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How is everyone doing out there? We hope you're enjoying the Patreon experience. 

We can't thank you enough for being here and supporting us in these unprecedented times. We really hope the touring industry bounces back and we can see everyone in 2022.

If you're new to Patreon or have been on here for a while please take advantage of the older material that was posted early on! 

We've got demos and interview vids that you can look back on any time and if you are a discord person then you can link your account here on Patreon and join the discord group to chat about what goes on in the Violet Portal.

For August we've got some fun vids from Bat (Brett) (me) LOL. Taking you through the studio and my new segment about guitar pedals!!! We should have some stuff about the artwork for Neverending Story as well. Of course as always we'll have a Live Q & A near the end of the month for you to join in and interact with us.

New this month Chibi wanted to try a new written segment so I'll get that organized and post about that in the coming weeks! We think you'll like it! 

Take care out there and we will be seeing you soon enough! 



Last Q&A was great! Looking forward to the next one, I miss you already ahaha 💜


Love it and keeping well and staying safe. Hope you're all well and staying safe too


Hard lessons in patience. But you can rest assured I’ll be down here in Dallas eagerly awaiting for your next visit!!! 🖤💜🖤💜🖤💜


Thank you for creating a Patreon and continuing to have it active! This is probably one of the most unique Patreon subscriptions I have ever been apart of, and I’m happy to be apart of it. Keep up the great work! 💜🖤💜🖤💜


Thanks Brett, really love all that you guys have done on Patreon. You've made us smile, kept us interested and made sure we are all still in touch. Love you guys.


I love the Live videos! Will the Fly on the Wall videos come back?


Loved seeing ALL of you together! Hope to see it again and that I’ll be there LIVE with you! Thank you guys for ALL that you do!


I am looking forward to that Q&A The last one was great and thank you to Rainbow for really answering my question about swearing in your lyrics. Cleared that right up. I’ll still listen even though there is no swearing. 🤣🤣🤣🐇🐇💜🖤🤘🏻🤘🏻