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Jayden gasped. He had literally just pooped his pants. 

"Oh godddd... no! I thought it was just a fart! Rick is gonna kill me!" 

He'd spent the whole summer at his friend's house while his parents were 'figuring things out', and the first thing that happened when he got there was his friend laid down some ground rules.

"It's my house so you gotta do what I say. I get to pick all the TV shows and games, and I decide when bedtime is. Oh, and you hafta wear protection every night to prove you're not gonna ruin the bed!"  

Jayden hadn't liked that last rule but it was Rick's house after all. Somehow or other, the diaper ended up wet - strange because he never wet the bed before - and he was stuck in diapers at bedtime for the whole summer. But then they started creeping into his daytime wear, as Jayden made him stay in them longer and longer. Rick was gone for a bit so Jayden took the opportunity to take off his night diaper. That was a mistake.

"If only I hadn't listened to him! I shouldn't have gotten so used to letting one rip in my diapers."

He was already in the bathroom, attempting to clean off and survey the damage. This was not a small accident. He did his best to wipe contents from the pants into the toilet, grimacing at how gross this was, then he hopped in the shower.

"Shit. Maybe if I throw these pajama pants in the wash he won't notice?"

He cleaned up in record speed and then ran out - now naked - into the hall with the pants in his hand. Then he bumped into Rick.

"Oh! Ah! You're back! I was wondering when you'd show up!" 

"Uh huh. Why aren't you wearing a diaper? I didn't say it was time to change."

"Uh... well, I... needed a shower. I was just gonna throw these pants in the wash!" he said, trying to sidestep his friend.

"Not so fast, buddy boy. Hey... what's that smell? Wait a sec... show me those pants!"

Jayden shook his head vehemently.

"Pants. Now."

He handed them over and cringed, expecting the explosion to come any moment. 

Rick held out the pants in front of him, brown stain and all. He was silent for a minute. 

"Come with me," he said.

He led Jayden to the laundry room and threw the pants into the wash. Then he brought him to the bedroom and made him lay over his lap.

"Rick! Wait! I'm sorry I took my diaper off! Let's be reasonable about all this!"


"You don't take of your diapers."


"You don't lie to me."


"You don't ruin my clothes."

He rolled the crying Jayden onto his back on the bed and got up to retrieve another diaper.

"New house rules. You're going to wear diapers full time, since you clearly need them. And - no more wearing my clothes. We'll go shopping and get you clothes more appropriate for a pants pooping little boy. Until then, no pants."

"But, I-"


"What about when I go ou-"

"Period. It's nap time for little boys, then I'm taking you out shopping in just your t shirt and diaper. Now raise your legs, JayJay."

Jayden just lay there in shock. It was his own fault for pooping himself like a little kid. At least the summer was almost over. 

"Oh, by the way, your parents said they won't be picking you up til Christmas, so it looks like you're staying with me a little longer, buddy. I'll put in an order of better diapers since you need them full time now. These ones will have prints on them. If you're good I'll let you help me pick which one." 

That was his reward for good behavior? What had his life become? Jayden continued to sob until his friend grabbed his hand, made it into a fist with the thumb sticking out, and stuck it into his mouth. Sucking his thumb actually made Jayden feel a little better as he layed there exposed with his tush on a fresh diaper.


"That's super cute, buddy! Don't worry," said Rick, noticing Jayden's alarm. "This is just for me. And a little insurance to make sure you behave today. Now be a good by and lay back down."

There it was. Jayden was trapped. He hoped Rick would ease up on his rules once he cooled down but he didn't hold much hope. He would just try to do his best not to have another accident.


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