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I saw them as I passed the diaper aisle. The packages upon packages of diapers. Making my heart beat faster. My mouth dry. I stopped, and stared. I couldn't help myself. Every time I passed the diaper aisle, it caused such a tremor within me, such a reaction, that my mind no longer worked. It just got stuck. Paralyzed. It had always been this way. I don't know why I hadn't prepared myself when I was sent to pick up groceries today. It's like I had selective amnesia, and only remembered just how much those diapers called to me when I passed that diaper aisle. Well, and sometimes in my fantasies late as night, when I needed fap fodder.  

Yes, ever since I was young, this is what diapers did to me. But wait, I thought. I'm 18 now. I can buy diapers if I want to. I had a little of my own money. I would just have to be sneaky about it. I looked around to see if anyone was watching me, and I scooted my way into the aisle. All these diapers, but which ones would fit me? Once I had a mission in mind, I found that I had no problem springing into action. I picked up package after package. Looking at the description and weight limits. Trying to guess how they might feel as I picked up one, then put it back and picked up another. Then went back to the first one. Eventually, I decided on a brand of overnight pull-ups that featured my favorite guilty pleasure - Pawsome Squad. I imagined myself wearing ta pair of puffy baby-pants with the smling image of Pawficer Dash the  on the front. My heart was beating to wildly to get an erection. There was too much adrenaline in my veins. I tossed it in my cart and continued on my way, picking up some baby powder and wipes as an afterthought. Tonight was going to be so much fun.

Back at home I brought the groceries in through the garage. I snuck the package into a nearly-empty costcut size box of hula-hula hawiian chips. I'd come back for them after everyone was asleep. 

"Are you okay, honey?" my mom asked as I put the milk in the fridge with shaky hands. 

"Y-yeah, ma. No problem." 

It wasn't nearly as bad as the shakes I had when I had to pay for the damn things. Did the lady at the counter know they were for me? I just didn't know. 

All night I waited for everyone to go to bed. I couldn't stand the anticipation.

"Are you okay, bro? You're fidgeting like crazy!" said my cousin Brandon, who had been getting into trouble lately and  was staying with us temporarily. 

"Yeah, I'm good," I said. "Could you pass me another Demon energy drink?

"Yeah man, but you know you'll never get to sleep tonight!"

"I'm counting on it." 

Eventually I heard my parents leaving the living room and heading up the stairs. I paused the game and told my cousing I needed a bathroom break, but instead I snuck into the garage and brought down the box. I fished around inside. Nothing. Wait, how was ther nothing? I looked into the box and around the aread where it was, and back into the box. 

"Shit!" I said, as I tossed the box on the ground. They were gone. I stomped off to the bathroom, or at least I would have, except when I turned around there they were. In the hands of my cousin. 

"Looking for these?" he asked. 

"Shit..." I said to myself. 

"Not until you've got your little paw protectors on," he said with a smirk. 

"Hey, th- those aren't mine. I got them for a friend!"

"A friend? Really? Because it sure looks like they're your size! And your red face is telling me that you're a liar liar pants on fire." 

"C'mon, man, just give em here."

"Ah-ah-ah. Little boys like you should really learn how to keep their hands to themselves."

"Knock it off, Brandon!" I said, lunging for them, but he just pulled them out of reach.

"So rude! Maybe I should show these to your parents. They'll know what to do with a boy who still needs pull ups. They've dealt with one before!"

"Don't! Please!" This was my worst nightmare come to life. The last thing I wanted was for my parents to know about my secret desire to wear diapers and pull-ups with cutesy characters all over them. 

"Or maybe I'll be nice and let you have them... in exchange for a spanking." 

A cruel glint in his eye told me he was not going to hold back when he did spank me. I gulped.

"P-please give them back, B. I'll do whatever you want."

"Then you'll lay over my lap and take your spanking like a good boy?"

"Really?" I asked. 

He had to be joking, right? Maybe? 

He just sighed and walked back into the house. I thought about it for a second, and then I chased after him. 

"No, no, don't take them up there. I'll do it. I'll do it... just... don't tell anyone, okay?"

"You're not in a position to be making demands diaper boy!" he said out loud.

"Shhh! Okay, okay, just keep it down!" I said in a harsh whisper. 

"Good boy." he said, grabbing my hand and pulling me toward the guest room. "You're comin with me."


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