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Got a build for all of you fine people that we're pretty proud of.  Lots of new content, including the ability to do some early remodeling work to the mansion which we've been working toward for a long time now.

Anyway, since I've been having some connectivity issues recently with my computer, I'll keep this short.  New and fixed content is detailed in the changelog that follows.

As always, if you see anything that seems out of place, is broken, throws errors, etc, PLEASE report it.  It's because of bug reports from you  and our other testers that we're able to make this game what it is today, and every little thing we are able to fix makes the game a little better for everyone who plays it.  So thank you to all of you for your reports and feedback, it's appreciated more than words can say, never hesitate to report something even if it's been reported before.

Changelog A56
* Wrote and added the option to "Tickle" Anna to the Stocks in the dungeon.  Three intro scenes and eight core pieces.  1.5k words of content sponsored by Fusing.inc.

* Wrote and added the option to "Edge" Anna to the Stocks in the dungeon.  Two intros, seven core pieces, one denial ending, and one orgasm ending.  2.5k words of content sponsored by Fusing.inc.

* Wrote and added more stripping content for Vanni's warehouse.  One new "Strip show" intro, and four interactive scenes to follow.  5.3k words of content sponsored by Fusing.inc. 

* Wrote and added a new scene to the Love Shack in Pendleton.  .3k words of content.

* Wrote a gifting scene for the Shamisen if you buy it for Mitsuko at the Youkai Emporium.  .3k words of content.

* Wrote and added a new winter time scene for Gaia in the dining room.  .5k words of content.

* Wrote and added a scene to contract the construction of the Child Play Area in the mansion.  .6k words of content.

* Added an alternate version of Anna's birthing scene.  1.1k words of content.

* Added the Children's Play Area to the mansion. This is much more involved than most locations as it has two construction phases. Primary construction phase has two room descriptions and four scenes. The final construction phase has two room descriptions and four scenes. And the completed location has two room descriptions and thirteen scenes.  Nine of these scenes are dependent on having one or more children in a specific age range. Age ranges cover kids up to 8 years old. 4.5k words of content co-written with TheArmoredFish.

* Added the Nursery to the mansion. This is much more involved than most locations as it has two construction phases. Primary construction phase has two room descriptions and four scenes. The final construction phase has two room descriptions and four scenes. And the completed location has two room descriptions and seven scenes.  Three of which depend on having one or more children between birth and 1 and a half hears of age.  2.7k words of content co-written with TheArmoredFish.

* Wrote and added an average computer into the study (Unlocked through purchase.)  .2k words of content.

* Wrote and added a good computer into the study (Unlocked through purchase.) .2k words of content.

* Wrote and added a high end computer into the study. (Unlocked through purchase.) .2k words of content.

* Wrote and added Roberta's intro scene.  .3k words of content.

* Wrote and added Roberta's nursery construction scene. .6k words of content.

* Wrote and added Elmwood Lane to the game.  This is a suburb area for NPC housing.  Currently includes 33 unique ambient scenes depending on season, weather, whether you have met Katy, and time of day, but no interactive content yet.  1.2k words of content.

* Added a new scene for Gaia and Yami to the pond area late in the evening.  2k words of content submitted by Asura.

* Added a new scene for Katy to the Doggy Style Pet Store in Pendleton.  This scene leads to a date scene that is not yet in the game.  1.9k words of content submitted by TheArmoredFish.

* Added a 2 new texting scenes to serve as a reminder for the amusement park date. One happens if you go to bed the night before. The other happens morning of, at 8 AM. The second text scene has a variant for if you missed the first text scene. .3k words of content submitted by TheArmoredFish.

* Added 26 new ambient scenes for Katy that happen on Elmwood Lane, after you have learned her address. A variety of scenes that include weather, seasonal, on off work, and holiday variants. 2k words of content submitted by TheArmoredFish.

* Added three new images for Mully where he's stealing panties.

* Added two new images to the GamePop store.

* Added a new NPC by the name of Roberta.  She is the owner of the construction crew you can hire to modify the mansion.

* Added remodel options, available through the study.  This will allow you to remodel/upgrade rooms in the mansion.  (Not much here yet, but we're working on it.)

* Added a way to remove the chastity device from the player character to the settings menu.

* You can now give Mitsuko gifts.  Currently only the Shamisen.

* You can now access Mitsuko's closet and change her clothes.

* You can now access Misaki's closet and change her clothes.

* Have finished integrating hair styles into the game.

* Added alternate text for scenes related to Mitusko's Shamisen content.

* Added Misaki's talk menu. Currently this is only available if have bought and gifted the remote sex toy to Misaki, as it is used to control the put the sex toy in, and take it out content.

* Added the option to remotely control Misaki's sex toy to the side bar.

* Added new gift hints to the gifting menus to provide more of a hint of the current gifts available for each girl.

* Fixed a continuity issue in Katy's park scene.

* Fixed an issue that was preventing one of Anna's baby scenes from appearing.

* Fixed an issue that was preventing generic child content from triggering properly.

* Fixed an issue where you could gift chocolates and gummy worms to Anna and Eve before you purchased any.

* Fixed some quirkiness in the pronoun code.

* Fixed an issue where the GamePop store was open for 24 hours a day. It is now open from 10 AM to Midnight.

* The usual assortment of spelling, grammar, text box, and other minor fixes.  Thank you to everyone who sent in reports, you're an amazing community and all of you help make this game what it is. 

* Updated the Special Thanks area 07/03/21.  If you think you belong on this list but your name isn't there, please let me know so I can get it fixed.

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