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"After the passing of your estranged Great Uncle, you're surprised to find yourself listed as the sole heir to his estate.  With all the legal unpleasantness out of the way, you're now on your way to your new home.

Not sure what to expect when you arrive, you don't know if you're going to sell the mansion or live there, but once you step inside your entire world changes when you are suddenly faced with the fact that you now own two slave girls.

What do you do with them?  Do you follow in your Great Uncle's footsteps and use them for your own pleasure?  Do you treat them like servants?  Or do you nurture a relationship with them that just might blossom into something more, . . ."



This game features:
*A sand box environment.
*Dynamic relationship building.
*NPCs who interact with one another, building friendships or rivalries over time.
*A wide range of characters including slaves, survants, pets, business associates, and strangers.
*Hundreds of interactive scenes.
*Many interactive functions that allow you to interact with your environment in meaningful ways.
*Pregnancy!  Get your slaves pregnant and watch their pregnancy progress! (Optional.  Birth Control is 100% effective.)
*You can assign work schedules, tell them what they are allowed to eat, where they have to sleep, manage as much or as little of their life choices as you want.
*A weather system that will allow for the weather to behave in predictable patterns corresponding with weather forecasts.
*A system that tracks minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and even years.  
*A system to track the seasons.  Snowing in the winter, raining in the spring through summer, or even watch the leaves fall during the fall.  Additionally, some scenes play out differently depending on the time of year.
*Grow plants in your greenhouse, then use them as incredients to create items that can change the people around you.
*Raise dogs and horses.
*More than 500 images.
*A massive estate spanning more than 50 locations that you can explore.
*More than 1,970,000 words of content.

What we have planned:
*A fully customizable clothing system.
*Merchants where you can buy new items.
*Buy, sell, and train your slaves as you see fit
*Put your slaves to work cleaning, tending the yard, working in town, or pimp them out for a few extra bucks on the side.

*And so very much more, . . .


I encourage everyone to take a look at the Free version of the game linked below.  If you enjoy the Free version, please consider a small pledge.  With a small pledge, you gain early access to the latest build as well as other perks while helping ensure I can continue doing this full time!  Every little bit helps.

Inheritance is a text based game with art.  A portion of all earnings goes toward new art for the game.

NOTE:  It is important to me to bring all of you the best game possible.  If you see bugs or even things that are misspelled, please report it!  You report something that can be fixed, I'll upgrade your build for free!  If you're playing the free build, I'll get you the early access build.  If you're playing the early access, I'll get you the Cheat build of the game.


Player reviews:

"Fantastic start, really immersive.
I tried to go the cruel path and can't continue, the girls' reactions are just too strong
Time to be a carebear for a little while I guess."

"I gotta say, I absolutely loved that intro. It has all the things that make me interested in a game. Specifically, the focus on writing and character building, the "emotional porn" I guess some call it, and yet still the arousal you get from a game like this."

"Man this game is awesome.

I want to be bad, but i end up feeling bad about being and then i'm good."

"Hm...I am conflicted ...the writer is good at making me question what the best path is ...I mean of the two choices here (I will never be a total abusive asshole, not even in a game so for me there's only two choices here, not 3 (abusing her is out of the question!)...no, I can't even roleplay that! I can roleplay a greedy person, a person driven by revenge, hell even someone who's a racist should I really need to etc. etc. but not someone who's just an evil asshole!):

- stop Anna from having sex with you (either by saying you aren't even remotely intersted in her, which would in my case be a lie, not to mention totally uncalled for! Or by saying that if there's going to be sex then it will be consensual (which more or less means she has to initiate it without thinking that she has to, but because she wants it!))

- have sex with her but make it special for her (the absolute opposite to the uncle who basically used her as a living sex-doll!)

The first choice seems to be the better one at face value, but on the other hand: She's enjoying herself in choice two (she clamps down on the protagonist's head when he's eating her out because she has an orgasm and she seems to like kissing, too) and it seems to establish a better connection between the protagonist and her (not to mention that giving someone who's had very few good things happen to them a very good one seems like something you really should do)

I really don't know which is the morally superior choice...:(

ps: I love it when games challange me like that, sadly most AAA-Developers have stopped making games that really challenge you like this :("

"Oh shit, this is by the guy who is writing The Allure of Wanton Cove. "An emotionally damaged woman who is haunted by the horrors she has experienced" huh? Considering it's this guy, those horrors might be pretty harsh. Looks awesome."


What's new in the latest Supporter Build?

* Wrote and added a new late night scene for the sleep function.  Requires mid or higher stats for Eve.  .9k words of content.
* Wrote and added a new late night scene for the sleep function.  Requires good stats with Anna, middling or higher stats with Eve, both girls sleeping with you, and Eve can not be a virgin.  1.7k words of content.
* Wrote and added five smallish scenes for Gaia on the grounds.  This should make her much more prevalent in the back yard, East and West grounds.  1k words of content.
* Wrote and added four starter scenes for the St Andrew's Cross in the dungeon for Misaki.  1k words of content.
* Wrote and added three starter scenes for the hot wax play in the dungeon for Misaki.  .8k words of content.
* Wrote and added sixteen core scenes for the hot wax play in the dungeon for Misaki.  2.3k words of content.
* Wrote and added two ending scenes for the St Andrew's Cross.  Each has three variants based on how badly she is hurt.  1.1k words of content
* Added a new scene for Claire that leads to a new slave.  2.3k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.
* Added a new scene for Mitsuko late at night in Pendleton.  12.8k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.
* Added a birthing scene for Mitsuko.  One word:  Twins.  .9k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.
* Added three bed time pregnancy scenes for Mitsuko.  .2k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.
* Added a new scene to The Dojo in town.  Plays out differently depending on if you own Mitsuko or not.  1.7k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.
* Added thirteen, -yes you heard that right, thirteen, one three, bakers dozen- small pregnancy scenes for Mitsuko around the mansion.  Most locations inside the mansion are affected as is the pool during warmer months.  Some scenes appear in one or two locations while others happen most everywhere, different times of day, and different times during the pregnancy.  1k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.
* Added the intro scene for a new character by the name of Cora in the Drinking Donkey.  2.2k words of content submitted by Asura.
* Added three small scenes for Cora to the Drinking Donkey.  .2k words of content submitted by Asura.
* Added a scene for Jen and Yami to the library during daylight hours.  1k words of content submitted by Asura.
* Added a scene for Yami Eve and Gaia to the grounds.  .7k words of content submitted by Asura.
* Added a new scene for Yami and Claire to the Drinking Donkey.  .7k words of content submitted by Asura.
* Added an evening scene to the couch for Anna and Yami that can play out when Anna has middling relationship stats.  1.6k words of content submitted by Asura.
* Added a new scene to the upper south hall for Eve and Yami.  Very rare and happens during work hours.  1.7k words of content submitted by Asura.
* Added a new scene for Jen and Yami to the gym.  .2k words of content submitted by Asura.
* Added a series of ten new ambient scenes for Yami in and around the mansion.  About half of them include additional characters.  1.7k words of content submitted by Asura
* Added a new scene for Jen that allows you to bring her to the mansion.  2.6k words of content submitted by The Exile.
* Added a new scene related to Jen that takes place on West Street late at night.  1.6k words of content submitted by The Exile.
* Added a new scene to the attic in the afternoon and evenings for Jen.  1.8k words of content submitted by The Exile.
* Added five ambient work time events for Jen that take place inside of the mansion.  Most appear in multiple locations and nearly every location in the mansion has at least one of these new scenes.  .6k words of content by The Exile.
* Added a new scene for Jen and Misaki that takes place in the lounge in the evenings.  1.1k words of content submitted by The Exile.
* Added six insert scenes for Jen that should appear in all scenes that currently include work time inserts.  .2k words of content submitted by The Exile.
* Added two insert scenes for Eve and Jen that should appear in all scenes that currently include work time inserts for Anna.  .1k words of content submitted by The Exile.
* Added the song "Home" for Jen in the karaoke function.  .4k words of content submitted by The Exile.
* Added the song "Red like Roses" for Jen in the karaoke function.  .6k words of content submitted by The Exile.
* Added four small insert scenes for Jen to the karaoke content.  .1k words of content submitted by The Exile.
* Added a scene for Eve and Jen that appears in the greenhouse during work hours.  1.1k words of content submitted by The Exile.
* Added a scene for Eve and Jen that appears in the East, West, and Back yards.  1.2k words of content submitted by The Exile.
* Added a scene for Jen to the Doggy Style pet store for players who have taken her home.  .4k words of content submitted by The Exile.
* Added two new ambient scenes for Jen and Mitsuko.  The first scene can happen in most of the mansion during work hours and the second can happen in the evenings in the living room.  .3k words of content submitted by The Exile.
* Added one new scene for Misaki and Mitsuko that can appear in the servant area, living room, or lounge either during or shortly after work hours..  .2k words of content submitted by evilgenius97.
* Added two unique babies that Mitsuko can give birth to.
* Added a new character to the Drinking Donkey named Cora.
* Added a new character to the game by the name of Daniella.  She's an associate of Claire's.
* Added a new character that can be encountered in Pendleton if you take Mitsuko to town late at night by the name of Red.  
* Added a new character to The Dojo by the name of Richard.
* Added a new character to The Dojo by the name of Walter.
* Added a new slave character that can be purchased through Claire named Rebekkah.
* Added four new images to the Youkai Empirium.
* Added 8 images to the Backyard Shed
* Added 8 images to Driveway
* Added 5 images to Kennels
* Added 5 images to Stables
* Added 4 image to Boat House
* Added 6 images to East Grounds
* Added 2 images to Pond
* Added 2 images to West Yard
* Added 13 images to Gaia Apples
* Added a portrait for Bruce to the game.
* Added a portrait for Claire to the game.
* Added a portrait for Sidra to the game.
* Added a portrait for Umi to the game.
* Added a portrait for Venus to the game.
* Added an image to the scene where you first meet both Bruce and Sidra.
* Added an image of Bruce to the game files that is not yet used in-game.
* Added an image to Sidra's prayer scene.
* Added eleven dog images to the game files.  
* Major work being done in the background as we take steps toward adding the paper doll content.
* Fixed some broken images.  If you see images that don't work, please report it so we can get it fixed.
* Fixed an issue that was making it difficult to impregnate both Misaki and Mitsuko.
* Fixed an issue that was preventing Anna & Misaki's threesome scene from triggering properly.
* Fixed an issue where Elizaveta's Intro scene was kicking you back to the mansion instead of into town.
* Fixed an issue that was causing her period scenes to continue through the entire month once they started.
* All of you are amazing.  We had a lot of small stuff reported this last month, and every little bit helps make the game better.  You all know who you are, and I love you for all the help.  A special shout out to Anenn, PrincipleChorus, and The Mad Exile for helping run down and fix everything I struggled to find solutions for.
* Updated the Special Thanks area 5/15/19.  If you think you belong on this list but your name isn't there, please let me know so I can get it fixed.


Join us on Discord!


 Since the game has reached a point where it's simply too big for Patreon  to host, I've uploaded it to GoogleDrive.  If there's somewhere else  you'd like to have it hosted, drop a message below and I'll see what I  can do.

UPDATE:  Quickfix link

Download Link: 




Attempted to go to the pool and got the following (is there another way I should be reporting bugs?): Apologies! An error has occurred. You may be able to continue, but some parts may not work properly. Error: invalid event: bad event for Mitsuko Pregnancy Ambient 11 "requires" evaluation: event "requires" expression does not yield boolean (type: undefined; value: "not $clock.isWinter and $mitsuko.hasFlag(\"owned\") and $mitsuko.hasFlag(\"announced\") and $mitsuko.isPregnant2 and ($clock.hour gte 18 and $clock.hour lt 20)"). Stack Trace: f@file:///E:/ProgramData/AIF/Inheritance/inheritance_A41.html line 137685 > eval:2:996427 H@file:///E:/ProgramData/AIF/Inheritance/inheritance_A41.html line 137685 > eval:2:997043 @file:///E:/ProgramData/AIF/Inheritance/inheritance_A41.html line 137685 > eval:2:998901 dispatch@file:///E:/ProgramData/AIF/Inheritance/inheritance_A41.html:59:42571 add/v.handle@file:///E:/ProgramData/AIF/Inheritance/inheritance_A41.html:59:40572 trigger@file:///E:/ProgramData/AIF/Inheritance/inheritance_A41.html:59:70627 value@file:///E:/ProgramData/AIF/Inheritance/inheritance_A41.html:137688:15362 p@file:///E:/ProgramData/AIF/Inheritance/inheritance_A41.html:137688:9865 handler/<@file:///E:/ProgramData/AIF/Inheritance/inheritance_A41.html:137687:2900 value/<@file:///E:/ProgramData/AIF/Inheritance/inheritance_A41.html:137686:20417 r/<@file:///E:/ProgramData/AIF/Inheritance/inheritance_A41.html:137683:723 t/<@file:///E:/ProgramData/AIF/Inheritance/inheritance_A41.html:137683:499 dispatch@file:///E:/ProgramData/AIF/Inheritance/inheritance_A41.html:59:42571 add/v.handle@file:///E:/ProgramData/AIF/Inheritance/inheritance_A41.html:59:40572


Thank you for the report! Very much appreciated! How you just posted it works. Most people just post in the "Bug Reports" channel in discord or send me a private message. The important thing is that I know about it so I can fix it. I'm actually working on bug reports right now, so I'll wade into this in just a moment.