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Got a new build for all of you fine people!  This is our Christmas build and includes some themed content for the holiday.  I hope that all of you enjoy the new build, and Merry Christmas!

What's new in A36:
* Wrote and added a new Christmas scene for everyone in the lounge on Christmas Morning.  7am to 11am.  Requires that you have bought gifts for Anna and Eve and the scene takes into account most of the major characters currently in the game.  A special thanks goes out to both asaucedev and Batman from our Discord server for the poetry submissions.  Additionally, both Irish Major Tom and Asura contributed content to this scene for their respective characters.  8.7k words of content.
* Wrote and added a threesome scene with Anna and Misaki that takes place in the master bedroom.  7k words of content Sponsored by Matty.
* Wrote and added two small shower scenes to the Servant's baths (Actually trigger from the common area upstairs.) One for Anna, one for Eve.  Anna's will trigger at high relationship values and Eve's should be available all the time.  .2k words of content between them.
* Wrote and added a small scene for Mully and Mitsuko in the living room.  Takes place only if you own Mully.  .3k words of content.
* Wrote and added a scene for Mully and Misaki that tales place in any of the hallway locations.  .6k words of content
* Wrote and added a new apples scene for Gaia at high relationship values.  1.3k words of content.
* Wrote and added one new entry for Belle's diary.  .5k words of content.
* Wrote and added a new version of the Entry Hall for those who decorate that location for Christmas.  Also includes new imagery.  .3k words of new content.
* Wrote and added a new version of the Dining Hall for those who decorate that location for Christmas.  Also includes new imagery.  .3k words of new content.
* Wrote and added a new version of the Lounge for those who decorate that location for Christmas.  Also includes new imagery.  .3k words of new content.
* Expanded the current descriptive text for the Lounge.  It felt,. . . . lacking, . . . .
* Added a new scene for Yami and Bubbles that can play out in the lounge. 1.1k words of content submitted by Asura.
* Added a new bed time scene for Yami.  3.7k words of content submitted by Asura.
* Added a new bed time scene for Yami.  2.3k words of content submitted by Asura.
* Added a new scene to the pond for Yami and Gaia for once they've built a good relationship. 4.1k words of content submitted by Asura.
* Added several ambient scenes related to Yami and Gaia to the mansion grounds.  7 scenes in total, details follow. 1k words of content submitted by Asura.
* Added two ambient scenes to the forest trail for Yami and Gaia.
* Added five ambient scenes to the back yard for Yami and Gaia.
* Added a host of swimming pool content related to Yami.  22 scenes in total, details to follow.  6k words of content between three core scenes and 2.9k words of content between nineteen insert scenes and their supporting code, all submitted by Asura.
* Added one interactive scene for Yami and Anna to the pool side.
* Added one interactive scene for Yami and Misaki to the pool side.
* Added one ambient scene with Yami and Mitsuko to the pool.
* Added three insert scenes with Yami entering the pool.
* Added three insert scenes with Yami exiting the pool.
* Added five insert scenes for Yami on the poolside.
* Added three swimming insert scenes for Yami.
* Added one insert scene for if both Yami and Anna are on the poolside.
* Added one insert scene for if both Yami and Eve are on the poolside.
* Added two insert scenes for both Yami and Eve in the pool.
* Added two insert scenes for both Yami and Misaki in the pool.
* Added a late night scene to the living room that includes both Yami and Eve.  Requires highish relationship values for Yami.  .6k words of content submitted by Asura.
* Added an alternate scene for Yami and Gaia's first meeting.  Takes place in the back yard.  2k words of content submitted by Asura.
* Added one new image to the ballroom scene where you catch Anna dancing with a mop at high relationship levels.
* Added one new image to the sauna for the threesome scene with Anna and Mitsuko.
* Added three new images to the entry hall to reflect alternate holiday descriptions for that location.
* Added four new images to the dining hall to reflect alternate holiday descriptions for that location.
* Added eight new images to the lounge to reflect alternate holiday descriptions for that location.
* Added seven portraits for the new dialog box system.  We currently have art for Anna, Eve, Mitsuko, Rei, the main character, and both a male and female placeholder that should appear if you encounter a character who we do not yet have art for.
* Added four new images to the lounge to reflect alternate holiday descriptions for that location.
* Some major code work by Anenn1.  They've been busy implementing the dialog boxes the last few weeks.  The dialog function isn't going to be working everywhere, it takes a lot of time to implement something like that to a game this size, but they're making great headway.  They'll be plugging away at some other exciting stuff soon as well.
* Fixed a bit of broken code in one of Yami's bed time scenes.
* Fixed a host of minor issues that were reported.
* Fixed a ton of small spelling/grammar errors along with a host of minor code issues.  Reports came from several sources, but a special thanks goes out to freodhoric for the massive bundle of reports along with details that helped make it easy to find everything.  Everyone who reports something helps to make the game better for everyone, and I appreciate it more than words can say.  But every once in a while someone goes above and beyond, and this is one of those times.
* Added code to handle gender pronouns related to gender swapped characters.
* Updated the Special Thanks area 12/04/19.  If you think you belong on this list but your name isn't there, please let me know so I can get it fixed.    

Be sure to join us on Discord!  


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