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Since we're working on Anna's wedding story, there are some things I'm still debating on whether or not to add to that story arc.  The biggest of these is whether or not to introduce the main character's family.  

Almost as long as I've been working on Inheritance, I have debated with myself about whether or not to introduce the main character's family to the game, and if so, should I introduce all of them and/or make them prominent within the setting.

So, for the moment I'd like to hear all of your thoughts on if I should introduce the main character's family, and if so, should I do so prominently?  Vote in the poll, comment below, let me know what you all think.

Explanation of poll:
By "Passive role" I mean they show up, exchanges are brief, and they go their own way when it's all over.

By "Large role" I mean they show up, the engage with the MC and surrounding characters in a noteworthy way, and they part ways with the intent of inserting them into the story in major ways in the future.

By "Existing characters" I mean people from the mansion or town, people who you meet after the start of the game.



NOTE: If we introduce the MC's family, we'll likely allow the player to have some control over their family as far as what kinds of people they are and birth order in the case of siblings. By choosing nothing, you'd effectively not have a family. This will be quite a bit of work to accomplish, but I think at the same time that it will be something rewarding for the player.


"A lot of work but ultimately rewarding to the player" is how I'd describe the entire middle option. I'm worried for that reason, but, if you're up for it...


I wouldn't have offered if I didn't think I could do it.My basic idea is to create a family of six. Mother, father, two younger (One of each gender) and two older (One of each gender siblings. Then the player will be presented with the ability to choose which ones they want (Each will have a short description of personality to aid your choices.). If you choose a mother but no father, she might mention that sometimes she misses him, or vice versa. Choosing how well you get along with each will determine their starting stats and behavior toward you, those kinds of things. If a player chose to not select any family members, then you'd have no family to invite to the wedding. If you choose all of them then you have a fairly large family, or anywhere in between. The wedding would obviously include them somewhat prominently if I take this path, then I can come back later and add each one in more detail as the game grows (Maybe a sibling comes to visit, or mom calls to make sure you're doing alright, those kinds of things.)


Looks like the consensus is to have the family. And in doing so I think all three groups can be accommodated . I'll plan to set it up so you can choose your family when the time comes. Those who don't want family can choose to not select any of the options. Those do do want family can choose the ones they want to have. And once you've selected family, it will be up to the player to engage with them meaning that they'll only be as prominent as you want them to be in your stories.

siravit glomgliang

Does that mean that Anna is no longer our slave?


She is whatever you want her to be. But yes, marrying her implies a lack of ownership.


What about the other girls.


What about the other girls? Are you asking if you're going to be able to marry other girls in the setting? Then the answer is yes.


I plan to let the MC marry Eve, Mitsuko's writer has mentioned that he wants to write a wedding for her, and a there are a couple of others planned as well. We plan to write weddings for most any character who would be interested in marrying the MC.


Ok, that's good. I will be interesting to have multiple wives.


Children will be generated at random for the most part. Theoretically no two children will look exactly the same because the game looks at the physical attributes of both parents, averages them, then will sometimes randomly applies a +/- to that attribute to determine what the baby's appearance will be for each characteristic. We also have personality traits that the game will choose one or more of at random to apply to the child. The game will then play scenes for children that are related to their personality traits, but those scenes will be shared between all children that are not unique children. On rare occasion, if a player wants to write content for a specific baby (Like Mitsuko's twins that she has the first time she gets pregnant.) then those pregenerated characters can have their own unique content in addition to the content any other baby would have.


Yes. We are writing scenes for them that reflect their age and growth and become a proper NPC in their own right at the age of 18.