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I had every intention of dropping a test build today, but sometimes life doesn't cooperate.

The short version as I currently understand it:
*We made some fairly major changes to the back end of the game.  When we tested those changes, we didn't see any errors so continued to work on it.
*In the week since then, I've been adding new content as it has been completed.
*Found out today that we over wrote a bunch of old files that should NOT have been overwritten.

Where that leaves us:
*I just backed up everything.  Worst case, I loose the last week's worth of coding and bug fixes, but not the written content.  Best case is it's a simple fix and our coders browbeat me for being an idiot.  Either way it will hopefully only take a day or so to fix once we get to the root of it.

On the up side, we've got a LOT of new content for people to enjoy, we just need to sort the chaos so it all works right before we can properly test things.



Update: At a glance, I think we have it under control. Going to do a little internal testing to make sure before pushing to our tester group.


In any work very often these or other problems arise, in short - chaos, in any case I wish you to deal with all this in the coming days.


I live in a perpetual state of chaos. :P On the flip side, we've got it mostly sorted right now, just waiting for one of our coders to double check my fix before pushing out a test build. Better safe than sorry and all that. ;)