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Marcus was getting home from another long day at work. He sighed and ran his hands through his hair. It seemed like no matter how much he did he couldn't keep up with it. He was so busy he hadn't had a bathroom break all day and was practically doing the potty dance as he unlocked the front door.  He walked into the house only to see all his friends and family waiting for him. 

"Whoah... what is everyone doing here? Is this a surprise party?" 

He was caught off guard. 

Instead of answering, his father just gestured to an open space between his older and younger brothers Fred and Jamie.

"Have a seat, son. We need to talk." 

He was taken aback.

"I'm not sitting down til someone tells me what's going on."

"Sit down, Marcus," said his older brother, patting the seat. 

The firm tone and the stern looks from the people in the room felt like a physical pressure that served to make marcus bow his head and obey. Despite not knowing what he did, he felt as if he had dome something very wrong, and he was a little ashamed. He sat down and his older brother put a hand around his shoulder, letting its weight hang there as a comfort and a restraint. His younger brother put his hand on Marcus' knee. 

"Son," said his father, "we all love you very much. That's why we're here. Isn't that right everyone?"

There were nods and affirmations of assent from all around. 

"And Marcus... frankly, we're concerned." 

"What are you talking about," laughed Marcus. I'm perfectly fine! What could you possibly be worried abou-"

"There," said his father, pointing toward Marcus's lap. "Marcus, we're concerned about that."

"What?" said Marcus looking down, confused. "There's nothing there!" 

"Exactly! There's nothing there, and there should be. Do you know what should be there that isn't, my boy?" 

"...I, uh... I'm still not following..."

"Let me try, dear, said his mother. Marcus, we're concerned because you're not wearing diapers!"

"Daipers?" he asked. Then he asked again even more insistently, "Diapers?? But I don't need diapers. I never have!" 

"Then how do you explain these? Frank, show him." 

Marcus's uncle Frank held up a pair of white underwear for all to see. It was stained yellow in the front, and there were skid marks in the back.

"Oh my god, did you guys go through my laundry?"

"I'm sorry kiddo," said uncle Frank, "I noticed your hamper when I came over to help you install your computer last week."

"Look, first of all, going through my personal stuff is totally not okay, and secondly those just happen because I'm always in a rush when I go to the bathroom. So what if a little bit of pee ends up in my underwear because I didn't have time to shake it out?" 

The people in the room shook their heads and murmured in disapproval.

"And you aren't wiping? Seems like somebody needs a little refresher course on how to go potty, big bro."

"Shut up, Jamie!"

"Knock it off you two," said their Dad. "That's not the only thing that's worried us. Tell him, Joe."

"Marcus. I'm your roommate, and I'm telling you, you gotta wear your diapers. You may not think we've noticed but I know for a fact you've been having accidents. I've seen you run to the bathroom and come back with different pants on. Come on, dude, I'm not stupid." 

"I-I'm just busy is all, and I don't always have time to take a restroom break. You don't know how much pressure I'm under to perform at work!" 

"Doesn't know how to take potty breaks? Sounds like a definite candidate for pull-ups at least!" chimed in Jamie, who flinched when Marcus raised a fist.

Fred grabbed Marcus's arm and held it in place, and then reached down.

"Look," said Fred, "He's got a wet spot right there!" 

"Hey! What are you doing!" said Marcus, reaching down to push his protect his crotch and blushing furiously.

"Enough!" yelled their father. "Marcus, open your legs so we can see. 

Marcus, still blushing hung his head down, and then reluctantly, ever so slowly begun to ease his legs open before his brothers wrenched them apart. He gasped, as he sat there with a growing wet spot on display for everyone to see.

"I-I-I- you- startled me is all!" 

"I've seen enough. It's clear what you need, son. We can do this the easy way or the hard way, but one way or another, you're going back into diapers." 

"I'm not going to sit here and listen to all of you lecture me on my bathroom habits. You can get out right now. All of you!" said Marcus, raising his voice. 

His father just sighed. 

"Then I guess it's the hard way. Frank? The diapers." 

Frank brought picked up a box from behind his seat and carried it over to the center of the room. He opened it, bringing out a teddy-print changing matt which he laid on the floor, along with a bottle of baby powder and wipes, and finally a big white package of what could only be diapers.

His brothers stood up, dragging a very resistant Marcus toward the center of the room. Unfortunately they both had at least a foot on the smaller man and easily overpowered him. Marcus cried out as his clothes were stripped from his body and he was diapered up by his brothers in front of everyone. It was humiliating to have his body exposed like this, humiliating when they held up his soiled undies and pants for everyone to see, and absolutely horrifying when they held up the wipe after swiping his butt.

"Look, everyone!," said Jamie as he held up the brown covered wipe. "It doesn't look like he wipes at all!" 

"Now, now," said his mother. "Be nice, Jamie. We want Marcus to feel good about being in his diapers. Not bad about what he can't help. And Marcus, your roommate told me how concerned he was about your work. It's not healthy! I went ahead and made some calls, and let your boss know what your mother thought of their management practices. You're going to be taking a break from that nasty company  and learning to just relax. Joe agreed to help."

"That's right, kiddo. I'm gonna be your new caretaker! I work from home so it's no trouble for me to look after the little guy."

Now that Marcus was fully diapered, a onesie came out of the box, along with mittens and a pacifier on a clip. 

"No! No way!" said Marcus, but he once again proved no match from the larger men in the room as his uncle and his two brothers forced him into the infantile garment and snapped it shut at the crotch. 

"No! Mmmf!" he yelled as he as pacified and mitted. 

His brother held the pacifier in and said in a low voice, "best keep this in little bro. You don't want to get a spanking in front of everyone as well," before releasing the sucker. It stayed in Marcus's mouth. 

"Oh, dear," said his mother. "That was a little difficult, wasn't it? Why don't we all say something nice to little Marcus so he can feel good about this little change to his lifestyle?"

Marcus was forced to sit there on the teddy bear changing pad while each and every person in the room told them how proud they were of him and how much he really needed this. How he was just a little boy who shouldn't be working, who still had accidents, and who just wasn't ready to use the potty. He just looked down and crossed his arms, scrunching his face and blushing bright red. 

"What do we say, Marcus?" asked his mom, when they all finished. He just hunched down and humphed, refusing to look up.

"Marcus. I didn't raise you like that! You say thank you right now or I swear you'll get a spanking right here in front of everyone!"

Marcus pulled out his paci and sat there for a few seconds before finally saying thank you in the tone of a petulant child. 

"Thank you for what, little man?"

"Thank you for...p-putting me back in diapers." 

"And do you understand why you're in diapers, son?" asked his father. 

Marcus hesitated, but finally said, "because I have accidents and don't know how to use the potty."  

"That's a good boy," said his Dad, smiling for the first time since this awful intervention started. "Now put that pacifier back in before you say something you'll regret." 

Marcus began to cry, but he obeyed dutifully. It wasn't fair. It was just a little accident here or there. He didn't deserve to be treated this way. 

"Thanks everyone," said Joe, standing up. "I think it's time we set him down for his nap. Let's get the grill started and after his nap we can all have some cake and celebrate the new baby boy. 

Marcus was led off by the hand to his room, and the crowd followed behind. He was surprised to see that his bed had been replaced by a huge crib.

"I installed it myself," said his uncle proudly, tussling his hair. "Sleep tight kiddo!

Everyone said their good nights and congrats. Several shaking Joe's hand and patting him on the back as he laid the smaller man in the crib and locked the rails. He was handed a stuffed rabbit and told to sleep tight as a mobile was turned on above his head. He was extremely exhausted even without having to go through the stress of the intervention, so surprisingly enough he found himself already passing out. He also felt himself finishing what he had started in the living room as his overstrained bladder gave up and flooded his thick and thirsty diapers. 

When everyone was out of the room, Joe was the last one there. 

"Sorry, kiddo, you're just not ready to be a big boy. But Daddy will take care of you. Don't you worry." 

He flicked out the light and the new baby was left to slumber in peace while his friends and family congratulated each other on a job well done. 


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