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Before anyone can panic or misinterpret the intention of this post, the short version is that I'll likely be taking a week or two of personal time in the next month or so.  This is likely to affect my ability to write during that time.

The long version (Minus most of the drama):

I tend to compartmentalize my life, so what follows is some stuff that only a few of you know about.  I was always brought up to deal with my own problems and not to burden the people I care about with those burdens any more than I absolutely have to.

The last two years have been spent doing through an ugly divorce that dragged out long enough to become expensive.    An unfortunate reality of splitting assets and settling debts is that sometimes we loose things that are important to us.  In this case, I just finished selling the house I had hoped to some day give my children and have about four weeks to get moved somewhere else.  The next week will be spent looking for a new place to call home, and that will be followed by actually moving to that new home.  Obviously, moving is a significant undertaking, especially when you have a back that's bad enough you need assistance walking most days.

Thankfully, I am fortunate enough to have a few good friends willing to help.  So while I expect the coming weeks to be pretty rough,  I should have enough help to get things done in a timely manner.

During the next month, I'm going to try to write as I am able, but IF I fall behind on my writing, I'll likely suspend payments for a couple of weeks and push back the next build a week or two to ensure that we get you all a full build rather than doing a half-assed job of cobbling together a build around everything else that is going on.

The up side of all of this?  I've cut the darkness from my life, and I'm in a better place now than I've been in a long time, like I'm able to truly breathe for the first time in as long as I can remember.  I have a girlfriend who's been very supportive and helpful through everything up to this point, and we're both optimistic about the future.

I am a firm believer in new beginnings.  Sometimes we have to go through hard times and pick up the pieces on the other side to start over.  And when we start over, we tend to do so having learned a few important lessons along the way.   (Don't dick crazy.  Why is that such a hard lesson for most of us to learn?)

When all is said and done, I'll be sharing an apartment with my girlfriend while we pick up the pieces of my life and build a new life together.

If all goes to plan, the move will disrupt my usual work schedule for as much as three weeks, but hopefully much less than that (Sincerely hoping the move itself is a two day project since I've spent the last couple of months packing and prepping).  Once moved and settled in the new living arrangements I'll be right back at it.

Best case:  The disruption will be small enough that it doesn't have a noticeable impact on work.  Worst case:  If it hurts the next build noticeably, I'll push back the build for a couple of weeks and adjust billing to accommodate (I know other creators have put a pause on billing for a short time, but never looked into what all is involved.   Hopefully it just lets me push back the billing date by a set amount of time and we can pick back up on the other side of it without missing a beat.)

Thank you all for your understanding and patience as get past a rocky patch in my life.



Hope the road is less bumpy to your new beginning.


Still waiting for all the dust to settle, but the outlook is very promising. Thank you for the kind words, they are very much appreciated.

Roger S.

Take all the time you need to get settled into your new home. Sorry that you had to go through this. I'll keep my fingers crossed that all will be smoother and easier from now on.


Thank you. Settling the house was the last big issue. Like I tell my girlfriend, the house is sort of like the point of impact, we get past that and we just need to let the dust settle and pick up the pieces. The future looks brighter than it has in a long time, and this is the last bit of chaos before things can finally settle into something can can be described as "Normal" again.