Get up! It's almost time to check out!" 

He sat up and held his head. What a hangover. 

"Oh god. What time is it?"

"Time to go man, before they see what you did to the room." 

Billy surveyed the damage, then smacked his lips. Drymouth. 

"Is there anything left in the minifridge?" 

He looked down and noticed his jeans were soaked. Not again, he thought.

"Shit... no wonder I'm so thirsty."

"Dude, aren't you even embarrassed for yourself? You need help, man. Go ahead and get changed and showered. I'll try and stall." 

Billy did his best to wash the glass from the broken beer bottles to the drain side of the shower, then he showered and went to get dressed. Unfortunately his luggage was already gone.

"Huh. Looks like they left something on the bed for me to wear..."

There on the bed was an adult diaper, a pastel blue pair of shorts and a t-shirt with a cartoon dino in sunglasses playing guitar.

"What the hell is this shit? Oh. There's a note." 

"Be downstair in 5 or we're leaving without you. And don't forget to wear the diaper, unless you want Billy the Bedwetter to be the next headline." 

"What the hell? They Blackmailing me? Whatever. I don't care."

Still, he hesitated. It wouldn't look good for his bad boy image if he was outed as a bedwetter. Sure he could blame partying too hard but still. Finally with a sigh of frustration he picked up the diaper. 

Wet pants or cute - but dry - clothing? That was a no brainer. The crinkly poofy bulge underneath them was what really embarrassed him.  

"God, this is almost worse," he said to himself as he stepped off the elevator onto the ground floor. Every step was accompanied by a loud crinkle, and he could feel the padding hugging his crotch. It must be so obvious. 

He tried not to look at anyone as he strode quickly out to the front of the hotel where the bus was waiting. 

"About time you got here, Bad Boy!" said Greg the drummer. "What's with the new getup?"

So Greg didn't know. Who left that note anyway?  

"Uh... last night's clothes are trashed. I had to grab the first thing I found from the neighbor's hotel room." 

"Billy, you're crazy, man!" said Greg, laughing. He seemed satisfied with the explanation at least. 

Billy moved to the back of the bus where breakfast pastries and coffee were waiting. Corbin raised an eyebrow but said nothing as Billy wolfed down three donuts and washed it down with a cup of coffee.

"You know our manager is gonna kill us after they hear what happened to the room, right?"

"Eh... our lawyers will take care of it. Anyway, they make plenty of money off of us, so they can pay for it." 

Billy felt the phone buzz in his pocket. 

"Well well, speak of the devil." 

He answered.

"Good job, little Billy. You know how to follow directions." 

Billy realized only then that he hadn't had his phone - these pants weren't even his. 

"Oh hey man," Billy said, laughing a bit to pass it off as a casual conversation. Then he whispered into the phone. "Just who is this anyway?" 

"A friend. I'm here to help you if you let me. If not, well that won't change what's going to happen."

"And what's that?"

"You're going to quit the band. They're all going to sign a contract later today, and leave you out of it. And you're not going to fuss or cause a problem, unless you want to end up embarassed in the news, pissboy." 

The moment the man said the word pissboy, Billy felt his crotch grow warm. It was a good thing he was wearing a diaper or he would have wet right through his pants and the seat below.

"Haha, that's a good one man, hold on a sec, I have to step outside for a smoke." When he was outside of the bus he continued his whispered conversation. "What the hell? What did you just do?"

"I told you. One way or another there are going to be some big changes in your life."

"Fuck off, dude. I'm signing that contract, and you can't stop me!"

"You'll regret it," said the voice, sending shivers down his spine. Billy just hung up in disgust and threw the phone on the ground, stomping it into a pile of broken plastic and chips. He wasn't about to let some weirdo dictate his life. 

On the other end of the line, the man smiled. The contract that that was waiting for Billy was all but a done deal. 

The next stop was Los Angeles. After several hours in traffic, they were at their next hotel.

"We're sorry, we can't take you - not with *him* in the room," said the man behind the desk. 

"Shit, guess I'm sleeping on the bus," said Billy, looking at all his luggage on the dolly.

"The bus is being taken in for maintenance tonight," said Corbin. "It won't be available..."

"Whatever, I'll figure it out. Uh.. I just.. need to use the restroom, can I do that at least?" he aksed, thinking about how he was going to get rid of the diaper discreetly. Maybe change into something less childish too."

"No. we've been told not to let you leave the lobby where you can be seen, Mr. Blast. So unless you want a chaperone in the bathroom..."

Damnit. So much for discreet. 

"Oh crap," said Corbin. "We have to run and take care of some business really quick."

"What kind of business," said Billy, standing up and crossing his arms over his cute dinosaur shirt.

"Uh, don't worry about it. It's nothing. Hey desk dude, just let the guy use the restroom already. He won't steal your toilet."

Billy realized they were going to ditch him as soon as he left their sight. 

"You know what, I can hold it. Let's go."

"You really don't have to come man, with that hangover and everything why not just rest? Call our Manager and see if he can get you a place to stay?" 

"Nah, I'm fine." he said, putting his arm around the uncomfortable looking guitarist. "Never felt better. Besides, I think I left my phone in Long Beach. So where's the limo?" 

They soon arrived at Kenter's Deli, a famous 24 hour eatery where all the hollywood and music types ended up. 

"Hey, lunch! I can dig it!" Billy loved to eat almost as much as he loved to party, and his growing belly could attest to that. Billy's face fell when they got to their seat however. A man in a suit and glasses sat there with a briefcase in his lap. 

"Hello gentlemen, right on time, I see."

"Hey, well what do you know, guess we didn't come here just for lunch after all." said Billy, not sounding surprised in the least. 

"Uh, yeah, about that..." Darcy began. 

"Save it. I know why we're here. Show me the contract." 

The man looked questioningly at the other band members, then began.

"I must have misunderstood but I thought you weren't going to agree to anything. That's why your bandmates came..." 

"Oh now, well, I wasn't," Billy lied, "But the guys they just couldn't go on without me, so here I am! Where do I sign."

The man took out the contract. "Uh, well I did bring yours just in case you had a change of heart. I must say I'm surprised, though."

He passed out documents to all the band mates. 

"Just sign the last page," he said. 

Billy didn't even bother to read it. He wasn't sure he could read with the hangover he had, but he managed to put his mark on the page at least. 

He passed it back to the man, and soon the other bandmates had passed theirs back as well. 

"Everything looks to be in order," said the man, looking down at the legal forms Billy signed. With that, and the forms the bandmates had signed backing up the claims that Billy a danger to himself, it would be no trouble at all to get a judge to declare Billy incompetent and transfer custodianship to his father. "See you on tour, pissboy!" 

"You!" Billy yelled, as his pants began to get warm. "Come on, kiddo," said Corbin. "Let's get you changed." 

The bandmates carried him out kicking and screaming to the limo. The scene he made was yet more evidence for the judge to decide that he was out of control, and Billy soon found himself under the care of his Dad, who chaperoned him the rest of the tour.

The next show opeend with Billy standing there in a diaper, wearing his rocking dino shirt and nothing else. 

"Please give it up for Baby Billy and The Diapered Delinqunents"

The crowd cheered. At the end of their set they introduced a brand new song, 'Pants Pisser'. The song ended with the line, "Cause I'm just a pants pissing pissboy!" and right on cue Billy uncontrollably wet his diaper. The crowd went wild.

The next day Billy was in all the newspapers as the reformed Bad Boy. 

'From Parties to Pampers - How Daddy Derek Reformed his Rocking Rascal'

'No More Big Boy Drinks for Billy'

'Crinkling Cassanova - Billy's Fans Clamor to Be his Next Babysitter'

"See that, Billy?" said his Dad throwing the newest issue of Shocking Rock magazine into the playpen where Billy was sitting. "No more bad boy reputation for you! Daddy thinks you're much safer as his little boy. And much cuter too!"

Billy just cried as he filled his diapers. Daddy picked him up and carried the sobbing boy to the table for another change. He was more famous than ever, but it looked like he would be stuck as a big baby for the rest of his life. 



Always read a contract that you signed !! Hehehehe now you gonna be a baby forever ! Famous but a baby nevertheless hehehehehe ! I can see he endorses pampers and huggies