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A friend of mine who is heavy into the Crusader King series is part of a mod project for Crusader Kings 3 and asked me to write a scene for it.    This is a Lovecraftian themed scene for you Wanton Cove fans.  

This is an encounter with Shoggoth if you are playing a female character.  If people are interested, I'll see about sharing a link to the mod when it's ready for release.



The forest around me falls suddenly quiet, the normal sounds of animals is unexpectedly replaced by the soft crunch of old leaves beneath my heel.

A moment later, a soft trilling fills the air, alien in a way that words can not describe.  I can as much feel the sound in my bones as I can hear it with my ears, and I suddenly have the uncomfortable sensation that my skin no longer fits quite right.

I feel a shudder go through me as //something// moves in the shadows beneath the thick forest canopy overhead.  The grotesque sight that slithers between the trees is a horror beyond description, purple flesh pulsates, glowing with an unnatural inner light.  Dozens of eyes move across its surface, seemingly untethered by flesh but bound to it all the same.  Parts of the massive //thing// stretch and elongate, stretching toward me.


Flee in terror.

Maybe if I remain still, it will leave me alone.

There is something strangely beautiful about this thing.

Flee in terror:

A surge of fear courses through my chest at the sight of this horror.  I stumble back a single step, the crisp sound of a branch snapping sounding like thunder in the silence.

The mass shifts toward me, then surges.  I barely have time to pivot on my heel in my hopeless bid for escape.

I barely take a full step before it is upon me.  Its tentacles grasp at me, the tentacle that wraps itself around my wrist somehow feels sliming and dry at the same time.  Its grip is unyielding and just the wrong side of pain.

Then as quickly as its grasp registers, I feel other tentacles grasping me, hoisting me into the air as dozens of eyes slide across the thing's flesh to stare unblinkingly at me.

My actions driven by fear, I struggle against my fleshy bonds to no avail.  

After several seconds of this monstrosity leering at me, new tentacles begin to form, sliding forth from its flesh as if they had always been there, then reaching out to grasp at my clothes while a single tentacle begins to slither beneath my skirts.

Realizing its intent, I draw breath to scream, but my scream is stillborn on my lips as one tentacle thrusts itself into my mouth, slithering across my tongue.  At the same time, I can hear my clothing starting to tear as it works to free me of their confines.

Then I feel it, a single tentacle sliding across my slit, parting my feminine folds, then pushing past my opening to spear me with its fleshy tendril.

I moan, partially in despair, partially in pleasure as I feel it invade my most intimate place.

Within moments, I find myself lost in the sensations coursing through my body.  Too rough to be anything short of rape, too pleasurable to be anything by bliss.

Tentacles slide across my naked body, thrusting savagely into my cunt, squeezing and massaging my breasts in equal measure, sliding in and out of my mouth as I gasp for breath around it, slithering along the crease of my ass and probing at my back door.  All of it becomes more than my mind can handle, repulsed by the thing and overwhelmed by pleasure, I moan and writhe, orgasm after orgasm rocking my body until I loose all sense of when or where I am. 

It is not until much later that I return to my senses, my body covered in fluids that are not my own and the horror I had encountered nowhere to be seen.  I sit up, the motion bringing my attention to how bloated my belly feels, and causing thick fluid to flow from my pussy.

Staggering to my feet, I clean myself up as best as I am able, then gather up the tattered remains of my clothing, attempting to cover my nakedness before I leave the place I was raped by the otherworldly creature.

Maybe if I remain still, it will leave me alone:

A surge of fear courses through my chest at the sight of this horror, but I remain rooted to the spot.  Slowly, the thing turns toward me, several of its unblinking eyes coming to bear, but even then I do not dare move lest I provoke the creature.

It moves toward me slowly, tentacles reaching for me.  I offer no resistance as it touches me, seemingly curious at my lack of response.  

My breath catches in my throat as I feel a tentacle slide beneath my skirts, slithering up the inside of my thighs even as several more reach out to pull at my clothing.  

I quickly realize that if I do not remove my own clothing, this horrific thing will simply rip them from my body.  It takes me only a single sound of ripping fabric to convince me.  

With trembling hands, I begin to disrobe.  Several more of the creatures eyes come to bear on me, its tentacles withdrawing while I remove each article of clothing until I stand naked before it.

A heartbeat later, the thing is upon me.  Its tentacles grasp my arms and legs, hoisting me into the air as dozens more eyes slide across the thing's flesh to stare unblinkingly at me.

My heartbeat thunders in my chest, but the strength of its grip convinces me that resistance would be folly.  

After several seconds of this monstrosity leering at me, new tentacles begin to form, sliding forth from its flesh as if they had always been there, then reaching out to grasp at my naked body, touching my breasts, touching me between my legs.

Then I feel it, a single tentacle sliding across my slit, parting my feminine folds, then pushing past my opening to spear me with its fleshy tendril.

I moan, partially in despair, partially in pleasure as I feel it invade my most intimate place.

Within moments, I find myself lost in the sensations coursing through my body.  Too rough to be anything short of rape, too pleasurable to be anything by bliss.

Tentacles slide across my naked body, thrusting savagely into my cunt, squeezing and massaging my breasts in equal measure, sliding in and out of my mouth as I gasp for breath around it, slithering along the crease of my ass and probing at my back door.  All of it becomes more than my mind can handle, repulsed by the thing and overwhelmed by pleasure, I moan and writhe, orgasm after orgasm rocking my body until I loose all sense of when or where I am. 

It is not until much later that I return to my senses, my body covered in fluids that are not my own and the horror I had encountered nowhere to be seen.  I sit up, the motion bringing my attention to how bloated my belly feels, and causing thick fluid to flow from my pussy.

Staggering to my feet, I clean myself up as best as I am able, then gather up my clothing, to cover my nakedness before I leave the place I was taken by the otherworldly creature.

There is something strangely beautiful about this thing.

A surge of awe courses through my chest at the sight of this beautiful horror, rooting me to the spot as I look at it in wonder.  Slowly, the thing moves toward me, several of its unblinking eyes coming to bear.

I can feel the corner of my lips tick upward, my loins dampening with excitement as its attention shifts fully to me.  Timidly, I reach out with one hand, beckoning it forward.

It moves toward me slowly, tentacles reaching in my direction me.  I offer no resistance as it touches me, a gasp escaping my lips as it blesses me with its touch.  

My breath catches in my throat as I feel a tentacle slide beneath my skirts, slithering up the inside of my thighs even as several more reach out to pull at my clothing.  

It withdraws slightly, waiting for me.  I know what to do, and quickly begin to remove my clothing, a thrill going through me as dozens of unblinking eyes leer at me.

A heartbeat later, the thing is upon me.  Its tentacles grasp my arms and legs, hoisting me into the air as dozens more eyes slide across the thing's flesh to stare at my nakedness.

My heartbeat thunders in my chest, my cunt nearly dripping with anticipation as I wait for what I know comes next.  

As I watch, new tentacles begin to form, sliding forth from its flesh as if they had always been there, then reaching out to grasp at my naked body, touching my breasts, touching me between my legs.

Then I feel it, a single tentacle sliding across my slit, parting my feminine folds, then pushing past my opening to spear me with its fleshy tendril.

I moan in bliss as it violates me.  My body responding to its touch with orgasmic bliss.

Within moments, I find myself lost in the sensations coursing through my body.  Bliss that my mind can barely comprehend brings me to one powerful orgasm after another, each one crashing over me like a wave before the one before it even has time to subside.

Tentacles slide across my naked body, thrusting into my needy cunt, squeezing and massaging my breasts in equal measure, sliding in and out of my mouth as I gasp for breath around it, slithering along the crease of my ass and probing at my back door.  All of it becomes more than my mind can handle, my entire world becomes one of pleasure, one of bliss, one of carnal need.

And I welcome it with every fiber of my being.

It is not until much later that I return to my senses, my body covered in fluids that are not my own and the otherworldly creature I had encountered nowhere to be seen.  I sit up, the motion bringing my attention to how bloated my belly feels, and causing thick fluid to flow from my pussy.

My pussy aches as I stagger to my feet, and deep down I know that next time, it will be me that seeks it out.

Alternate Start:

My footsteps inevitably bring me to the place I first met the otherworldly creature, my thoughts on its writhing tentacles and unblinking eyes.

I can feel my cunt dampening at the mere thought of my previous violation.

When the forest around me falls silent, I know I am at the right place and call out.

I don't have to wait long.  Within moments, I can see movement in the shadows, then a tendril of purple flesh, glowing with its odd inner light.  

Something inside me tells me that it is pleased by my return.

Squeezing my legs together, I can feel how slick my pussy already is, and a soft moan escapes my lips as I watch more of the tentacled thing come into view, its unblinking eyes on me only serving to drive my lusts higher.


There is something strangely beautiful about this thing. (Rename as desired.)


Michael Hawk

typo: "too pleasurable to be anything by bliss." I assume you meant "anything but bliss."