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Updated the build to reflect a couple of fixes.  A lot of it was cosmetic in nature, only one serious error.  
* Front yard bug with Rey
*Some non-game breaking errors in Eve's new dating content.
*Renamed some images so they'll display properly in the dialogue boxes.   


"After the passing of your estranged Great Uncle, you're surprised to find yourself listed as the sole heir to his estate.  With all the legal unpleasantness out of the way, you're now on your way to your new home.

Not sure what to expect when you arrive, you don't know if you're going to sell the mansion or live there, but once you step inside your entire world changes when you are suddenly faced with the fact that you now own two slave girls.

What do you do with them?  Do you follow in your Great Uncle's footsteps and use them for your own pleasure?  Do you treat them like servants?  Or do you nurture a relationship with them that just might blossom into something more, . . ."



This game features:

*A sand box environment.

*Dynamic relationship building.

*NPCs who interact with one another, building friendships or rivalries over time.

*A wide range of characters including slaves, survants, pets, business associates, and strangers.

*Hundreds of interactive scenes.

*Many interactive functions that allow you to interact with your environment in meaningful ways.

*Pregnancy!  Get your slaves pregnant and watch their pregnancy progress! (Optional.  Birth Control is 100% effective.)

*You can assign work schedules, tell them what they are allowed to eat, where they have to sleep, manage as much or as little of their life choices as you want.

*A weather system that will allow for the weather to behave in predictable patterns corresponding with weather forecasts.

*A system that tracks minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and even years.  

*A system to track the seasons.  Snowing in the winter, raining in the spring through summer, or even watch the leaves fall during the fall.  Additionally, some scenes play out differently depending on the time of year.

*More than 360 images.

*A massive estate spanning more than 50 locations that you can explore.

*More than 1,600,000 words of content.

What we have planned:

*A fully customizable clothing system.

*Merchants where you can buy new items.

*Buy, sell, and train your slaves as you see fit

*Put your slaves to work cleaning, tending the yard, working in town, or pimp them out for a few extra bucks on the side.

*And so very much more, . . . 


I encourage everyone to take a look at the Free version of the game linked below.  If you enjoy the Free version, please consider a small pledge.  With a small pledge, you gain early access to the latest build as well as other perks while helping ensure I can continue doing this full time!  Every little bit helps.

Inheritance is a text based game with art.  A portion of all earnings goes toward new art for the game.

NOTE:  It is important to me to bring all of you the best game possible.  If you see bugs or even things that are misspelled, please report it!  You report something that can be fixed, I'll upgrade your build for free!  If you're playing the free build, I'll get you the early access build.  If you're playing the early access, I'll get you the Cheat build of the game.

Player reviews:

"Fantastic start, really immersive.

I tried to go the cruel path and can't continue, the girls' reactions are just too strong

Time to be a carebear for a little while I guess."


"I gotta say, I absolutely loved that intro. It has all the things that make me interested in a game. Specifically, the focus on writing and character building, the "emotional porn" I guess some call it, and yet still the arousal you get from a game like this."


"Man this game is awesome.

I want to be bad, but i end up feeling bad about being and then i'm good."


"Hm...I am conflicted ...the writer is good at making me question what the best path is ...I mean of the two choices here (I will never be a total abusive asshole, not even in a game so for me there's only two choices here, not 3 (abusing her is out of the question!)...no, I can't even roleplay that! I can roleplay a greedy person, a person driven by revenge, hell even someone who's a racist should I really need to etc. etc. but not someone who's just an evil asshole!):

- stop Anna from having sex with you (either by saying you aren't even remotely intersted in her, which would in my case be a lie, not to mention totally uncalled for! Or by saying that if there's going to be sex then it will be consensual (which more or less means she has to initiate it without thinking that she has to, but because she wants it!))

- have sex with her but make it special for her (the absolute opposite to the uncle who basically used her as a living sex-doll!)

The first choice seems to be the better one at face value, but on the other hand: She's enjoying herself in choice two (she clamps down on the protagonist's head when he's eating her out because she has an orgasm and she seems to like kissing, too) and it seems to establish a better connection between the protagonist and her (not to mention that giving someone who's had very few good things happen to them a very good one seems like something you really should do)

I really don't know which is the morally superior choice...:(

ps: I love it when games challange me like that, sadly most AAA-Developers have stopped making games that really challenge you like this :("


"Oh shit, this is by the guy who is writing The Allure of Wanton Cove. "An emotionally damaged woman who is haunted by the horrors she has experienced" huh? Considering it's this guy, those horrors might be pretty harsh. Looks awesome."



What's new in the latest Supporter Build?


* Wrote and added date content for Eve.  Includes a single scene for each of the following:  Intro, drive to town, meal, park visit, stopping for ice cream, driving home, date end, and sex intro.  Can be started from Eve's interactions in the sidebar at any relationship level.  6.5k words of content.

* Wrote and added a scene for Eve in the front yard of the mansion. Daylight hours.  1k words of content.

* Wrote and added a new sex scene related to Anna in the doggystyle position.  Requires mid to high level relationship with Anna and a bad relationship with Eve.  .5k words of content.

* Wrote and added a new "Waking" scene for Misaki when she's sharing a bed with you.  .9k words of content.

* Wrote and added a small scene for Mully.  Takes place in most rooms in the mansion.  .1k words of content.

* Wrote two, added three ambient scenes related to the travel book you can purchase for Anna.  I'd forgotten to code the first one into the game when I'd initially written it, so I wrote two more shorts and added all three.  .2k words of content.

* Wrote and added one new ambient scene for Eve when she's pregnant.  Appears at any point during the pregnancy, has three variants, appears between 8 and 10 PM, and appears in the living room or servant's area.  .2k words of content.

* Wrote and added a new scene for Anna to the kitchen that can appear at low relationship values in the afternoon.  .8k words of content.

* Wrote and added a new scene for Misaki announcing that she's pregnant.  Starts in bed after 6 weeks.  1.7k words of content.

* Wrote and added a new location to the game.  The Pendleton Theater 5 to East Street in Pendleton.  Open from 10am to 2am and includes eight small scenes.  .8k words of content.

* Wrote and added a new entry for the diary the Great Uncle kept for Anna and Eve.  In this piece, Anna looses her anal virginity.  .6k words of content.

* Wrote and added a new scene for Gaia that takes place INSIDE of the mansion.  Can trigger from Livingroom, Lounge, Library, or Study.  Requires middling relationship or better with Eve, and fairly high relationship with Gaia.  Daylight hours.  3.4k words of content generously sponsored by Braidborn.

* Wrote and added a short story for Eve where she's all grown up.  Appears in the "Theater Mode."  (Not to be mistaken with the Movie Theater.)  1k words of content.

* Wrote and added a scene that introduces a new NPC by the name of Bruce.  He's a slave trader and his intro can be triggered in the study.  Happens in the PM hours.  1.6k words of content.

* Wrote and added a new scene to the servant area for Yami.  Late at night and Anna must be sleeping in the servant's area.  .9k words of content.

* Wrote and added episode one of Final Voyage to the television in the living room.  .9k words of content.

* Added a new scene involving Bruce where he brings a new slave by the name of Sidra for you to purchase.  This scene can trigger at any time after you tell Bruce he can show her to you.  Can trigger late morning in the entry hall.  1.6k words of content submitted by hospoguy76.

* Added a new scene for Sidra in the Master Bedroom.  This is a one time scene that should trigger the first time you enter the Master Bedroom after purchasing her.  1.9k words of content submitted by hospoguy76.

* Added one small scene for Sidra.  Happens in the 20 minutes leading up to 6am in the Servant's area, or in the 20 minutes after 1pm in the ballroom.  .3k words of content submitted by hospoguy76.

* Added three small ambient scenes for Sidra.  One takes place in the hallways, the other two take place in most any room with a hard floor.  .5k words of content submitted by hospoguy76.

* Added "Mully Journals" to the theater mode.  This has been a collaborative effort with many contriburors.  1.4k words of content.

* Added a second version of the scene where Eve, Gaia and Rey are playing keep away to support Female Rey.  1.3k words of content by Matty.

* Added a new scene for Mitsuko where she announces she's pregnant.  1.1k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.

* Added a new TV series to the television in the living room of the mansion.  Devil Hunter Suki.  This is the ENTIRE first season.  This content was submitted by Irish Major Tom.

* Added episode one to Devil Hunter Suki.  1.4k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.

* Added episode two to Devil Hunter Suki.  1.1k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.

* Added episode three to Devil Hunter Suki.  1.6k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.

* Added episode four to Devil Hunter Suki.  1.9k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.

* Added episode five of Devil Hunter Suki. 1.6k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.

* Added episode six of Devil Hunter Suki.  1.4k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.

* Added episode seven of Devil Hunter Suki.  1.2k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.

* Added episode eight of Devil Hunter Suki.  1.6k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.

* Added episode nine of Devil Hunter Suki.  1.6k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.

* Added episode ten of Devil Hunter Suki.  1.7k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.

* Added episode eleven of Devil Hunter Suki.  1.5k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.

* Added the movie "Island of the Primal" to the movie theater in Pendleton.  1.3k words of content submitted by Asura.

* Added a new scene to the Theater Mode to the "Side Story" that tells a bit of Sidra's backstory.  1.2k words of content submitted by hospoguy76.

* Added NPC options to the sidebar for Sidra.

* Added cheat options for the new NPC Sidra.

* Added a new NPC, Bruce.  You come into contact with him through a scene that triggers in the Study in the mansion

* Added an override for Maki's arrival that should make it MUCH more likely she'll come visit.

* Added an override to the lounge to guarantee the Christmas Gifting scene will trigger as intended.

* Added an override for both Anna and Eve's pregnancy ansouncements.  Should make them much more likely to appear once they realize they're pregnant.

* Added a piece of art related to Misaki's poolside content.

* Added a piece of art related to Anna's lactation scene added in the last build.

* Added three new pieces of art for the Movie Theater lobby in Pendleton.

* Added three new pieces of art to the Movie Theater in Pendleton

* Added a button to the Schedule that allows you to back out of it.  The schedule still doesn't have any impact on game play, but at least you can get out of it now.

* Updated all of the rain events that take place inside the mansion so that they only play when the weather is rainy.

* Cleared up a small inconsistency in Belle's diary.

* Major overhaul to Rey's content.  Nearly all of Rey's content has been converted to the new gender system to accommodate for that character's transformation.  A big thanks to 6a for all the hard work they put into making the conversion.

* Made it so Anna and Misaki can't drink with you when pregnant (This is the core drinking content.  Scenes outside of the drinking function won't be affected by these changes.  If you see a scene where any character is pregnant and drinking, bring it to my attention so I can get it fixed.)

* Fixed a problem with the dialogue in the new Eve birthday scene.

* A ton of small fixes.  Mostly spelling and grammar stuff.

* Updated the Special Thanks area 2/14/19.  If you think you belong on this list but your name isn't there, please let me know so I can get it fixed.


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Not sure if it's just me but I noticed that some dialogue for a specific character is sometimes said by another. I've noticed this a lot with the "hide and seek" scenes with Eve


This happened in a few places during the conversion to the new conversation system. If you can report where you find problems, character(s) present, location, and a snip of text from the scene, that would be a HUGE help in finding and fixing these.


The one time scene for Sidra is not working for me. I enter the master bedroom, and the only options character wise is for Mitsuko's dining room scene. 'You step into the dining room, your attention immediately drawn to Mitsuko sitting face down at the end of the table, a bottle of wine and a glass cup in front of her.'. It repeats no matter how many times i click through it.