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Some of our regular authors mentioned that they wanted to do a theme build.  After some discussion, we've decided that the theme will be a location and the writers wanted to do something for town.

With that as context, we have a list of locations, created by our authors, of places they particularly like.  The poll is to determine which of these locations will be the focus of their themed build.

Let us know what locations you'd like to see get new content.



Thank you to everyone who contributed to the poll. We got 130 votes at the time of this post. Top 3 are: Youkai Emporium: 30 Bookworm: 22 Pendleton Park: 17 I will pass this information on to our writing group. I don't know what all they have planned, but their intent is to create a build that focuses largely on a single location. It's in their hands now.