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Just now sitting down to work on Wanton Cove today.  However, someone volunteered some art work for the game, and I wanted to share a piece of it with all of you.

This, and similar pieces of art will likely make it into the game as a backdrop for some pages.  Even the lightest of the gray leaves the white text easy to read over the top of it.  This particular piece is for the aly murder scene at the start of the game.

I'm not sure that these will make it into the next build of the game, but if they do not, they will become a priority going into the following build.

The art is thanks to Fae from TFGamesSite.

I'd love to hear everyone's thoughts and impressions on the art!  And I'm sure the artist would as well.  I'll likely be posting a few of my favorites here over the next couple of weeks (Artist has sent me three bits of art at the time of this post out of a list of about 30-40 that we came up with.)

Now, off to do some writing!




Uhh it looks shady and spooky, i think if the rest of the Art is that way it will fit perfectly to the whole lovecraft theme


Glad you like it. I've received four pieces of art so far, and all of them are similar in theme, the blacks and dark shades of gray. I'm actually really liking the art so far. I think they are going to make good mood setters without drawing too much attention from the written text. :D Different art works better for different settings, and I think this is going to be a really good fit for Wanton Cove.

Robert Arctor

Very nice work there: typical port town alley, rainy and narrow. I look forward to seeing how that plays out in-game! Thanks, Fae :)


Patreon isn't letting me make regular posts at the moment. Not sure what that's about. Got a test build ready for testers whenever Patreon decides to let me post again. (Here's hoping that it will at least let me leave comments like this.)