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Alright! It's up to you to decide, which album should we focus our song playthru's on? We will visit each unique song on the album (will skip Remixes unless requested) and dig into the process, writing and production for them! 



Superstition!! 💜


Tough choice between Nothing and Nowhere and Walking with Strangers here 💜


Nothing and Nowhere is my absolute favorite album so I had to pick that one. I love them all though! 🖤


Nothing and Nowhere for me 💜💜💜


One of my favorite songs you've done is Promise Me off Nothing and Nowhere. It's just a stand out track to me the way it builds up. I love the drum beat pattern, the creepiness of the vocals, the overall build up with the keyboards, and those reverb-y echo guitars. The track just sounds so dark to me, has a great retro/horror sound, and it my favorite track to blast while driving in the night through a foresty road. I often wonder about this track and what was going through your minds. I feel it is very underrated but at the TOP of my list :-)


Difficult choice ... any of these albums! However, I chose Under Your Spell :)


Under your spell was incredible but diamonds was pretty epic as well. To be honest I love everything you guys have done, can't think of a single song I don't like. Always wondered what inspired parallel worlds


I'm interested in the two OG albums, N&N and Violet


I devoured Nothing and Nowhere n Violet when it came out. Carried me thru grad school


I'm absolutely fascinated with the song, "Parallel World" From Diamonds. I’d appreciate knowing more about the inspirations, composition, and anything else you care to share, when you can.


So tough to choose, but I had to go with Violet. So many memories attached to that album 🖤💜


My OCD wants me to ask you to do them in order but my love for Superstition (and a giant tattoo of the artwork) forces me to ask you to start there.


Do you have any songs that you’ve created a continuation of on another album? I’d love to see a walkthrough of a song or songs you might have secretly linked together in story or style!


Walking with Strangers was my first exposure to TBM. I heard, Kill the Lights, on Pandora and LOVED it! I quickly rushed out and bought the album. There was not a weak song to be found. All killer. No filler.


Supersition has my top 2 tracks, supersition and surrender, on it. Easy decision.


Hide and Seek, specifically Leaving Tonight. I saw y'all back in 2014 at the Crofoot in Pontiac, Michigan. I can remember when Chibi got to the part "Do you wanna go home", there was a guy who shouted "NO!" My heart had so much joy that night 💜


Pins and Needles is one great track after another. Solid all the way through! :)


I wanna hear more about my favourite song movie, so unique among there other stuff and absolutely gorgeous. so walking with strangers gets my vote


I'm with Michael Smith


I found you guys in 2003 my senior year in high-school. Happy Birthday just stole my heart. But I loved the whole Under Your Spell album.


Glad to see all the love for Walking With Strangers and Superstition - those are my favourite two albums. But, let’s face it, I love them ALL!


Glad to see all of the love for Superstition and the classic WwS. I'm itching to see the process behind Hide and Seek and Violet, my favorites!


I voted Superstition for Oceania alone. 😍


please do all of them eventually lol


Tough choice. Picked Diamonds for Run.


Drove 6 hours from New Jersey to Pittsburgh at Mr Smalls with Jonathan Davis. Its was the WHOOO! show with Games!


This! I remember when pins and needles came out I was really struck by the line "we'll leave tonight on empty highways" - then later Hide and Seek came out and I wondered if the song Leaving Tonight would be connected in some way 😅😅


Cover My Eyes from Hide and Seek. Such a dark song but sweet


How about Imagica!?


WOW Walking with Strangers win by 7 votes!!!! Thanks so much for voting!!! We will break down the entire album over the next month or two!!!


Yayy!!!!! My first TBM album! It immediately turned me into a dedicated fan.


I'm a bit late lol but Hide And Seek has a special place in my heart 🖤💜