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Been really hard at work the last few months, especially in relation to the laboratory in the mansion.  There's a lot of work still to be done, but most of the major TF items have now been added to the game.  So that begs the question of where we're going from here.

There are several really big things left on our list.  Obviously, I've got to create supporting content for all the transformation options and that's what I'll be working on going into the next build.  After that, I'm hoping to get the female start into the game and will likely end up spending a couple of builds focused on creating content for a female main character.

At the same time, we're going to be adding new items to the garden that will in turn be usable in the lab.  (Right now, the recipes are placeholder using the items we currently have.  As more items get added, we'll get more diverse recipes in the lab, . . . )  We're trying to set up a paper doll system for the orchard, then the greenhouse will receive a similar treatment.

While all of that is happening, I'll still be writing unrelated content to diversify what's going into the game a bit, and we'll still have the usual assortment of submissions coming in.

Short version:  Expect at least part of my time over the next few builds to be spent on new sex scenes for transformed characters, female start, and refining the lab.  But there should be plenty of other content coming out alongside that subject to writer's whims.

PS:  Doing some bug fixing right now.  Should have fix build up later today to solve what's been reported.


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