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Good day everyone, we thought it would be fun to do a questions for Chibi video, so if you've got some questions you've been meaning to ask or anything you're curious about please feel free to add them in the comments here and then in a week or so Chibi and I will sit down and make a video for y'all! 



Do you have a name in mind for the new album?


Have TBM ever considered scoring a film? Your sound is something a good horror movie could use


Will the NeverEnding story be on a new studio album or EP?


And would you consider writing a song featuring Jyrki 69 of The 69 Eyes?


Who was your favourite wwe wrestler from the 90's?


Would you base a song on a horror movie like a nightmare on elm Street or The Conjuring or Insidious?


What are you going to be for Halloween? Also, what's your fall decor like?


how was the tour experience with Emilie Autumn?


Will you ever write another book? And are you single?

Liam Cox

How is Lulu doing?


Is there a way to get gifts to you and the rest of the band? I have a plushie for you to say thank you because your music helped me so much through the pandemic. 🖤


how do you get over fear when singing in front of people? how do you get over embarrassment when you mess up while singing off notes/off keys and stuff while recording and in concerts? how do you not compare yourself to others singers? thank so much for answering my questions i know those questions will help me to be able to get my bands music out there i have self confidents issues also how do you deal with haters?

Michael Gehrman

Two questions: 1) What is something about your personality that most people don't know but that you'd like to share? and 2) Are you happy? :) Thanks for doing this! Great idea!


Did you like the Alita Battle Angel movie that came out a few years ago?


Hi there, hope you're well! What do you find is the hardest part in writing lyrics? Do you have a not-so-popular song that's been overlooked in your opinion?


We were SO disappointed that 2020's tour was cancelled. When you do come back out on the road, will you invite Julien K to tour with you again?


What was it like making the covers for Open Your Heart and From Out Of Nowhere? Are big fans of Madonna and Faith No More? Can we expect more cover songs?


Would TBM ever consider doing a concept album about Grogu and if he can dance?


What do you do to keep you inspired when writing new songs? Are there movies/shows/podcasts you watch/listen to?


1. What is your favorite TBM song to sing live? 2. Were the lyrics to Nevermind based on an actual event, and would you ever consider singing it live again? (I love that song by the way)...


Is there a song of yours (past or present) you would want to do a music video for or redo? What would it look like?


Do you have any plans to write another book.Also have you ever thought of getting someone to write a biography about the band or do one yourself?


Hi! Do you have any pets?


Are your lyrics typically written by one person, or is it more of a collaboration? And do you start with the music first and add lyrics, or vice versa?


I’d like to know about your upbringing and how you ended up singing in TBM :)


If TBM could cover any song, what would be your favorite one to pick?


Where can we buy Chibi’s book ?


Get this one out of the way: what's the difference between snowmen and snow women? Snowballs Has the band ever considered a concept album with your book as the theme? What's your take on climate change / would you ever consider going veggie for the planet? It could help with the belching too 😉

William Turner

What’s a song that you wish TBM wrote?

William Turner

Also, what do people never ask about that you wish they would?


Chibi, you’ve mentioned you like dolls and you have been gifted dolls, but do you actively collect Blythes, Pullips, or BJDs? Do you have any favorite dolls that you own? I collect all three but I’m most active in the BJD hobby 😊


What female vocalist do you look up to or inspired you to become who you are today?


The first song I ever heard from you was. “In the Dark”. What song if you were to introduce yourself to someone who has never heard your music with?


I want to know, how is your score on the Baby Yoda Boppit, I thought you had said your high score during the lockdown was in the 90s ^_^


If you had to choose between being a Werewolf or a Vampire, which would you be?


If you could feature any artist on an album, or tour with you, who would it be? If an artist covered one of TBM's songs which one would you want to hear covered and by who?


What music do you like to sing to for comfort?


As an author of lyrics, have you ever had to change the text right in the middle of song recording process, or it always comes just as planned? If you ever had, what's the most "edited" TBM song?


Boring Girls. How much was based on real life experiences as a woman in the music industry/early years of getting your music heard? Any self insert characters? If you could do it again, would the story end up the same, or is there something you just couldn't make work in the story but really wish you could have?


Favorite Concrete Blonde song?


which tbm song is your favorite, lyrically?


What was your most memorable encounter with a fan?


Who mostly writes the amazing Birthday Massacre music ? Lyrics?

The Harbringer

Will any of your other albums ever go vinyl? Because Hide & Seek on vinyl would be so cool!


As we get older songs sometimes take on different meanings or they loose their value lyrically. Has that ever happened to you when you sing an early TBM song that you sang when you were 22 and full of youthful aggression and now you look at the lyrics and say to yourself this just doesnt feel real anymore because of becoming an adult? Or is it a case when they are just fun to sing, sans the meaning of the song. I was a late bloomer to the band but have bought everything you guys have released and drove 6 hours out to Pittsburgh to Mr. Smalls with J. Davis and Julien-K. I love the Photo Voltaire cover. If you do another try "Forever" by them


I second this, I would buy the whole discography on vinyl!


are they any Nerdy Hobbies you have? like Collecting things, Video games, something like that.


Thanks for all the questions! We recorded the segment today so I'll post it up later this week!


Are you a david lynch fan? I feel like your lyrics/ TBM are related?