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I had hoped to get this out last night, but there was a lot going on with the coding front and I felt it best to wait until we resolved a few issues.

Additionally, I haven't done bug reports from last night yet (I didn't see anything game breaking among them at a glance, most of them were even reported previously), so I'll be trying to get those fixed well before the next test build is released.

NOTE: When you start the game, it throws an error saying it can't find something called "laboratoryInit"  We're working on making the laboratory usable and it's a WIP.  It will hopefully be functional for the next build of the game.

What all is new?


* Wrote and added a new late night scene for the sleep function.  Requires mid or higher stats for Eve.  .9k words of content.

* Wrote and added a new late night scene for the sleep function.  Requires good stats with Anna, middling or higher stats with Eve, both girls sleeping with you, and Eve can not be a virgin.  1.7k words of content.

* Added a new scene for Claire that leads to a new slave.  2.3k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.

* Added the intro scene for a new character by the name of Cora in the Drinking Donkey.  2.2k words of content submitted by Asura.

* Added three small scenes for Cora to the Drinking Donkey.  .2k words of content submitted by Asura

* Added a new scene for Jen that allows you to bring her to the mansion.  2.6k words of content submitted by The Exile.

* Added a new scene related to Jen that takes place on West Street late at night.  1.6k words of content submitted by The Exile.

* Added a new scene to the attic in the afternoon and evenings for Jen.  1.8k words of content submitted by The Exile.

* Added five ambient work time events for Jen that take place inside of the mansion.  Most appear in multiple locations and nearly every location in the mansion has at least one of these new scenes.  .6k words of content by The Exile.

* Added a new scene for Jen and Misaki that takes place in the lounge in the evenings.  1.1k words of content submitted by The Exile.

* Added six insert scenes for Jen that should appear in all scenes that currently include work time inserts.  .2k words of content submitted by The Exile.

* Added two insert scenes for Eve and Jen that should appear in all scenes that currently include work time inserts for Anna.  .1k words of content submitted by The Exile.

* Added the song "Home" for Jen in the karaoke function.  .4k words of content submitted by The Exile.

* Added the song "Red like Roses" for Jen in the karaoke function.  .6k words of content submitted by The Exile.

* Added four small insert scenes for Jen to the karaoke content.  .1k words of content submitted by The Exile.

* Added a new character to the Drinking Donkey named Cora.

* Added a new character to the game by the name of Daniella.  She's an associate of Claire's.

* Added a new slave character that can be purchased through Claire named Rebekkah. 

* Fixed an issue that was making it difficult to impregnate both Misaki and Mitsuko.

* Fixed an issue that was preventing Anna & Misaki's threesome scene from triggering properly.

* Fixed an issue where Elizaveta's Intro scene was kicking you back to the mansion instead of into town.

* Updated the Special Thanks area 4/22/19.  If you think you belong on this list but your name isn't there, please let me know so I can get it fixed.


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