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Lets start with saying:  I was really happy with how last week's poll turned out.  It was fun seeing where people's interests lie.  Most of it turned out pretty close to what I expected, while a couple of items on the list surprised me.  And with projects like this, surprises are often good things.  

Some of you likely noticed that I didn't call this poll our "Weekly poll" like I've done in the past.  As you've all probably guessed after that last sentence, that's intentional.  I've spent a lot of time this last week thinking about the once a week format, and I think I'm going to change things up just a little bit.  

I'm going to make  a goal of a weekly poll, but given that some weeks are crazier than others.  And some items on the list are much more work than others (Example:  I can probably crank out a diary entry in under half an hour pretty reliably.  In contrast, adding a new item to the dungeon may take a day or two of pretty serious work.)  If I start to post a new poll whenever I reach a convenient place to start one, then it's entirely possible that we'll be able to fit in an extra poll or two a month, giving all of you fine people more control over the kinds of content added to the game.  Last week, the poll items turned into about a third of what I wrote last week, and I'd like to shoot about half instead.  We'll see how it all works out, but over the next couple of weeks you can expect me to squeeze in an extra poll just to see how it works out.

Going to add all of the items from our last poll, plus add the suggestions we received in the comments.  If anyone thinks of something they'd like to see on the poll that isn't already on it, leave a comment below and I'll keep it in mind next time I set up a poll.

Clear as mud?


- Now, on to our usual preamble-

Those of you who have been with us for a while know what to do already,  but I'll take a moment to explain things for the rest of you.  

What we do each week is we take a vote on what I will be focusing the bulk of my attention on the following week.  At the end of each week, I take the top one or two items and those become my new work items.  All other votes are carried over to the next week to be added to the following week's poll.      

What this accomplishes is that it ensures every vote gets counted and even the less popular items on the list will get worked on proportionately to the interest people express in them.  


PS:  Feel free to suggest additional items for this list.  Right now, there are twelve items on the list, but I am willing to maintain 10-15 at any given time if any of you would like me to work on elements of the game not currently listed.

Additionally, feel free to mention things you'd like to see me work on related to each item below.  Want more Hide and Seek content?  Mention it in the comments and I'll keep it in mind the next time I write content for Eve.  Want waffles?  I'll keep that in mind the next time I work on the Meal time stuff.  Etc, etc.

Previous Numbers:


Anna Content 20

Eve Content 0 (Winner)

Gaia Content 7

Misaki Content 12

NPC interactions (More than one NPC appearing in a scene) 10

Meal time overhaul and expansion. 13

Sex Scenes 0 (Winner)

Dungeon Content 23

Insert scenes (Those little scenes that play within larger scenes.) 8

Work on the WIKI 8 

Belle's Diary 0 (New Item)

Pregnancy Content 0 (New Item)

EDIT:  Forgot to add Anna's Anal Deflowering to the poll.  I'll add that to my personal list this week and get it written just so it can't be forgotten.



Would vote for Laboratory Content were it an option. I admit, I mostly play the cheat version of this game, as it otherwise feels like it'd be an unimaginable grind to earn the girls' trust and love. I feel bad about that, but I'd also rather not wander about doing nothing for real-world hours waiting for the game to become fun, no matter how realistic and understandable that lengthy effort as originally conceived is.


We're working on the laboratory stuff in the background right now. As soon as we've finalized the code that makes it works, we'll be adding lab content pretty rapidly. As the game grows, we're adding more and more ways to raise stats rapidly. Eve's birthday content has a pretty big impact on both Anna and Eve's stats, the dating content has a pretty big impact on Anna's. The game is always growing with new ways to change stats, and the goal has always been to create enough content that relationship changes will feel much more natural.


And, again, I understand who two unimaginably-traumatized people could have a really hard time opening up to their new "Master." I do applaud the diaries for showing the protagonist's predecessor's slow descent into depraved evil, by the by. ...And I worry that, given it's set in the same universe as your other work, it's gonna end in tears and mass-destruction for everyone. Hell, depending on which ending to "Wanton Cove" is "canon," they might already be living in the end times. But, problems for another day, I suppose.


The diaries have always been fun to write. I've heard from people saying that they read a little bit and can't force themselves to read more. Others who admit they are a sort of guilty pleasure, and still others who comment that they find the diaries upsetting because they find themselves sympathizing with the uncle even while hating him for his cruelties. And while Inheritance has plans for some bad endings, the game is largely my "Happy place" and I have no truly horrific endings planned for the game. This last week I actually wrote a short story that is how I picture the game endings. It's in the current test release from this last weekend, and it will appear in the next official release. Tis a tale of love, loss, and fond heartfelt memories.