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As you've noticed, for the past months i've been somehow inactive.

Time to slowly fix it, so here's sketch of new Futa that i drew for fun.

Also let's talk about my activity:

TLDR: I'm not abandoning drawing and slowly starting to draw again.

Long read:

First of all, sorry for being so inactive and thanks to the people that kept supporting me even though i didn't posted anything. 

The thing is: i'm a very mood depending person. If i'll try to draw when i have a bad mood - i won't be able to draw normally, drawing will turn out meh > it will kill my mood even further > neverending cycle.

Now combine my mood dependency with living in Russia and hearing news about Sanctions, inability to gain money (still possible, gaining money from Patreon just fine, 90% of ways of doing so were cut though), Mobilization and my stomach problems.

Recipe completed: dead mood.

I think working on a super complex animation also added to my tiredness so i ended up burning out.


For the past few months i was trying to gain my mood back, tried to visit the doctors again to figure out my stomach issues. Result: chronical Gastritis. (I thought that i have Pancreatitis before, but new doctor said that i don't have it. Weird)

Not that scary and can live with it, not sure if it's curable tbh. May need to do additional visits to the doctors.

Sometimes stomach still hurts a bit, but that's manageable, just need to not consume unhealthy food like a dummy.

Now i'll start to slowly return to drawing, here's the sketch of new Assassin Futa that im thinking to draw in the next few drawings, maybe she will be the next one for the colored drawing. 

Current plan is 1-2 pictures with Futa that has two penises, then Assassin Futa maybe, then we'll see, perhaps will take some commissions or figure out new ideas. 

May be a good idea to even do some Requests that i had on my Discord server, just realized that i never drew them.




Excited and happy to see you enjoying drawing again.