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Got a lot of new goodies for all of you to enjoy!  

Probably most noteworthy is the ability to earn money through Vanni's crime organization if you choose that path.  This is an ambient form of income that you will earn no mater if you're active with the organization or not.  In the future we will add ways to increase this income significantly, . . . for a certain risk factor, . . . 

In addition to that, we've got new scenes, new locations, new images, and fixes.

As always, I'm not perfect.  Our coders catch most of what I break, but it always seems like one or two things slips through the cracks.  If you see ANYTHING that doesn't seem right, even if it's been reported before, PLEASE report it.  I'd rather something be reported a dozen times when it's already been fixed than have even one thing remain a problem.  You see white error boxes, blocks of red text, spelling or grammar errors, incorrect images, something that just FEELS off to you, or anything else, please report it.  Take a screen shot, copy a block of text, those things help a LOT in running down issues.   Messages can be sent to my direct messages here, or in the bug-reports channel of our discord.

Enjoy the new build!  I hope you all enjoy it!


* Wrote and added the third and final scene in Vanni's intro story.  2.6k words of content sponsored by Fusing.inc.

* Wrote and added a new scene to Vanni's Warehouse in the evenings.  .5k words of content sponsored by Fising.inc.

* Wrote and added a new scene for Vanni to her Warehouse from, mid morning to the wee-hours of the morning.  1.4k words of content sponsored by Fusing.inc.

* Added a new scene to the Honey Pot that allows you to buy candies for the girls.  1.2k words of content sponsored by Fusing.inc

* Added a rumor of Vanni's origins to Vanni's Warehouse.  .2k words of content sponsored by Fising.inc.

* Wrote and added an interactive toy gun scene for Eve to the kitchens.  .9k words of content sponsored by Fusing.inc.

* Wrote and added a new news scene to the TV.  .2k words of content sponsored by Fusing.inc.

* Wrote and added an interactive toy gun scene for Eve to the TV options in the living room.  .8k words of content sponsored by Fusing.inc.

* Wrote and added four ambient scenes related to the toy gun.  One appears in the Entry Hall, one appears in all bathrooms except master bathroom, one that appears in rooms with windows, and one involves Mully in the hallway.  .3k words of content sponsored by Fusing.Inc.

* Wrote and added eight gift giving scenes related to candy purchases.  Four for Anna, four for Eve.  2.8k words of content sponsored by Fusing.inc.

* Added an option for you to choose to avoid Katy's future content during her intro in the Doggystyle Petstore. .2k words submitted by TheArmoredFish.

* Added a revision to one of the Jen/Mully scenes at the Doggy Style pet store to reflect if you have met Katy yet or not.  .2k words of content submitted by TheArmoredFish.

* Added 13 new Bridgette Karaoke Inserts. 2.6k words of content submitted by ManlyMann.

* Added a new scene related to Bridgette's notes to her bedroom.  1.3k words of content submitted by ManlyMann.

* Added a second scene related to Bridgette's notes to her bedroom.  .1k words of content submitted by ManlyMann.

* Added nine notes that you can read that give hints about Bridgette's past.  1k words of content submitted by ManlyMann.

* Added a new scene for Maki and Bubbles to the Ballroom when they are visiting.  1.3k words of content by LFN Park.

* Added a new scene to the Drinking Donkey involving Claire and Red.  .9k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.

* Added four small scenes involving Eve, Mitsuko and Mully to the grounds.  Three to back yard, one to east and west yards.  .3k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.

* Added 11 new small scenes to the GamePop store.  .5k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.

* Added a new cuddle option for Mitsuko to the couch in the living room of the mansion.  3 starting scenes, 6 middle scenes, 3 ending scenes.  4.9k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.

* Added a late night scene related to Yami to the mansion.  1k words of content submitted by Don_Diego.

* Added a fairly extensive expansion to Eve's kitchen virginity scene to better account for relationship variants.  Huge thanks to Don_Diego for the rework.  3.2k words of content submitted by Don_Diego.

* Added a new scene to West Street in Pendleton that plays rarely late at night.  .2k words of content submitted by Principle Chorus.

* Added the ability to collect earnings from Vanni's organization if you take over.  At present, it's not a huge amount of money right now, but you'll earn it if you work or not, and there will be exponential growth possible.

* New location "The OTHER Pendleton Arms" added to the bad part of town.  1.2k words of content spanning location description and six ambients.

* New location "Storefront" added to the bad part of town.  Unlocks through Vanni's intro storyline.  .3k words of content spanning location description and four small ambients.

* New location "Warehouse" added to the bad part of town.  Unlocks through Vanni's intro storyline.  .6k words of content spanning location description and eight small ambients.

* Added two new items to the Honey Pot.  Chocolates and Gummy Worms.  

* New NPC added to The OTHER Pendleton Arms named Matt.

* Added 20 new images to North Main to reflect weather and seasonal changes.

* Added 20 new images to Mid Main to reflect weather and seasonal changes.

* Added 20 new images to South Main to reflect weather and seasonal changes.

* Revised 6 of Mitsuko's images to fine tune her appearance.

* Fixed a bug that was causing players to receive either a pack of cigarettes or cigars when when only bought one or the other the first time they purchased one of those products.

* Fixed an issue that was only allowing Elodie's first scene to appear.  ALL of her content should now be appearing in game.

* Fixed an issue that was allowing Elodie to appear at the Honey Pot as a known character before you've met her.

* Fixed an issue with the Youkai Emporium that was making all of its content unavailable.

* Fixed an issue that was preventing the day to progress when working as a bouncer at the club.

* Lots of little things.  Special thanks to TheArmoredFish and Principle Chorus for all the amazing help they give.  

* The usual assortment of spelling, grammar, text box, and other minor fixes.  Thank you to everyone who sent in reports, you're an amazing community and all of you help make this game what it is. 

* Updated the Special Thanks area 04/10/21.  If you think you belong on this list but your name isn't there, please let me know so I can get it fixed.

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