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The polls sort of got left in the dust with everything that's been going on lately.  Between home and game development, I've been eyeball deep in things that needed doing since the last poll.

Lets get things back on track!


Now on to our usual preamble: 

 Those of you who have been with us for a while know what to do already,  but I'll take a moment to explain things for the rest of you.    

What we do each time we have a poll like this is we take a vote on what I will be focusing the bulk of my attention on for the next few days .  After letting the poll run for a day or two, I take the top one or two items and those become my new work items.  All other votes are carried over to the next poll to be added to the following week's poll.    

What this accomplishes is that it ensures every vote gets counted and even the less popular items on the list will get worked on proportionately to the interest people express in them.    


PS:  Feel free to suggest additional items for this list.  Right now, there are twelve items on the list, but I am willing to maintain 10-15 at any given time if any of you would like me to work on elements of the game not currently listed.  

Additionally, feel free to mention things you'd like to see me work on related to each item below.  Want more Hide and Seek content?  Mention it in the comments and I'll keep it in mind the next time I write content for Eve.  Want waffles?  I'll keep that in mind the next time I work on the Meal time stuff.  Etc, etc.  

Previous Numbers:  
Anna Content 45
Eve Content 0 (Previoous Winner)
Gaia Content 81
Misaki Content 0 (Previous Winner)
Multi-character scenes 41
Meal time overhaul and expansion. 20
Sex Scenes 78
Dungeon Content 29
Insert scenes 44
Work on the WIKI 62
Diaries 23 (Next time it wins there will be a focus on Belle.)
Pregnancy Content 34
Baby Content 66

NOTE:  I don't know if I miscounted at the time, or if Gaia got more votes than usual after I had finished up the last bit of poll related writing.  Either way, Gaia had the second most votes when I tallied things just now.  As such, I will be sure to give her a little extra attention going into the next round of writing in addition to the top two items on the list (If she is the top item on this weekend's poll, I'll give her a bit of extra attention beyond what I was originally planning even, . . . maybe some early sexy times with her, . . . . ?)

NOTE 2:  We have a couple of people working on the wiki again!  Lots of new content on that front!  Next time it wins, I'll help them out with it a bit, but depending on how much work remains to be done will determine if that item remains on the poll moving forward.



At present, sex scenes seems to be in the lead with Gaia taking the number two spot. I will plan acordingly.