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Some of you, especially those of you who have been with us since near our beginning, came in support of a little game called "The Allure of Wanton Cove."  It was a dark, broody game of horror and corruption.  

Quite a while back, a game dev reached out to me, someone who has searched the internet for games they thought were special, and have updated them into a format that is more suitable to a wider gaming audience.  

Needless to say, after some discussion about expectations between the parties, I was completely on board.

They've spent the last year going over the game with a fine toothed comb, fixing bugs; both known and unknown, streamlining processes, and completely redoing the art for Wanton Cove.  Most recently, they managed to get the game through the Steam approval process as the work toward putting the final touches on the project.

With all of that said, I'd like to bring your attention to the Steam page, it would mean a lot if you take a look and wishlist the game if you're interested.  


For those of you who never played the original.  You can find it here on this site, just check the Allure of Wanton Cove tag and the most recent posts should be the final version of the game and some short stories related to the setting.

For those wof you who HAVE played the original, . . . I so very much look forward to welcoming you back to Wanton Cove, . . . . 



I can't wait to play this I lovetheoriginal. I know we can expect it this year but is there a more specific time you can give for when we can play it or an early access?


I don't have a timeline for when it is going to drop, but we were just talking a couple of days ago about a demo build that would likely drop somewhat soon. All of that said, the company creating the port will be the ones releasing it, so I'm not in a position to give times for anything. I can however say that they've been consulting with me about some minor improvements, (Just wrote a new snip of content for when the MC arrives in Wanton Cove a few days ago for example) and from the content they've been sharing with me as they work, it's clear that they're doing some really amazing work.