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Looks like we're on the home stretch of another build.  

Fixed some save game issues since the last test, usual bug reports, fixed the Titch thing, and added the big Valentines scene I had been working on.  We've got a pretty big pile of submissions that have come in the last week or so, but unfortunately I didn't find time time to add them yet, . . . which means I might add a couple of the simple scenes to the game but most of it will likely go into the February build instead.

As usual, please report anything that you see that seems out of place.  Error messages, red text, bugs, spelling or grammar issues, or anything else that doesn't seem quite right.  even if you have seen the issue before, I still appreciate it when they are reported as it will often give us extra information to help find a problem or let us know that we didn't fix things as well as we had originally thought.

Hope you all enjoy the new test!


* Wrote and added a new valentines themed scene for Anna.  Requires high relationship to trigger.  7.2k words of content sponsored by Fusing.inc.

* Wrote and added a new scene for Gaia to the back yard.  1.4k words of content.

* Wrote and added a scene for children between the age of 5 and 8 that takes place in the street locations of Pendleton.  Has the potential to play out differently depending on the protagonist's fitness.  1.1k words of content.

* Wrote and added a new scene with Olivia and Eve talking about slavery.  .2k words of content.

* Wrote a mid-relationship variant for the second scene in Rey's M2F transformation storyline.  .5k words of content.

* Contributed to a scene that appears on East Street in Pendleton involving Eve and Elodie.  2.9k words of content collaborated between Irish Major Tom and GateKeeper

* Added a new Karaoke scene for Olivia to the game.  .9k words of content submitted by Don_Diego.

* Added a new scene to the mansion's lounge for Claire that can stretch into the night.  Yes, I know Claire is just letting herself into the mansion at this point but it will correct itself once we finish adding the NPC movement.  .9k words of content submitted by Scoots.

* Added a new costume for cosplay for Anna to the Yokai Emporium.  .7k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.

* Added a new scene for Claire to the Drinking Donkey in the evenings.  1.4k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.

* Added three bathing room scenes for Mitsuko and Eve, and two for Mitsuko and Rey.  .6k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.

* Added a back room to the Love Shack.  Includes location and twelve small ambient scenes.  1k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.

* Added a porn filming office to the back room to the Love Shack.  Includes location and eight ambient scenes.  .8k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.

*Added a porn filming bedroom to the back room to the Love Shack.  Includes location and eight ambient scenes.  .9k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.

* Added character art to the paper doll system for Bridgette, Katy, Rebekkah, Cora, and Red.

* Added seven images to the bed time paper doll.

* Updated all art that includes Bubbles.

* Added updated book art to the game.

* Have given Bridgette's intro a rework.

* Updated the lab to finally offer the range of transformative items that I THOUGHT were already present.  Changes made are NOT yet represented in the paper doll art.  Our coder PC has really done some amazing work.

* Added a paper doll system for sleeping arrangements.  This is very early and only includes art for the protagonist, Anna, Eve, and Mitsuko.  Our coders truly are unsung heroes.

* The scene where Mitsuko is mopping, and trips and falls on you has had its chance reduced by half in all locations, and should now occur much less often.

* The usual assortment of spelling, grammar, text box, and other minor fixes.  Thank you to everyone who sent in reports, you're an amazing community and all of you help make this game what it is. 

* Updated the Special Thanks area 01/13/21.  If you think you belong on this list but your name isn't there, please let me know so I can get it fixed.

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