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It's been brought to my attention that some of my older, completed projects are getting hard to find.  As such, I'm going to post them all in one place for all of you fine people!

The Allure of Wanton Cove
A Lovecraftien horror tale, not for the feint of heart.  You take on the role of a washed up detective who was unable to let go of his final horrible case.  When given a new lead, he quickly finds himself far from home, surrounded by people with unknown motives, and sucked into something far darker than he ever imagined, . . . . something that will completely change the person he is, both physically and mentally.  This is considered by many to be my best work.

The Puppetmaster
A short story and the first game I ever completed.  Taking on the role of a caretaker for an old magician known as The Puppetmaster, it's not long before you start to loose control and find yourself pulled into his world.  Easily the smallest of my projects and some consider it an unsung gem.

Last Stand of Ra
Mighty Ra, when his world falls to overwhelming forces, he seeks out a new home, a place untouched by the darkness that consumed his world.  In doing so, he shapes out world, blending myth and legend into something new as he tries to save his newly adopted world.

For those of you playing these games again, I hope that you enjoy them every bit as much as you did the first time.  For those of you who have never played them before, I hope enjoy the games, and the tales within.


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