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Best of wishes in these trying times:

The last few weeks have been a trying time for everyone.  In some places we have the first signs of getting better, while in other places it's likely to get quite a bit worse before it can start getting better.  I hope that each and every one of you is staying safe, that you have what you need to get by, and all of the people you care about are staying safe as well.

As for me and mine, I'm used to working every day, but with my kids home from school, and them doing school electronically for the most part. I find myself in a position where I'm spending more time being a teacher than a worker during the school week.  To make up for that, I've been trading my hobby time for work time in the evenings, and my "family day" has become a work day over the weekends.  It's not ideal, but it IS allowing me to mostly keep up with what I am hoping to accomplish with Inheritance each week.  It's a balancing act that I'm still trying to perfect, and when the school year ends in a few weeks I'll be able to settle back into my usual schedule anyway.  All of that said, while being cooped up can be frustrating at times, I'm doing well on my end.

Tomorrow is Easter.  While this year it's going to be hard to spend time with family like many of us normally do, I'd like to encourage you to give your loved one a call, let them know that you miss getting to spend time with them and to let them know how much they mean to you.  We may not be able to do all of the things that usually bring joy to our lives, but we CAN share stories of the good times with the ones we love the most.  And more importantly, we can rise above these hard times do what little good we can.  Small acts of kindness mean more now than they have any time in most of our lifetimes.  And while a small act of kindness may not seem like much to us, it can mean everything to the percon receiving it.

Progress Report:

Now, on to the progress report.

My work schedule has been pretty quirky this last few weeks, but I've still been getting a good amount of work done.  At the same time, some of our writers have been creating content, while others have been focused on other concerns.  Even so, we've managed to put together a bit over 35k words of content for next weekend's build.  The game is currently in the testing phase as we bug hunt and add a bit of polish in preparation for the next build of the game.

Our intended target date for our next release was the 17th.  Given that is my birthday, I don't know if my family has any plans for me.  If they plan to monopolize my time that day, I may release the build either a day early or a day later than I normally would.  Otherwise everything is on schedule and we think we've created something pretty special for all of you this time around!


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