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We had four errors reported for last night's build.

1. Submitted Evesdropping 32
2. Elodie Park Ambient 2
3. Cody RockHard Gym 4
4. Block of red text in sidebar

We were able to run down and fix the first three.  The fourth one seemed to go away on it's own which means it's either very specific circumstances that cause it that we weren't able to duplicate, or one of the other three errors was affecting the sidebar in some way (This is actually a fairly common reason for sidebar errors.)

Thank you to everyone who reported.

I just did the html in a zip file and attached below.  No sense making all of you fine people download the full bundle again.

As always, if you see something that's broken or just seems a little off, PLEASE report it.  The reports all of you send in help a lot, and I am so grateful for all of you.

Enjoy the fix build!


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