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The next build of Inheritance is coming along nicely.  We've been doing a ton of work, much of it back end work that will lay the stage for future content in the game.

As of right now, we've got a bit over 30k words of new content for next week's build.

The weather system is working, we just need to set the current scenes up to make use of the new code and write new content for it, for example, weather forecasts!

Lots of new NPCs added to the game in the background.  These are largely for the sake of making use of the new dialogue box system we've started adding.

We've got a small hangup with the old saves at the moment, odds are it's something relatively minor.  As soon as I have a solution for the old saves issue, I'll be trying to get a new TEST build up for tester level supporters.    My hope is that will happen tomorrow.

Next week will be split between any fixes needed to Inheritance as we approach next week's release, and if all goes well I hope to finish up Last Stand of Ra next week as well.

Now, back to work for me!  Working on a scene right now that I'm hoping to get finished today or tomorrow!


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