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It's been a long while since I have shared something I wrote unrelated to Inheritance, and this morning while trying to decide what to write, I had a small stray thought strike me that I quickly started writing down.  This is rough draft, and does not mean another Wanton Cove game is in the works, but one never knows when a kernel will grow into something more.

Hope you all enjoy:

HER hand reaches out, her slender fingers the kind of pale that I have only seen in death.  The words she speaks from her lipless face reverberate in my mind, telling me everything I need to know.  Her intense gaze rivets me, even as I stare back at the place eyes should be.  I feel a shiver go through me at I look in awe at her featureless face.

I won't flatter myself that she loves me, but she knows I exist, and she has use of me, and that is enough.  

My pulse quickens as she leans closer.  I can feel her presence in the dark, her skin emanating a pale glow that demands I not look away from her.

Then her fingertips touch me.  I can feel my arousal spike to impossible heights.  That one touch more satisfying than any I have felt before it.

The moment lasts for only a heartbeat before it passes.  Shattered in blinding light.

"Fuck, doesn't matter what room we stick this guy in, lights turn faulty.  I swear to God, I see things move in the dark sometimes."  An orderly dressed in pure white says.

"Quit being paranoid.  He's just another babbling lunatic, don't let him get inside your head."  The second orderly says sternly.

Thrashing at the straight jacket confining me, straining so hard that my joints ache, the two orderlies grab hold of me and slams me against the side of the padded room so hard it winds me.

My lips part, but instead of a groan or curse, I speak the words SHE speaks to me instead, "H' nog, h' llll ephainog nilgh'ri ot c'.  Ymg' ah soth, soth!  zal'chaas h' llll tharanak h' bliss, h'  llll tharanak h' lloigshogg, h' ah harbinger ot zhro ng zhro l' ah c'!"

There's a moment of silence as I glare at my captors.

"I hate it when he does that, have no idea how he makes half those sounds, and it makes my skin crawl every time."  The first orderly manages trough gritted teeth

Then I feel a pinch in my side, an all too familiar feeling of a needle just a split second before I can feel my senses fading, like my world is being crapped in cotton intended to smother me.

But at my core, I know this is not my end, no more so than the hundred other times I have received the same.  

I know, because I know what comes next, I know my destiny.  I know that it is time to return, to return to Wanton Cove.



Allure of Wanton Cove is the reason I signed up. Lovecraftian horror erotica, wish we had more of this!


I just wrote a Lovecraftian horror erotic scene for a Crusader Kings III mod yesterday, . . .


😮 Just read the Wanton Cove headline and re-subbed to see the post. I (unfortunately) have no interest in Inheritance (just not my cup of tea,. Even though I love the writing


Haven't seen you in forever! Thanks for stopping in. Hope it was worth the visit, and it is good to see a familiar name pop up!