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"Aww, Daddy, can't I have stickies just this once?"

"No, Baby. You should know better. That's why we're keeping you locked up, so that you don't go doing big boy things with your peepee."

Mike started to cry. 

"It's not fair! I wanna make stickies! I wanna!!!" 

Andy sighed. It seemed like they went through this every night, but he knew that Mike was still getting used to this new development. After all, only a week a go he was a normal adult man like himself. It wasn't his fault he had been hit with the regression virus.

"Now you just hold Mr. Monkey and squeeze him tight whenever you feel squirmy, okay sweetie? And if it gets really bad just call out and I'll come help, okay sweetie?"

Mike sniffled and nodded, gulping back his tears.

"Okay, Daddy." 

This was just another thing that he had lost since the whole ordeal had started. Why did it have to be him? 

"Now," said Andy. "I know a certain little boy who owes Daddy an apology."

Mike looked down, his face burning. He shouldn't have to apologize for something he should by all rights be allowed to do.

"Well, sweetie? I'm waiting. If you're not going to be a polite little boy, then I guess you'll just have to skip your free time and go straight to bed. Is that what you want, sweetie?"

"No.." said Mike, frowning and crossing his arms. 

He was so cute when he pouted like that, thought Andy, but that didn't change the fact that he needed to know who was in charge. 

"So then what do we say, little one?"

"I'm sorry Daddy." mike muttered in a quiet voice.

"Sorry for?"

"I'm sorry for havin a fit and talking back to Daddy." 

"That's better sweetie. Now he're Mr. Monkey. Hold him tight, and we'll go watch some cartoons. Okay, pumpkin?"

"Aww, Daaad! Can't we watch some action shows? I never got to finish the new season of Barracuda Bandits!" 

"Now, sweetie, do you think that's really approrpiate for someone your age?" 

"But I'm twenty-seven!" mike complained.

"No, you're not, honey. You're three! And you have to accept that. You're not my husband anymore, you're my baby boy, and the sooner you accept that the better off you'll be! Now are you going to let Daddy carry you to the living room and put on your cartoons or are you gonna be a cranky boy and prove you need an earlier bedtime?"

"I'll be good," said Mike in a defeated voice. 

"That's better, sweentess. Now let's go find us something fun to watch. I'll bet the next episode of tumble tree has some exciting action!" 

Over the next few weeks Andy spent a lot of time working with Mike to help him adjust to his new routine of diaper changes, naps, feedings and early bedtime. Although the physical regression had stabilized, he knew that Mike was still an adult in his mind, and this would cause a lot of problems his he didn't come to accept his body's new limitations, not to mention the dangers that would come with him trying to do things on his own, or god forbid go outside on his own. 

For Mike's part, he found it very hart to accept his new position. It was even worse when he was reintroduced to his friends as a little boy. It was like they became different people - treating him as if he really was just a little kid, not the man they had known for years. 

"I'm sorry, Mike," said Jessica, one of his oldest friends. When he condifed in her. "I know this is hard for you but Andy's right. You really are just a little boy now. You're going to have to accept it!" As if to confirm her statement he had immediately messed himself, and since Mike had stepped out to pick up their take out order, Jessica had taken it upon herself to change him. 

Then, one day, Andy noticed something. For the first time since this all started Mike hadn't complained, not even once. He seemed happier and more energetic. He was washing the dishes when he felt something wrap around his leg. It was Mike, hugging him.

"Hey there, little guy, what's gotten into you today?"

"Nuffin'! I'm jus huggin ya!"

"Aww, well okay, sweetie, but you know you're supposed to stay out of the kitchen when Daddy's busy. It's not very safe in here you know."

"Okay Daddy. But then can we play after yer done? huh huh?"

"Okay, sweet pea, we can play when I'm done with dishes."


Little Mike zoomed around the house in just his diaper and rocketship t-shirt like any other energetic three year-old. Andy chuckled. He'd have to find more activities to get rid of all this newfound energy. Just where was it coming from anyway? Then something struck him. 

"I wonder..."

After he finished with the dishes, he found his boy in the living room climbing on the furniture.

"Hey, now! Get down from there!" Andy yelled, running to grab his boy before something terrible happened. "Don't you know you could have gotten hurt?"

Mige just sucked on his fingers and shook his head.

"You're a little firecracker today!"

Mike giggled and nodded.

"Yeah, Daddy! I just did what you said and squeezed Mr. Monkey whenever I felt naughty and now I gots lots an lots of energy"

"Well honey, that makes me happy, but does that mean you don't want to make stickies anymore, sweetie?"

Mike shook his head.

"No, Daddy, I don't."

"You know if you make stickies you'll start to feel like a big boy again. Do you want to be a big boy again?"

Mike shook his head.

"No, Daddy, I like bein your little boy. But there is one thing I do want..."

"What's that sweetie?"

"I wanna give you a cuddle attack!" and the little boy cuddled agressively into his Daddy making him laugh. Pretty soon they were both on the floor laughing uncontrollably. 

After a few minutes Andy collected himself and said to his boy, "You don't know how happy I am to hear that honey. Well then, I think it's time we take off that little cage of yours, hmm?"

"Weally?" asked Mike, looking excited.

"Yes, really. Now that's the good news."

"There's bad news?" asked Mike, frowning.

"Maybe a little, sweetie. Let's talk about it while I get you changed, though. You're a little soaked, sweetie.

Mike looked down, he didn't even realize he had wet, but that was becoming more and more the norm for him. 

Once he was out of the little plastic device and diapered up securely, his Daddy sat in the rocking chair with him in his lap. 

"Sweetie. You know that Daddy got leave from work to help take care of you while you got adjusted to your new life, but that time's almost over, and I won't be able to stay home with you all the time."

"You won't?"

"No, sweetie, I won't. And I know you've got a lot of energy to burn, and you wouldn't want to be stuck at home all day." 

Mike was wondering where this was going. 

"You're going to daycare sweetie."

Mike was shocked. He didn't know how to react.

"It's a special daycare for regressed littles like you, honey, so you'll be able to talk to people who aren't just babies. They'll be able to understand what you're going through and talk with you on your level. Isn't that cool?"

"Yeah, it is..." said Mike, his mind suddenly racing. He was so into his little world that he had almost forgotten he wasn't always this little. He never knew there were places like this. "When do I go?"

"You'll start on Monday." 

Mike nodded but he had a faraway look in his eyes. 

"What are ya thinkin about, honey?" asked Andy, somewhat concerned.

"I'm think how awesome it's gonna be and I can't wait. Thank you so much, Daddy!" 

Mike jumped up and hugged his former husband around the neck. 

Andy brought him into a big bear hug and thanked him over and over. 

He was happy. He knew they were going to be okay. 


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